Wednesday, May 21, 2014


SITREP (Situational Report)

Deep Source #1:
"According to CIA sources, Obama's team of thugs are rapidly reaching the maximum panic mode. Complete destabilization is on-going within the White House, the puppet himself has no clue, but he senses big time problems looming near."

Deep Source #2:

"Not yet solid or confirmed, but was told that supposedly the deadline for the release of
funds in Reno is Thursday, May 22nd, and therefore  arrests should start tonight and tomorrow. This might be why the criminals in the White House are in an extreme panic at this time."
Posted by FORO DINAR GURUS at 5:37 PM No comments:


Anonymous said...

I don't see any criminals in the White House that are in extreme panic. They're moving along as usual while lies like these about the release of funds continues never to happen.

Anonymous said...

The White House will undergo a massive clean-up. All is happening behind the scenes, including the release of the funds, period.

Anonymous said...

I agree with comment # 1 .

Anonymous said...

Because you dont see criminals in the White House that are in extreme panic does not mean that is not happening. How do you know they are moving along as usual, you have no idea.Do you live in the White House?

Anonymous said...

When I see the chemtrails disappear, then I'll believe something good has happened.

Awake and MAD said...

How would YOU have any information to back up this opinion???

Unknown said...

True that :)

Anonymous said...

Even if Obama is not panicking...Do we all feel something is happening or should be happening soon?