Mr. Putin… by Brett Redmayne-Titley . . . PressTV
May 9, 2014 by
President Vladimir Putin
Fri May 9, 2014 5:39AM GMT
By Brett
Related Interviews:
“A point comes
when caution ends and cowardice begins.”-Eldridge Cleaver.
Dear Mr. Putin,
As the fascist flag of Kiev slithered upwards beyond the flames of
the House of Trade Unions building, the visible horror of the Odessa massacre
ricocheted across the globe, and the stench of burning human flesh hung fresh
in the sour air. Modern-day Nazi atrocity, murder, and barbarism have returned
to your borders, Mr. Putin, in colorized newsreel fashion.
You merely watch?
Your Russian Foreign Ministry last week issued a “White Book,” a
documented government report detailing the atrocities of the unabashedly
fascist regime in Kiev. The White Book reveals what is already known to us;
that the American-backed junta loves and craves the taste of blood.
The only acceptable substitute is treasure.
This was before Odessa. This non-fiction horror story will be
repeated soon in East and South Ukraine. This is the terrifying sequel to the
History of the Third Reich. Mr. Putin, new chapters are about to follow. Soon.
On your own TV screen, you see the same ashen faces, staring
dumbfounded. Bats smashing skulls. Chains maiming the injured. Guns shooting
the defenseless. The wide hollow eyes of horror watching the exploding petrol
bombs, the smoke and the flames of American empire stripping the flesh from
those screaming in pain. Screaming in outrage. Screaming to be rescued.
These hollow eyes, Mr. Putin, now look in only one direction.
Nuances be damned. Today, one man’s “freedom” is that same man’s
brutal oppression. Now, faced with the complete inhumanity that is Odessa,
“invasion” is now the civilized man’s, the moral man’s, and the Ukrainian
man’s, rescue!
Mr. Putin, you know that Ukraine must be rescued. The American
dogs of war are on your doorstep and on ours. Why are you suddenly showing
weakness? Yes, the media will exponentially use the word “invasion.” Do not
succumb to this lie. Rest assured that to us, the correct, most accurate single
word is truly “rescue.”
You, Mr. Putin, are the only world leader with the military
assets, the close proximity, the will of your own people, and the avowed moral
obligation to save Ukraine. The empire intends to leave another once-peaceful
nation in the shambles of civil war. You saved Syria. Save Ukraine.
You must act.
It is time.
Who are we to so bullishly remind you of your obvious impending
peril? Who are we to slap you to consciousness of the carnage you seem to
We know many secrets, Mr. Putin. We will share these with you.
These are desperate times, Mr. Putin. What we have seen, you must hear. We also
know what it sounds like to scream. Hear us now!
Who are we?
I am Afghan. The American menace is finally gone. Freedom and
democracy leave only misery in their wake. We have nothing, but we now have
I am Iraqi. Chaos. Fear. Terror. Civil war. Dozens are blown to
bits daily. I see the hollow eyes everywhere. Well we know the American legacy
of freedom. The fire. The smoke.
I am Sudanese. I am very hungry. I will die soon for I am
expendable. The American black dogs of war have no food for the likes of humans
like me. All I have to offer is my soul, but that has no value.
I am from Myanmar. American greed has no limit. In the first three
years of our new “Democracy,” American empire has already destroyed our hopes.
It lays waste to our lands and slaughters our people. The stench of empire is
in the wind.
I am Venezuelan. The empire will stop at nothing to steal our oil
and land. Human carnage has started. The evils of American “freedom” foment
civil war. We have already heard the bombs. Seen the flames.
I am Libyan. The worst days of Qaddafi were better. The remaining
semblance of our nation is in the tatters of civil war. Now the empire can
plunder our oil, while we kill each other. The unholy flag of empire is never
at half-mast.
I am Egyptian. Our Arab spring turned it into Arab tyranny,
torture and execution. Dissent is now a death sentence. The American-backed,
-educated, and -financed coup destroyed our fledgling democracy. The fire and
smoke of civil war will be upon us soon.
I am Palestinian. Why is our freedom impossible? We have been left
with so little. We suffer more everyday. The Israelis steal ever more at will.
For only one reason, America.
I am English. Like my European brothers, the American banking
system has ruined our economy. The carnage of endemic greed in society worsens
as the empire grows, stealing ever more via austerity. We have no more to give.
I fear we will soon see the petrol bombs fly.
I am Greek. And I am Cypriot. The men are leaving. In coffins. By
their own hand. Austerity turned to despair. Such are the sorrows of empire. Is
it now time for the fire and the smoke?
And I am American, Mr. Putin. I will tell you the biggest secret
of all.
Americans see the fire and smoke in Odessa and we know that our
government is lying. We know the truth about our government; it is not a
government of all. It is a vampire called empire. It has an insatiable thirst.
We Americans are already being ravaged by the fire and the smoke of our empire.
Police kill us daily. To resist is to die.
Mr. Putin, have you missed the metaphor that is your Odessa? Those
swirling, all-consuming flames are the American empire and the burning House of
Trade Unions is your Russia. That is you, Mr. Putin, who is standing on the
ledge outside those smoke-engulfed, burning windows three stories up.
The flames swirl, cascading through the smoke-engulfed windows,
while the rabid inhuman pack of American-backed thugs waits with chains and
bats to kill any survivors. With every blow, with every hammer strike of chain,
terror personified expunges the last breath of the intolerable notion of
personal freedom.
But, these jackals have other meat on their minds. Bigger game to
That inhuman crowd far below you, Mr. Putin, wants your blood.
While these beasts of empire extinguish the life of their Odessa victims, it is
you they look for in the faces of their dying victims. You.
The forty six or more victims of the empire-massacred in Odessa
screamed for rescue. The citizens of eastern and southern Ukraine cry out for
rescue. Humanity howls in outrage. We look to you.
Mr. Putin. Sit. Absorb the flaming images of empire. A world
typified by Odessa. That is fire and it is dangerously close to your border.
That is real smoke. Not since the Nazi ovens were closed has that putrid smell
caused the human condition to retch involuntarily. Those sacks dropping to the
concrete. Real people, flesh and blood, jumping from those ledges. Yes, and
those are actually Nazis, killing yet again. Killing with impunity. Killing
with uncontrolled rage. Killing for sport.
It is time to
rescue Ukraine. It is time to rescue Russia. It is time to rescue us. Who are
we, Mr. Putin, to impudently assail you with these most important truths?
We are the last available spoils of empire. We are the future and
we are history. We are the quest for happiness, and the proponents of peace and
dreams. We are the voice of reason and of right versus so much wrong. We wear
the white hat while the empire’s evil minions wear black.
We now must be your conscience, Mr. Putin. For your own good, the
good of Ukraine, Russia, and countries East to West.
We tell you Mr. Putin, it is time. We tell you that you must act.
You, and we, are next.
Mr. Putin. We are the world.
We beg you.
It is time.

Here is the bottom line , here is where the beast lays , in safety , surrounded by a mass of educated morons , who can't be awakened for anything , selfishly brain dead...........I speak of the of the slave citizens of the U.S.A. corporation..........protecting in their combined stupor , the Mass Murderers of the entire Earth , I speak of the the Washington D.C. corporation , the entire mass of D.C. psychopaths , all of which need to be put in chains and led to the asylum , untill all the proper charges have been filed , this is what NDAA was meant for...........................
who wrote this post to piss off putin: hilter style idiot with grand promises that has never happen on this earth, only words used by the tyrants as candy promises while we suffer.
The above article is propaganda and written to further the agenda of the take down of America. Notice the continual use of the word America and freedom? Blaming America's freedom and capitalism for the autrocities committed around the world by the banking cartel control of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION?
There needs to be a distinction made between America (the people) and the defacto government called the UNITED STATES INC.
Capitalism is not the destroyer, neither is freedom... but as the communist always do is point the finger at something/one else and blame them for what they are the ones doing it. There is an agenda and it is well down the road to completion. America and it's freedom is not the destroyer, but America has not been free for a very long time, it is an illusion of freedom while the fence is slowly closing us all in ...actually it isn't even doing it slow anymore...and it blatant in our face ... and propaganda such as this article is helping to continue to sway the world's opinion of America... one more time... it is NOT America that is killing people, we too, are being killed by the same weapon called the UNITED STATES CORPORATION that is owned by the elite globalists.
John, I noticed that you've not been posting comments anymore but I hope you allow this or post this comment on your page because this very important distinction needs to emphasized to the people of the world. Thank you.
He may have lived in Queensland. And he may have lived in the Bahamas but I know for a fact he never lived in Ghana. If you insist on truth in journalism, the journalist should be just as truthful
I am all for some good old fashioned anti-American Propaganda. But, this article is just plain poorly written. Is English the author's 3rd language? The tone and phrasing is all wrong. This is an embarrassment to propaganda writers everywhere. I will have to report the author to POOP (People's Office of Objective Propaganda). Guidelines need to be followed when writing a POOPy article.
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