BRICS creating parallel Monetary Fund disillusioned with
IMF and World Bank – expert
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This will be a major game changer and before it comes to pass we will likely see the announcements of a Gold backed Ruble and Yuan.
It is hard to imagine that the BRICS do not have a schedule which the US is relating and reacting to with stirring up trouble. The difference is the BRICS have the hard assets to backup their play. And the world is sick of Hegemony and Agency malpractice.
The greatest real victims soon will be the American people, if it all collapses. Be very afraid.
VKD. NOTE! THE INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION which was used in this Counterfeiting of Gold Collateral Instruments at the “WORLD COLLATERAL HOUSE CORPORATION” i.e., The World Bank.
History on the INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. This U.S. Corporation can be found in DEPARTMENT OF STATE “Treaties international agreements other than treaties (TIAS) 12087″ documents, Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. This INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION became the “laundering arm” for the Contras pursuant to BANK RECONSTRUCTION ACT NUMBER TWO for the INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (also pirated by the Counterfeiters) in a MULTILATERAL AGREEMENT done at Washington November 19, 1984; Entered into force March 23, 1986. The initial authorized capital stock of the Corporation “US$200,000,000. (GOLD).” “The authorized capital stock shall be (was) divided into twenty thousand (20,000) shares having a par value of ten thousand dollars of United States of America (US$10,000) each. Any shares not initially subscribed by the funding members in accordance with Section 3(a) (of this Article) shall be available for subsequent subscription accordance with Section 3(d) hereof.” 24 Latin American Countries subscribed to TIAS 12087 as did the United States of America holding 5,100 Capital Shares. Austria holding 100 Capital Shares.
France holding 626 Capital Shares. Germany, Fed. Republic of holding 626 Capital Shares. Israel holding 50 Capital Shares. Italy holding 626 Capital Shares. Japan holding 626 Capital Shares. Netherlands holding 626 Capital Shares. Switzerland holding 310 Capital Shares. All funded by the U.S. Congress with U.S. Tax Payer Dollars. Each agreeing party “Subject only to their own Jurisdiction of Articles of Incorporation by Arbitration of the Capital Share Holders.” They were subject to NO LAW other than the Law of this PRIVATE “INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION” which was pirated by the Global Alliance Investment Association Corporation, incorporated in the State of Nevada currently operating out of the Philippines issuing “Counterfeit Gold Instruments Globally.”
This Global Alliance Investment Association, Inter-American Development Corporation, Inter-American Development Bank “pirating” is hidden further in a Trust also owned by these individuals, further represented by a man reported in yesterday’s taped conversation being a Doctor Horn. The one and the same Dr. Horn who, along with Brady and etals, Authenticated and used the Bonus 3392-181 in 1990-91.
Open and Notorious PUBLIC PRINT “Blackmailing” of former U.S. Federal Government Officials in Offices of Public Trust has been ongoing since the Counterfeiting Ring commenced operations in 1997-98 which allowed the “pirating” of U.S. Federal Government Corporations and “use thereof” since U.S. Sec. of the Treasury Rubin “conveniently forgot to re-incorporate the former U.S. Federal Government Corporations” which further involved MARK RICH (per taped conversation), which further involved ORGANIZED CRIME. Mark Rich, was “pardoned by ex president Clinton?”
These former and present individuals involved in the Counterfeiting, Blackmailing former U.S. Federal Government Officials of former Offices of Public Trust, have conspired to misuse U.S. Corporations. The misuse is the Predatory Banking and Predatory Corporate practices as cited in PRAVDA
article posted by “ESCLARMONDE” September 8, 2003.
Again, the question is asked. “Was the suicide of former World Bank Executive, George Klien brought about by these “Hundreds of Trillions of Dollars in Counterfeit Gold Instruments” suddenly hitting the World Bank?”
Inter-American Investment Corporation/World Collateral House Corporation
September 9, 1997
E.J. Ekker
Rick Martin
Doris Ekker
Charles Neal
FURTHER NOTE: These individuals did not own that which they hoodwinked the World Bank/IMF into believing they owned.. Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust, Tias 12087 holds those Prime Bank Instruments
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1 comment:
I think what they are waiting for the GCR and RV to push through is the implementation of these documents.
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