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Hi John
Few conditions conjure up as much fear, dread and confusion as HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) and AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome).
At the present time, there are about 40 million adults and 3.5 million children worldwide that are infected with HIV.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the US that includes about 1.1 million people (of which about 175,000 are not even aware of their infection) and about 50,000 new cases are diagnosed each year.
Fortunately, there has been ongoing research and new medications that are being developed to help control HIV, and many people are living longer, more productive lives as a result. It used to be that people who contracted HIV would eventually develop AIDS and die, but this is no longer the case. People are living with HIV for 20, 30, and 40 years or more and never developing AIDS.
But unfortunately there has been a media-generated misconception about HIV that it’s now merely a chronic but manageable condition (like high cholesterol or diabetes)…but that’s not exactly the truth.
Let’s look at what HIV and AIDS really are, why they’re more complicated than many people think, and ways you can help counteract this condition if your or someone you know has it.
HIV and AIDS—the basics
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is an infection by one of two viruses that progressively destroys lymphocytes (white blood cells) in your immune system.
It’s considered a “retro virus.” That means it stores its genetic information as RNA instead of DNA. It releases its RNA and an enzyme into your healthy cells—then the DNA in your cells “copies” the HIV pattern and produces more and more of the virus every time the cells replicate themselves.
As a result of this seriously weakened immunity, you have the potential to contract a plethora of other conditions, infections and diseases…including AIDS.
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is basically a significant defect in your cell-mediated immunity—in other words, your immune system’s various patrolling, fighting and natural killer cells become basically non-functioning. It’s typically diagnosed when your Immune system’s T-helper cell count drops below 200.
This opens the door for a variety of other infections (called opportunistic infections) to bully their way into your body, cause additional complications and even possibly lead to death. These can include:
- Candida infection: This
can cause white or red patches in the mouth, tongue or throat, cracking
and soreness at the corners of the mouth, altered taste, mouth pain or
burning. In the esophagus it can cause upper chest pain, sore throat
and painful or difficult swallowing. It can also affect the vagina
in women, causing the classic yeast infection symptoms.
- Pneumocystitis: Pneumonia
caused by the Candida fungus.
- Toxoplasmosis: An
infection that affects the brain cells.
- Tuberculosis: A chronic
and sometimes fatal lung infection that is growing increasingly resistant
to antibiotics.
- Mycobacterium AVM complex (MAC): An
infection that causes fever, significant weight loss, and chronic
- Cytomegalovirus: A virus
that causes severe fatigue, fever and significantly swollen lymph glands
throughout the body.
The good news is that medications are being researched and developed that attempt to target and stop the progression of the virus by interrupting its ability to replicate itself. But there are downsides as well.
First of all, many of the medications have significant side effects that can include nausea, diarrhea and severe weight loss.
They can also cause lidodystrophy (redistribution of your body fat), extreme achiness and pain in your muscles and serious fatigue.
Secondary health conditions can also develop as the result of medications including high cholesterol, diabetes, elevated triglycerides and neuropathy (nerve pain).
And arguably the biggest concern of all is that drug resistance is also an issue. People who have been on a certain type of HIV/AIDS drug can develop resistance to that drug and all others like it…and hence may run out of treatment options as a result.
The bigger picture
Although halting the progression of HIV is certainly very crucial, it’s only part of the picture.
The other part is to help support, strengthen and enhance the immune system, as well as counteract these other health challenges commonly associated with HIV:
- Impaired digestion and the resulting
nutritional deficiencies and leaky gut. The Twelfth World AIDS
Conference in Geneva found that people with HIV are more likely to
experience rapid progression and develop AIDS when they are deficient in antioxidants
and Vitamins B6 and B12.
- An overburdened liver due to having
to detox the multiple medications associated with HIV/AIDS treatment.
- An inability to break down protein (called wasting
disease) which greatly impairs healthy cell development and the
ability to maintain a healthy bodyweight.
1) Have a diet rich in nutritious foods & encourage sound digestion
This is far and away the most important step.
People with HIV/AIDS are prone to poor digestion, which can lead to inadequate nutrient absorption and the related nutritional deficiencies.
In addition, leaky gut can eventually develop which can allow poorly digested food molecules, toxins and viruses to seep into your bloodstream, stress your liver, taunt your already-challenged immune system and compromise your health even more.
And lacking antioxidants can make you more susceptible to free radical damage, which can further compromise your body’s ability to function normally.

And the Great Taste No Pain system can not only guide you with this crucial step, but make you love every single bite of a healthy eating lifestyle!
- http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp
Great Taste No Pain shows you how to pair foods together to help improve your digestion and encourage better nutrient absorption.
Plus you’ll get suggestions on how to enjoy a variety of proteins (both plant and animal sources) which are so crucial to healthy cell development and helping to maintain a healthy weight.
And Great Taste No Pain doesn’t skimp on the “great taste” promise. Because you’ll receive recipe ideas featuring foods loaded with nutrients and antioxidants that are not only great for your body, but taste positively delicious.
Note: If you have Celiac or gluten sensitivity, Great Taste No Gluten is for you instead.
- http://www.greattastenogluten.com/great.asp
2) Give your body a probiotic boost
This is arguably as important as having a healthy diet like I mentioned in #1.
70% of your immune system resides in the beneficial bacteria located in your gut…so the healthier your gut flora is, the stronger your immune system can be.
Unfortunately, we are faced with numerous factors that can take their toll on our friendly flora and weaken our immune system functioning. These include poor digestion, constipation, stress, chlorinated tap water, smoking, medications and poor sleep.

That’s why a multi-strain probiotic formula like Super Shield can be so helpful to so many people, especially those with the immune challenges of HIV/AIDS.
- http://www.bluerockholistics.com/product/pross.asp
Super Shield contains a variety of high quality strains from both the Lactobacillus species (which live in the small intestine) and Bifidobacterium species (which inhabit the large intestine).
Super Shield’s 13 strains get right to work, helping to support your population of helpful bacteria, crowding out dangerous bacteria, strengthening the gut wall, and helping to make it less leaky. They also help to encourage more regular bowel movements and better nutrient absorption, both of which can be issues to someone with HIV/AIDS.
3) Get sources of Vitamin B12
As I mentioned above, B12 deficiency is a concern for people with HIV/AIDS, as well as a common deficiency across with board with people from all walks of life.
Since Vitamin B12 is vital for the production of the red and white blood cells that comprise your immune system, it’s definitely not something most people can afford to be low on.
But the good news is a Vitamin B12 deficiency can be easily remedied!
First of all, food sources of B12 include: beef, organ meats, eggs, milk, cheese, clams, sardines, herring, mackerel, salmon, crabmeat and oysters.
But for many people who have impaired nutrient absorption (including those with HIV/AIDS), food sources of B12 might not be enough…and for vegetarians, animal foods aren’t viable options to begin with.

If you suspect you’re low in B12 and you and your doctor agree that supplementation is right for you, then look no farther than Hydroxaden 2.5 B12 spray!
- http://www.bluerockholistics.com/product/hydroxaden.asp
Hydroxaden 2.5 is a Vitamin B12 spray that you simply spray right under your tongue once each day.
In addition to a helpful dose of B12, Hydroxaden 2.5 also gives you niacin (Vitamin B3), Vitamin B6 (another common deficiency in people suffering from HIV/AIDS), riboflavin (Vitamin B2), plus a blend of pleasant-tasting, soothing, healthful herbs including ginseng, rosemary and blueberry.
4) Do a mini liver cleanse
If you are suffering from HIV/AIDS, it’s crucial to help keep your liver functioning at its best, since it may likely be challenged by having to detox the remnants of poor digestion, toxins in the bloodstream from leaky gut and multiple medications.
A great way to give your liver a safe natural boost (without the possible harsh ingredients of a cleanse) is to drink a glass of room-temperature filtered or bottled water with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice each morning.
This will help boost your liver and stimulate bile production.
5) Get regular exercise
Exercise is important to just about everyone, and that includes those who face the challenges of HIV/AIDS.
First of all, exercise can help release some of the psychological stress that is associated with the condition. (Note that stress further weakens the immune system, so it’s crucial to minimize stress when faced with HIV/AIDS.)
Exercise also stimulates the lymphatic system, which is an important component of the immune system.
In addition, exercise helps encourage better digestion and clearing of toxic wastes from the body—both of which are very important for better immune health and liver function.
You don’t need to do a triathlon or try out for the Olympics—just pick an activity (even brisk walking is great), get your doctor’s nod of approval, and get moving.
HIV/AIDS continues to be a very serious condition that can have a devastating impact on of the lives of so many people.
But when you help your body naturally from within, you can make tremendous strides in fighting its numerous health effects and helping to enhance your overall health and quality of life.
And that’s priceless.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PPS: Tracy’s gotten relief from a whole slew of problems including fibromyalgia!
I'd like to share my success story using the Great Taste No Pain system. One year ago, I suffered a debilitating attack of diarrhea. Previously to the attack, I had suffered for years with joint pain, leaky gut, depression, rashes, bad breath, hair loss, acne, thin nails, fatigue, fibromyalgia, headaches and excess gas.
I had gone to see many doctors who not one ever mentioned that my diet may be causing me such pain and suffering. Within three weeks of suffering with the diarrhea, I had a colonoscopy. The doctor told me I had a condition called lymphocytic colitis and prescribed Asacol, a medication that cost me $250 for a one month's supply and caused me to suffer severe side effects.
Feeling alone and desperate, I turned to the internet for answers. By the grace of God, I stumbled across the Great Taste No Pain system. This system made so much sense to me that I ordered the book immediately, a decision that literally saved my life.
Not only was I able to end my bout of diarrhea within a few days without medication, but I was also able to rid myself of all the other chronic symptoms that plagued my life. Everyone who knew me noticed the change immediately. I have never felt better or looked as good! Even though I always tried to eat well, I was not eating foods in the right combinations.
Without fail, I tell everyone I know about this system including my doctors. I have learned that by following Sherry's system is the single most important gift I can give others who may be seeking help. I live by example. I owe Sherry a debt of gratitude for her commitment to spreading the word about nutrition and food combining and for her generosity in sharing her knowledge so fully with others.
Thank you, Sherry Brescia, and God bless you!
Tracy K.
Haven't taken the Great Taste No Pain test drive? Why not? Get over to
- http://www.greattastenopain.com/freereports/ and feel the power of Great Taste No Pain.
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- http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp
- http://www.greattastenogluten.com/great.asp
- http://www.bluerockholistics.com
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- http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp
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This is really what Dr Hulda Clark introduced a long time ago in her book A Cure for Aids. She started her research and protocal back in 1997.
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