America's lawyers are dancing around the disclosure that our
Constitution has been vitiated. See my comment 81 in
May 9, 2014 7:50 AM CDT
Comment No. 81. Reference to comments 66, 78, 79, 80 B. McLeod and Generation Lex seem to have missed that the legal profession in other countries is observing how America’s lawyers acquit themselves in this discussion about the Constitutional crisis in the United States. Perhaps others can address South Carolina’s study group and Mr. Jerry McNeil’s “random rambling” more competently.
Comment No. 81. Reference to comments 66, 78, 79, 80 B. McLeod and Generation Lex seem to have missed that the legal profession in other countries is observing how America’s lawyers acquit themselves in this discussion about the Constitutional crisis in the United States. Perhaps others can address South Carolina’s study group and Mr. Jerry McNeil’s “random rambling” more competently.
Karen Hudes
Forwarded message ----------
From: Karen Hudes <>
Date: Tue, May 6, 2014 at 1:18 PM
Subject: Fwd: Hi there.
From: Karen Hudes <>
Date: Tue, May 6, 2014 at 1:18 PM
Subject: Fwd: Hi there.
Dear Ben,
Thanks for taking my call. I would appreciate knowing
whether the US Congress is going to call an Article V Constitutional
Convention at this time.
---------- Forwarded message
From: Karen Hudes <>
From: Karen Hudes <>
Date: Mon, May 5, 2014 at 7:13 PM
Subject: Fwd: Hi there.
Subject: Fwd: Hi there.
To: John De Herrera <>,
dan marks <>
Let me check with Senators Cruz and Paul first.
---------- Forwarded
message ----------
From: Karen Hudes <>
From: Karen Hudes <>
Date: Mon, May 5, 2014 at 7:04 PM
Subject: Fwd: Hi there.
Subject: Fwd: Hi there.
To: John De Herrera <>
Cc: dan marks <>
Cc: dan marks <>
dan marks <>
Dear John,
Thanks, I have been thinking about how
to get things rolling with the Constitutional Convention. I will follow
up with the staff of Senators Paul and Cruz tomorrow to gather their
backing for the Convention as provided in Article V of the Constitution.
If there is no response, I will work with the state legislatures to hold
a Convention without the intervention of Congress for the sole purpose of
reinstating the first, valid Constitution.
PM (2 hours ago)
Please post something
about the Article V Convention today? Just a note to folks that simply keeping
the possibility in mind affects how things unfold.
Besides, I bet all your fans would like to see an alternate message from you.
Besides, I bet all your fans would like to see an alternate message from you.
---------- Forwarded
message ----------
From: Karen Hudes <>
From: Karen Hudes <>
Date: Mon, May 5, 2014 at 12:30 PM
Subject: Fwd: Hi there.
Subject: Fwd: Hi there.
Dear Gaylon,
Thanks for your email, and for your reference
work, "Who's Who of the Elite V9 Members of the: Bilderbergs, Council on
Foreign Relations, Skull & Bones Society & Trilateral Commission",
which is a permanent fixture on my desk. The links to the UK Parliament
website in the attached should work.
---------- Forwarded
message ----------
From: karen hudes <>
Date: Mon, May 5, 2014 at 11:17 AM
Subject: Your April 27th letter
To: karen hudes <>
From: Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr. <>
Subject: Your April 27th letter
Message Body:
Thanks so much for your letter. I printed the Bretton Woods reference, but was not able to open the UK Parliament reference. I'll read the one that I found tonight.
I'm convinced that we can indeed stop the Elite, and Senator Ted Cruz is probably the only one that can accomplish this (except possibly Senator RAnd Paul).
If I didn't believe that we can stop them, I would not waste so much of my time.
Good luck in your efforts.
Best regards,
From: karen hudes <>
Date: Mon, May 5, 2014 at 11:17 AM
Subject: Your April 27th letter
To: karen hudes <>
From: Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr. <>
Subject: Your April 27th letter
Message Body:
Thanks so much for your letter. I printed the Bretton Woods reference, but was not able to open the UK Parliament reference. I'll read the one that I found tonight.
I'm convinced that we can indeed stop the Elite, and Senator Ted Cruz is probably the only one that can accomplish this (except possibly Senator RAnd Paul).
If I didn't believe that we can stop them, I would not waste so much of my time.
Good luck in your efforts.
Best regards,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Karen Hudes <>
Date: Mon, May 5, 2014 at 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: Hi there.
To: Paul Berry <>
From: Karen Hudes <>
Date: Mon, May 5, 2014 at 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: Hi there.
To: Paul Berry <>
Dear Paul Berry,
Thank you for considering me as a guest on the
Home & Family Finance program. I am hoping to increase your
audience's financial literacy by gently informing them about the important
issues confronting the United States and the rest of the world. My
message is one of hope and optimism, as decent people, including the state
legislatures and county executives in these United States, working together
with the UK Parliament and other governments all over the world, are requiring
a banking cartel to follow the law and permit the world's gold to come out of
hiding and be minted into all the currencies of the world khudes/breakthrough.pdf. I have been posting my communications with these
legislatures to 5,300 friends and followers my facebook page, as well as my
9000 followers on Twitter @karenhudes and Veterans Today.
I am known as the World Bank Whistleblower;
together with other whistleblowers, I am fighting global corruption, known as
the "network of global corporate control", and identified by 3
mathematicians at the Federal Institute of Technology in this study: cache/arxiv/pdf/1107/1107. 5728v2.pdf
The best article about my efforts is: 2013/05/08/governance-issues- at-the-world-bank-a-security- risk-to-the-world-order/
This model http:// 02/18/sdrs-and-the-new- bretton-woods-part-six/ comment-page-1/#comment-584 has been predicting with 90-95% likelihood that the
"network of global corporate control" would be subject to the rule of
law after Elaine Colville, another World Bank whistleblower, and I reported
corruption to the UK Parliament [our latest comments
were published by UK Parliament House of Commons Public Administration
Select Committee on page 186 of the report on Complaints: Do They Make a
Difference? "Today's dire circumstances call for immediate and forceful
intervention in the hope that time still remains." and Elaine
Colville's complaint on page 178 "It devolves on Parliament to sort out
this egregious state of affairs."
bio is here: about-us/ and here: http://www.scenarionews. org/interview-karen-hudes
is a recent article I wrote, giving an update: http:// 03/09/sting-operation-in- bretton-woods-institutions/ [ it takes awhile to
upload, but don't give up]
On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 10:52 AM, Paul
Berry <> wrote:
Hi Karen &
Thanks to
both of you for the interest in the Home & Family Finance program. I
invite you both to go to my website at and
click on the HFF page. There you will find the podcast link to many of
our past shows. We are now in our 8th year of providing what we call the
“kitchen table” issues when it comes to financial literacy.
Our aim is to educate
people in an entertaining way about the things they should have learned in
school and now as consumers, often don’t understand the daily financial
issues they confront. So, our topics are about everything financial.
We live/tape two shows
usually every other Wednesday between the hours of 10:30 a.m & 12:30 p.m.
The two shows syndicate the following two Sundays on the Radio America
Network. We stream “live” at 3:00 p.m. (EDT)nationwide and worldwide and
at least sixty (60) nationwide terrestrial stations carry the program at
various times (repeats) throughout the week. We are also carried on the
American Forces Radio Network (AFN).
A conservative audience
estimate is 75,000 impressions per week or 300,000 impressions per month.
This assumes that the sponsor is being represented in the hour long program and
being tagged in one airing of the Money Minute Features each week. Radio
America provides 5 total airings of the features each week in our daily
We determine which sponsors to tag in the features and we can create several versions of the same feature, each with a different sponsor tag, enabling us to represent each of your sponsors. We can use the existing Money Minute Features or we can start recording new ones each week. This info is regarding the terrestrial radio broadcast and does not include AFN.
AFN RADIO serves more than a million American service men and women, Department of Defense civilians and their families stationed at bases and American Embassies and Consulates in more than 177 countries and 200 U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Navy's Military Sealift Command ships at sea.
As owner/producer, I am always searching for sponsorship and content. As one of the only programs of its kind, we have a long line of folks who want to do segments on the show. My daily e-mail list is about two-hundred a day, and of that number probably twenty-five are good topics with good potential guests.
Michele says you might
be willing to join me on a show and gave me a brief oral history. If you
are interested in the program, please send along a bio, any issue or topic of
interest and your contact information. We can discuss and decide on a
Wednesday date convenient for you and an appropriate topic. That briefly
covers content.
If you have interest in
supporting the program through sponsorship or underwriting, we can certainly go
there unrelated to our content discussions. Simply put, any friend of
Michele is a friend of mine and I thank her for the introduction, and you for
any interest.
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