This can be applied in anything we do in life.
It can be applied to politicians and many others. It can fit a broad range of
understand the human psyche and just how much the people doing this to you,
actually know this and do it on purpose. The carrot on a stick game!
I am going to use an example of a list of all
the dates given by one particular supposed “Intel Source/Provider”. Just don’t
stick your finger in a light socket!
First I am going to explain the entire reason
behind giving dates and why most say they don’t pay attention to them, but
don’t even realize this is the very thing they are sub-consciously taking in
and want to KNOW. Everyone wants to know “WHEN” so bare that in mind as it's
the driving force behind keeping you hooked.
People enjoy playing many tricks on the minds of the many. Some
are doing on purpose for self gain and some are doing this not even knowing
they are doing this. They are trapped in the programmed thinking that has been
instilled upon them. Most of them know what they are doing and do it purposely
to keep you hooked or profit from it.
Sub-consciously deep within when one is waiting on something as
BIG as the GCR, it is only normal to want to know WHEN it will happen. This in
effect will keep one glued to the Intel that provides you with that which eases
the waiting. Even though many make claims of knowing not to listen to the
dates, sub-consciously it is the one thing that is most looked at no matter
what else is said. It is almost like playing a mind trip on yourself. By seeing
the date and then saying well I hope it happens letting it go most are then
sub-consciously waiting for that date hoping it’s the one. Sure it sounds great
but this is very unhealthy physically and mentally for the masses. Yet people
are still stuck on having to read all the junk material that is offered with
dates provided.
It’s the same thing with rates as well. You want to know how much
it’s going to be in hopes it will be better than street rate. Thus keeping one
stuck on having to know everything involved with it. Think of the things said
other then the date or rate in any pieces offered by those claiming to be in
the KNOW. Can you pick and pull anything that is actually helping you now or
will if it happens? Such as the funds have been received for the projects but
not yet released. How is knowing these things doing anything constructive or
helping your situation NOW or later? It is really doing nothing but supporting
all that want to know within us. There we are paying more attention to the date
and then kidding ourselves by saying we are not. Then the cycle starts up again
and repeats itself over and over.
I had to laugh because in one group one of these, string you along
with the carrot people, actually tried to make the claim that because of them
and their group I was going to benefit from this. The reason they made this
claim is because I am in the Farm/Bank Claims. I did not know this until after
learning about NESARA. Here is the thing though, would me knowing about NESRAR
or that I was in the Farm/Bank Claims at all, have stopped me from benefiting
from it? Not at all because if it happens someone would show up at my door no
matter what I knew or did not know. That is the thing, it's nice to know but at
the same time it did not at all change my current situation or help me knowing
it. Sometimes statements that make no sense at all just make me chuckle. So yes
get the benefit of learning about an RV and if you feel inclined get yourself
some currency, place it in a safe place and go on about your life, otherwise
you will end up like many of us who sat and waiting over and over for the day
it happened. If it happens, it will happen when it happens!
What’s that old saying, “If you tell a lie long enough you start
to believe it?” That can actually be applied to the psyche of all this as well.
It is not to say the GCR is a lie at all either, just that it will happen when
and if it happens. NO ONE KNOWS WHEN yet the date and rate providers are still
profiting off all your donations in the name of doing something good for you.
So why attack anyone who is saying, “Let’s get up and take action!” It is very
easy to see why an attack on anyone who threatens the very control of the flock
system, be that online or in the real world, would be attacked. The flock will
also save face by going on the attack as well. It threatens the establishment.
Morpheus: I'm trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show
you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it.
Morpheus: You have to understand, most of these people are not
ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent
on the system that they will fight to protect it.
So in the end we’re just falling into another
trap of the system. If one looks hard enough at it and their own experience
with it, one can see it. It doesn’t mean I think what we all hope will happen
will not. It just means that watching and waiting is not helping anyone
including ourselves.
Here is the list I promised! These are all dates from ZAP. When
you read the dates alone, what does that tell you? Considering most of the
other information SOUNDS good this is what everyone is REALLY focusing on even
if we say we are not and understand we don’t pay attention to dates. Remember
everyone is only holding onto the Intel to begin with because you want to know
“WHEN” is going to happen. Hence the reason to purposely throw in the dates and
then turn around and say things like, “Don’t listen to the dates” or all the
excuses that never end about why their date given, has not happened. In many of
the supposed, “Intel Providers/Sources” stuff there is a trend of repeating
excuses and information. If you go back in time and read it like one long and
start with the first one then end with the most recent you will begin to see
this much more clearly.
These are the dates given just by one of the
many “Intel providers” and you can do this with all the Intel by doing a little
bit of work and or keeping a list to keep track of all the dates given yourself
to start to see the patterns.
ZAP INTEL REPORTS: ( Thank you “Reality Check” for the list
& time you spent compiling all the dates)
June 9, 2013 - RV/Global Reset "this week
and the next"
June 23, 2013 - RV "within the next several
July 7, 2013 - "All is in place for this coming week"
July 14, 2013 - "...a month or two when the fundings will go
July 21, 2013 - "... it will happen now whether next week, or
in 2 months, either one"
August 4, 2013 - Global reset and RV "tomorrow"
August 11, 2013 - September will see first funds and RV
August 25, 2013 - "this is it, no more dress rehearsal",
RV + Global Reset good to go
September 1, 2013 - "This is the week that it all changes,
and humanity will breathe", "September 3 and 4”
September 8, 2013 - "It has indeed started" -
announcements this week "on Wednesday"
September 22, 2013 – “The show is underway”
September 29, 2013 - Redemptions have begun, stage is set for RV
October 21, 2013 - RV "so close, it is almost palpable"
October 28, 2013 - Dinar is active, people are cashing out
November 4, 2013 - "November 11 is a significant date"
November 11, 2013 - "Expect the RV announcement today"
November 18, 2013 - Funding and projects begin "this coming
November 26, 2013 - Funding has begun, RV on Thanksgiving, final
sequence begins this week, Global reset exact timing in "the first week of
December 3, 2013 - Global Reset and RV "is upon us"
December 11, 2013 - "It has all, indeed, started"
December 17, 2013 - The RV is done, 2 weeks before public
exchange, Global Reset "next year (early)"
December 24, 2013 - "New Republic of the United States of
America has been signed off.. yesterday December 23, 2013"
December 31, 2013 - "All of it is about to fruit in 2014, and
very early in January"
January 8, 2014 - RV to be announced "either this week or
next", redemption funds "January 13"
January 14, 2014 - RV + F&P + PP to be announced before Jan
January 21, 2014 - "All is in ready state" for RV, fund
releases and historic bond payounds, "ongoing now and really heating up
this week"
January 30, 2014 - "RV is still imminent", "February
2 is of extreme importance to the whole swing, and that is the date when
everything changes."
February 9, 2014 - "It has all begun", " the dinar
... should be formally announced anytime this coming week". "The
groundwork for the Global Reset is well in place."
February 17, 2014 - "The funds have materialzed now",
"many initial transfers are already booked for Monday", "the
Global Reset will happen... this month", "the RV may happen
overnight... I can certainly believe this week is the RV announcement
Februrary 24, 2014 - "The funds start out Monday... this week
everything moves forward", "New US Treasury note will be coming out
March", "Release of the global funds has occured.. last
week... organisations will be distributing these funds of Monday."
March 5, 2014 – “We can look forward to the end of the long wait
this month” “… everything, and I mean everything, will take place after the
15th of March. This year.”
March 9, 2014 - "Wire transfers for the bonds have
started" "Iraq private bond sale has been completed"
"...all global exchanges are on high alert and positioned today."
“Global RV passed” on Thursday.
March 17, 2014 – “Today marks the first day that the announcements
can be made”... “Massive funds moved over the weekend... this event signals the
ability to announce the global reset" and “the release of funds for the
historical assets including the bonds”.... “The next few days will be
phenomenal”... “This week is the week everybody has been working for.”
March 23, 2014 – "Monday March 24, all funds are released for
the purpose of the historic bond payments, the RV of the currencies, the reset,
the PPP, etc. No restriction and the money will come out and the divine plan
will get effected.” USA signed new USD agreement yesterday March 22 at 11:30,
formal announcement for TRN expected this coming week. April target date for
prosperity programs. Reset already happened March 17, now in deployment phase.
March 31, 2014 – TRN was effected on March 28. The funds that were
released globally are now live… the TRN is on the screens. Fed dollar being
exchanged in Europe first, US begins the exchange this coming week. All
financial events are confirmed for next week inclusive of the RV, the formal
global announcement of the TRN and the global currency reset. Global reset
already occurred, but is being kept quiet until the formal announcement
scheduled for Sunday April 6, 2014.
April 7, 2014 – “US Treasury is fully functioning under the new
dollar, the TRN. We are smack in the middle of the reset. It is a matter of
short days only.”
April 13, 2014 –“The RV is here. The reset is here. We won. …with
the 15th here, the usability of these funds is effected, and the Reset will
change the world. The TRN is fully functional in the system, and we will see
this news shortly. So this week it is short and very sweet. And to all the nay
sayers: NYA NYA NA NYA NAH.”
April 22, 2014 - "The RV… came Monday. The reset is here. RV
and Global Reset will be announced this month, and a tentative date of April 22
has been marked for the public announcement. Today/tomorrow is the beginning.
Today/tomorrow, the releases begin and humanity changes. So far all information
I have been privileged to has been accurate. No hooks here to spit"
April 27, 2014 - "All the events spoken of in my writngs has
occurred, and a few more items will be done before everything is released to
the public. The May 15 Timeline for public RV accouncements stands out. The RV
and money movement is a given fact right now. Soon, all of this will be public.
The RV was already signed into existence on April 22. I speak not to drivel and
false hopes. The info and various other intel I receive is accurate."
May 4, 2014 - The RV is done, but the funds for the payments are
not yet released. The crooked politicians... only have a few days left to
steal. The RV was signed into existence on April 22. The public is to be
announced May 15. What disinformation and deception? Name one instance... I
dare you. I get correct information on a consistent basis which checks out in
the high places.
If you go through this you can see all the key words that make it
so when a date comes and goes everyone defends the very act of giving a date.
Such as all the supposed delays which are usually a handful of excuses, that
repeat themselves over and over. Yet everyone gets upset and wants the truth
and is sick of waiting. Everyone wants to know when. I know because I’ve been
there myself. From experience is when someone can see through the fog after
waking up from the new bed they were places in to take a very nice long nap.
The cabal knows exactly what they are doing.
Rest assured they would take advantage of this situation in any way they can.
NO ONE KNOWS WHEN so what’s with all the dates? I mean with the story of Alan
Greenspan being killed because he was going to announce NESARA, does anything
really think a date for announcements or anything would actually be given to
put anyone else in danger? It's much like peeling back the layers of an onion
on their many traps to keep you under control.
IF there is Galactic’s and White Knights helping they are
definitely not going to do all the work, as it is all of us who messed it up by
helping to perpetuate it. Sitting back idle is just the same as perpetuating a
system. Just because we see the deception does not mean we are fighting it.
They have built it so good to benefit only them that it’s time we, took actions
and stopped waiting. This doesn’t mean a revolution or anything violent at all.
There are many ways of taking action and coming together that involve no
violence. Our fear is one thing we will need to overcome in order to do this as
well. They definitely would not give the opposition any information on dates as
it would never happen at all then. It’s time we let it go and fix it up.
Our critical thinking caps are greatly needed!
So yes please do keep on attacking someone who is trying to
encourage people to be doing things for themselves and others by taking actual
actions in life. Of course this is the one thing the cabal fear the most is,
MIRACLE – Above and Beyond
Listen here:
Don’t they know that there’s something going on?
What they’re harming with their indecision
But who will be left standing when I’m gone?
There’ll be nothing left but a vision
What they’re harming with their indecision
But who will be left standing when I’m gone?
There’ll be nothing left but a vision
It’s too easy to turn a blind eye to the light
It’s too easy to bow your head and pray
There are some times when you should try to find your voice
This is one voice that you must find today
It’s too easy to bow your head and pray
There are some times when you should try to find your voice
This is one voice that you must find today
Are you hoping for a miracle, as the ice caps
melt away?
No use hoping for a miracle
There’s a price we’ll have to pay
No use hoping for a miracle
There’s a price we’ll have to pay
It’s too easy to turn a blind eye to the light
It’s too easy to bow your head and pray
There are some times when you should try to find your voice
This is one voice that you must find today
It’s too easy to bow your head and pray
There are some times when you should try to find your voice
This is one voice that you must find today
Are you hoping for a miracle, as the ice caps
melt away?
No use hoping for a miracle
No use hoping for a miracle
Are you hoping for a miracle, as the ice caps
melt away?
No use hoping for a miracle
There’s a price we’ll have to pay
No use hoping for a miracle
There’s a price we’ll have to pay
So if you do choose to listen to things and follow things choose
those who are not encouraging you to sit idle and do nothing but wait. Choose those
who are not giving you dates and stroking that feel good “hopium” by stringing
you along. Choose those who are speaking with transparency. There are not many,
but there are some out there!
So off I go to get involved in my own community!
we hope and wait for a miracle, all those that live upon her, including her
suffer while we sit and wait for someone else to fix it!"
Berlin or AKA: Janice Marie Rollins
Berlin or AKA: Janice Marie Rollins
This can be applied in anything we do in
life. It can be applied to politicians and many others. It can fit a broad
range of understand the human psyche and ju...
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EXACTLY!! THANK YOU for this. TRUTH. Tony has been saying we're in "the best position ever" for TWO YEARs now. Jester: "it's a PROCESS, lots of moving pieces" for years now also. Mtn Goat awhile ago heatedly reporting that many lawyers are closely monitoring. This last Mtn Goat is ROFL. frankly, I find nothing at all funny about this ... DECEPTION, CORRUPTION & CRIMINALITY @ its' worst from ALL PTW & Politicians involved in this, DESPICABLE. Too bad the US Judicial system is part & parcel w/ the deception & corruption. As if anyone can BELIEVE ANYTHING a US Gov't employee/politician says anymore. It's all spin.
I think what they are waiting for the GCR and RV to push through is the implementation of these documents.
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