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Holistic Blends Inc. |
Hi John
As I observe the pesky barn swallows making their annual nest on the roof of my front porch (and driving my three cats crazy) it’s abundantly clear to me that spring is here!
And you know what that means.
Soon we’ll have the arrival of shorts, tank tops, halters, sundresses, sleeveless shirts and the real biggie…
Bathing suits.
Just the mere thought of putting on a bathing suit can send tidal waves of fear through many people—after all, there’s no hiding the blubber when you’re wearing something that leaves little to the imagination.
So naturally spring is the time that many people begin desperately looking for ways to nix the blubber as quickly as possible.
And one option that is becoming increasingly popular is a procedure called “coolsculpting.”
Here’s the skinny (pardon the pun) this latest installment of fat blasting methods and some points that need to be addressed about it.
Coolsculpting—just freeze away the fat
Coolsculpting (the technical term for which is cryolipolysis) is a procedure that uses a cooling device to destroy your fat cells.
Your chosen “problem area” gets sucked into the device which then targets the fat cells in that particular chunk of you and injures them by cooling them down to lower than normal temperatures, while at the same time trying to avoid frostbite.
Eventually the fat cells begin to die (called apoptosis). Then they get “engulfed” by your immune system’s white blood cells, put into your lymphatic system, and eventually are eliminated (like a waste or toxin) from your body.
Since this fat cell die off/elimination process doesn’t happen overnight, you usually won’t see the complete results until three to four months later. The developers report a typical fat reduction in the treated area of 20-25%.
Whoa, Nelly!
Now, before you take a Sharpie to your body and start circling all the areas you want to freeze away, know this: Not everyone is an ideal candidate.
When you dig further into the literature and get past the magazine ad showing the gorgeous size 2 model in a short red dress, you find out that the procedure works best for those people who are within 10-15 pounds of their ideal bodyweight.
In other words, people without a series weight problem to begin with.
In addition, the procedure is being billed as a non-invasive, more cost-effective alternative to liposuction.
But since you can only count on about 20% fat reduction in a small, specific area, chances are excellent that you will have to undergo multiple treatments—either to additional areas or to achieve more than a 20% fat loss in the original problem area.
So the price tag continues to go up.
Moreover, although the procedure was approved as “safe” by the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) in September 2010, time will tell what the long-term effects of freezing and killing fat cells will do not only to your skin and surrounding tissues, but also to your immune system—which is being taunted by having to gulp up the frozen cells and get rid of them—and even perhaps to your ability to absorb fat-soluble Vitamins A, D, E and K.
And here’s perhaps the most important point of all:
Just like every other weight loss/fat loss “miracle” in the past, you cannot achieve permanent, lasting results without changing your habits and making sure you don’t pile the fat right back on!
Now, whether or not you decide to try this latest and greatest fat blasting technology is up to you…but I will tell you what you must know to help improve your chances of permanent success long after your frozen fat cells die…or even better, very likely get rid of the fat without any fancy surgeries!
Here’s what you must know:
The 3 keys to lasting, permanent weight loss
1- Good nourishment and sound digestion
From a biological perspective, your level of success in losing weight and keeping it off is completely dependent on your ability to:
- Efficiently burn calories
- Avoid overeating and
- Maintain a high level of energy and good
In order to properly nourish your body, you must feed it real foods.
Not processed, packaged, “stuff-in-a-box” but real honest to goodness FOOD.
I’m talking about things like fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, lean meats and poultry, fish, whole grains, dairy, eggs and healthy essential fats.
When you eat real foods like these, your body can get nourished the way it needs to be—the way Nature (not Kraft, Betty Crocker or General Mills) intended.
When you're properly nourished:
- You typically get full faster and end
up eating less overall because nourishing foods fill you up better
and faster than junk.
- Real foods are usually far lower
in calories than pizza, burgers, fries, Hamburger Helper, donuts or
whatever other nutritionally dead foods you eat, so you’ll naturally take
in fewer calories.
- When you're adequately nourished, you'll
also likely STAY full and satisfied longer, so your chances of
binging or late night snacking can be dramatically reduced.
You see, if your foods are not being broken down like they should be in the digestive process, you're not getting the maximum nutrition from them.

In addition, when your digestion is poor, that can cause constipation and waste buildup in your colon, encourage harmful bacteria overgrowth, weaken your immune system and make your energy level practically non-existent (since your body expends lots of energy in the digestive process).
Now, if you’re scratching your head and don’t know where to begin in terms of eating real foods and having good digestion, not to worry.
I can guide you every step of the way with the Great Taste No Pain health system
- http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp
Or if you’re gluten-sensitive, Great Taste No Gluten.

Both the Great Taste No Pain and Great Taste No Gluten systems show you how to create meals featuring real foods that are not only a snap to prepare, but taste positively fantastic!
You’ll be shocked at how absolutely delicious eating for great health (and weight loss!) can be.
Plus Great Taste No Pain and Great Taste No Gluten show you how to construct meals that can be much easier for your system to digest.
That can help encourage better digestion and nutrient absorption as well as fewer episodes of gas, bloating and constipation!
And here’s the really exciting part:
Both systems also have a dessert chapter!
That’s right.
Because eating healthy does NOT have to mean deprivation—so you’ll also get yummy recipes and guides for eating occasional desserts in moderation that will give your sweet tooth a little treat but won’t ruin your weight loss efforts.
2- Balanced intestinal flora
If you’ve had a bad diet, been a yo-yo dieter or have been jumping from one fat loss gimmick to the next for quite some time, chances are excellent that you have some seriously imbalanced intestinal flora.
You see, people who have had a typical hard-to-digest diet most of their lives are also very prone to poor digestion and constipation, which creates the perfect breeding ground for dangerous bacteria.
Eventually the harmful bacteria can outnumber the healthy ones (called dysbiosis) which can further hamper your digestion and greatly weaken your immune system to boot.

And if you're looking for a top-quality formula, Super Shield is your ticket.
- http://www.bluerockholistics.com/product/pross.asp
Super Shield contains 13 potent, quality probiotic species that are feisty and ready to take their place along your intestinal walls, helping to crowd out harmful microorganisms, enhancing your digestion, beefing up your immune system and encouraging regular bowel movements.
And get this—recent studies are showing that probiotic bacteria is strongly associated with a healthy bodyweight!
For example, according to researcher Oluf Pederson, scientific director at the University of Copenhagen’s Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, people who rate poorly on the bacteria scale (in other words, the harmful bacteria species outweigh the good ones) are at a higher risk for gaining unwanted weight.
And in a 2010 double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 87 people with high body mass index (BMI) were randomly assigned to eat either probiotic-laced yogurt or just ordinary yogurt. The researchers found that subjects who consumed the probiotic-laced yogurt had significantly reduced abdominal fat and bodyweight.
3- Regular exercise
As much as exercise is a dirty word to so many people, the truth is you've GOT to move your body if you ever want to see that scale number come down and stay down.
You cannot ever expect to achieve and maintain a healthy bodyweight without exercise--you'll see my 3 cats sing an opera at the Met first.
Now the good news is, it’s not hard to do! Just pick an activity you like or will at least tolerate, get your doctor’s OK and do it at least 3-4 times a week. Brisk walking is a good choice and just about everyone can do that.
Try to get an exercise buddy too--you will have someone to chat with, you’ll enjoy yourself more and the time will fly away (along with your excess pounds).
Spring has sprung and the time is here to enjoy the warm weather…and that no longer needs to mean a sense of dread in you!
Because when you help your body to achieve and maintain a healthy bodyweight, you’ll never have to worry about “losing weight to get into a bathing suit” ever again.
You’ll be bathing suit-ready 12 months a year.
How does THAT sound to you?
Well, get started right away, and when you reach your goal weight, write and tell me your story of success!
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PPS: Jenny’s down 20 pounds and is loaded with energy!
I have been using your Great Taste No Pain program for about 2 months now. I noticed a difference in my energy level right away and have no pain as long as I stick to your program.
I am also taking your Super Shield probiotic and Vital Mega omega 3 and have no more constipation which I have lived with most of my life.
I also got rid of the bloating and gas I was experiencing. But that's not all. I lost about 20 pounds and am keeping it off. I have never felt so good and had so much energy. I am 58 years old and work 3rd. Shift and can work rings around the young people I work with.
I thank God every day that I found your program and am telling everyone I know what it has done for me.
God Bless You!
Haven't taken the Great Taste No Pain test drive? Why not? Get over to
- http://www.greattastenopain.com/freereports/ and feel the power of Great Taste No Pain.
Orders: 1-888-724-4366
* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!
- http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp
- http://www.greattastenogluten.com/great.asp
- http://www.bluerockholistics.com
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- http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp
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