Monday, May 12, 2014

Frightening new dangers of antibiotics

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Frightening new dangers of antibiotics
Hi John
There’s an old saying that has an undeniable ring of truth to it:
Too much of a good thing is no good.
For example, water is very good for you.  But if you drink an inordinate amount of it with meals, you can dilute your digestive enzymes and hamper your digestion, leading to gas, bloating, pain and diarrhea.
In addition, supplements can be very helpful for a variety of health concerns.  But if you go way overboard and, for example, take massive amounts of calcium, you can run the risk of it crystalizing around your joints and causing arthritis-like pain, or even developing a kidney stone. 
Plus I think you’ll agree vegetables are a very healthy food to eat.  However, if you eat nothing BUT vegetables and exclude other important sources of nutrients like proteins, fruits and healthy fats, you can risk developing deficiencies which can lead to a whole slew of health problems!
Arguably nowhere has the “too much of a good thing” wisdom rung more true than in the area of antibiotics.
Because our society’s ever-increasing reliance on these drugs has jumped up and bit us in the derriere.
Here’s how:
The antibiotic craze—too much of a good thing
Antibiotics were discovered when Sir Alexander Fleming observed in 1928 that the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus could be destroyed by the mold Penicillium notatum.
They became a part of mainstream medicine in the early 1950’s, and truly seemed to be the “wonder drug,” fighting infections and causing few or no side effects.
But then somewhere along the way we started to become careless with them.
People began requesting them more often and the medical community began prescribing them in increasing numbers--even when the particular illness in question was actually VIRAL and not an infection.
At that time, the common thinking among patients and doctors was that, if the illness WAS an infection, giving the antibiotics would be a good "head start" on treatment...and if not, no problem.  They won't do any harm.
Well, as we would later find out, that’s not true. 
Far from it.
In addition, antibiotics also began to be prescribed on a preventative basis to help prevent and control conditions like ear infections, sinus infections and even acne. 
That further worsened the problem, as we would soon see.
Note that the antibiotic craze extends far beyond our doctors’ offices…because now they’re showing up in our food supply—specifically in meat and milk from antibiotic-treated cows.
As a matter of fact, agriculture accounts for about 80% percent of all antibiotics used in the US!  About 25 million pounds of antibiotics are administered to livestock in the US every year for purposes other than treating disease!
That’s right.  Antibiotics are given to cows to make them grow bigger, faster.  And the residue from those antibiotics ends up in the meat and milk from the animals—and eventually inside of YOU.
So what’s the problem?
The initial problem that we began noticing with antibiotics was that, while they are destroying the dangerous, infection-causing bacteria in your body like they’re designed to, they also destroy your friendly beneficial bacteria too.
And since 70% of your immune system resides in your friendly gut flora, your ability to resist illness following a course of antibiotics takes a tremendous nosedive.
So that means you become even more susceptible to catching infections or viruses.
Now, what happens when you do get sick again?  It’s off to the doctor for more antibiotics, of course!
So this cycle continues to repeat itself with your immune system getting weaker and weaker with each course of antibiotics and you getting sick again and again.
But the problem is GROWING
The concerns with antibiotics continue to grow…and are becoming even more serious.
Because now we are seeing increasing species of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics.
You see, bacteria are like “MacGyver”—they are very resourceful and extremely skilled at survival techniques—meaning they have the ability to out-evolve other organisms that can destroy them.
Each time they come into contact with a destroyer like an antibiotic—they continue to put forth their brilliant efforts to outsmart the drug.
And eventually they succeed, my friend.
Here’s an example of how they do it:
Bacteria can develop a protective “shell” so that antibiotics can't invade their cell walls—or the drugs get pushed back out when they do.
And when those now drug-resistant bacteria reproduce themselves, they can pass that anti-drug trait down to the next generation, thereby creating a new “superbug” strain.
“Pass it on” has a whole new meaning!
Bacteria can not only pass these drug-resisting traits down to their offspring but they can also share them with other species of bacteria, thereby exponentially increasing the chances of a wide variety of superbugs.
Stuart Levy, MD, a professor at Tufts University School of Medicine and president of the Alliance for Prudent Use of Antibiotics recently said, "Over the past decade, bacteria have evolved the ability to accumulate multidrug resistances."
Plus people are unknowingly passing on these bacteria and infecting others in ways that you can’t even imagine.
For example, one recent study found that New York’s Hudson River contained bacteria that's resistant to two hefty antibiotics (ampicillin and tetracycline) and its presence was linked to sewage.
In other words, people who have these drug-resistant bacteria residing in them can “pass” them into the environment through their feces, which eventually gets into our waterways. 
The numbers continue to grow
Thus far, bacteria has found a way around every antibiotic we’ve come up with, and we’re quickly running out of answers.
And the numbers of people affected continue to grow.
According to the “Antibiotic Resistance Threat Report” published by the CDC in 2013, 2 million adults and children in the US become infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria each year, and at least 23,000 of them die as a direct result. 
Plus even more die from secondary complications.
You can fight the battle—and WIN!
The glimmer of hope in this scary world of drug-resistant bacteria is that you CAN fight the battle against dangerous infections and illnesses and WIN!
By relying on and nurturing the illness protection provided by Mother Nature, my friend. 
Otherwise known as your IMMUNE SYSTEM.
Here are three strategies you can use to help pamper your immune system and keep it sharp and ready to fight illness 24/7:
1-      Supplement with a high-quality multi-strain probiotic formula
In order to maximize your chances of having a proper flora balance and a strong immune system, it's crucial to supplement with a probiotic formula that contains both Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species.
You see, Lactobacillus bacteria live in your small intestine, while Bifidobacterium strains hang out in your colon. 
So to take a probiotic formula that has just one or the other is selling a portion of your intestinal tract short!
Super Shield probiotic formula and its 13 strains of top-shelf friendly bacteria can help keep your intestinal flora where it needs to be--from one end to the other!
Super Shield contains a variety of well-studied Lactobacillus AND Bifidobacterium strains, as well as a prebiotic fiber called FOS (fructo-oligosaccharides) which is nourishment for your hard-working friendly flora.
2-      Have a diet of real foods, with preferably organic meat and milk
You can swallow probiotic supplements by the boatload, but if your diet is loaded with fast or processed foods and soda, you are cutting your own throat and counteracting the helpful action of the supplements.
There's no getting around it--in order to have any degree of healthy intestinal flora, you MUST get the nutrients your body (and especially your gut) so desperately need from REAL foods.
And note that when buying real foods, it’s important to go organic whenever you can—especially to avoid antibiotic-tainted meat and milk!
Plus it’s also crucial to have efficient digestion in order to ABSORB those vital nutrients from your foods and eliminate wastes loaded with harmful bacteria
I can help you achieve both of those goals (and love every bite of what you're eating) with the Great Taste No Pain system
or if you're gluten-challenged, Great Taste No Gluten.
Both Great Taste No Pain and Great Taste No Gluten show you what foods to eat (and what foods to pair together) to help keep digestion smooth and nutrient absorption high. 
Plus they're loaded with delicious ideas featuring probiotic-nourishing real foods that you'll absolutely LOVE--there are no bland or boring dishes in my recipe books!
3-      Keep stress under control
Chronic stress can damage the friendly flora in your gut too (and hence weaken your immune system).  That’s why you seem to get sick during periods of high stress—your body simply can’t fight off illnesses as well.
If you find you’re frequently or constantly stressed, it’s time to do something about it.  The following have been shown to be extremely helpful:
  • Don’t over-commit yourself.  Learn to say no when your plate is already full, and make some “me-time” for yourself, even if it’s just a warm bath for 20 minutes.
  • If your job causes you stress and it doesn’t seem like it can or will get any better, consider looking for another job.
  • See a skilled therapist or counselor.  Note I used the word “skilled”—if you’ve been seeing a therapist and they’re either not helping you or all they want to do is push drugs on you, find another.
  • Exercise!  Exercise is one of the cheapest and most effective forms of stress reduction.  Find an exercise buddy to keep you motivated and keep it fun.  Just be sure to get your doctor’s OK, especially if you haven’t moved much in a while.
  • Reach into your inner spiritual side.  Deep breathing, meditation, prayer and yoga are all VERY effective stress reducers.
Clearly antibiotics are a stark example of what can go wrong when you get “too much of a good thing.”
Although the prospect of contracting antibiotic-resistant bacteria is very scary indeed, remember you are NOT defenseless against them.
Because the more you concentrate on nourishing your body and strengthening the natural protection of your immune system, the better your overall health can be and the less you will have to worry about illness finding a home in YOU!
To your health,
Sherry Brescia

PS:  Always be sure to let your doctor or healthcare provider know what supplements you are taking. 
PPS: Gordon’s feeling a whole lot better!

Hi Sherry,
I have now been using your Great Taste No Pain plan now for 4 weeks and the Super Shield probiotics for two weeks and the results have been outstanding.
About 25 years ago when I was in my early 30's I was diagnosed as epileptic and put onto medication. Over the following 12 months I developed constipation. My doctor told me to drink more water. When that didn’t work he prescribed soluble fiber and when that didn’t work he put me onto laxatives which were never very successful.
No explanations were ever able to be given as to why my constipation was so severe. Around about the same time as the constipation started I also started to experience incredible tiredness, particularly in the evenings, to such an extent that I would sometimes fall asleep on my feet and if I sat down I was out to it. I've lost count of the number of times I've sought medical advice about this problem.
I also suffered miserably from bloating and gas. As a result of these symptoms I became very reclusive.
The combination of properly combining foods and using Super Shield probiotics has eliminated gas, bloating, constipation and the tiredness after eating which has given me my life back.
God bless you and your work.
Thanks and kind regards.

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(c) copyright 2013 Holistic Blends

**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**

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