2012/05/obama-his-ex-lovers- obscene-vid.html in case you never seen this
Obama & His Ex-Gay Lovers (may be offensive) *videos*
Filed under Barack Obama, Media, Special Report at January 22nd, 2012 - 12:43 am
The media has trotted out Newt Gingrich’s ex. They trotted out an alleged mistress of Herman Cain. Why are they so silent about Barack Hussein Obama’s ex?
Here're substitute replacements for the original at the end of post below which is just as offensive, and a shameful account of our President.
[from FreeRepublic
Larry Sinclair claims that Obama not only had an extensive history of cocaine usage and sales, but that Obama had homosexual sex with Larry and a man named Donald Young. [snip] Here is some text from Larry's press conference: 2012/11/the-us-nato-gold- heist-of-libya.html#at_pco= smlwn-1.0&at_si= 5366b036e1f54e06&at_ab=per-12& at_pos=0&at_tot=1
Sorry readers, the video below - the PTB has taken it down from YouTube
Posted by Charleston Voice
Have you already read this one?: BARRY THE DOPE DEALER, is Why His School Files are Sealed
by RodanFiled under Barack Obama, Media, Special Report at January 22nd, 2012 - 12:43 am
The media has trotted out Newt Gingrich’s ex. They trotted out an alleged mistress of Herman Cain. Why are they so silent about Barack Hussein Obama’s ex?
How cute they look! Is Obama’s ex still alive?
Uploaded on Jun 21, 2008
Larry Sinclair held a meeting at the National Press Club to address his alleged gay relationship with Barack Obama, the 2008 Democratic presidential candidate, and answer questions from the Press. Larry Sinclair stated to the press that he and Barack Obama had gay sex while Obama smoked crack, not once but twice. Once in a limo and the next day in a hotel room. Sinclair stated that the murdered Donald Young, Obama's churches gay choir master told him, by phone, he also had sex with Barack Obama, before Young was murdered.Here're substitute replacements for the original at the end of post below which is just as offensive, and a shameful account of our President.
Uploaded on May 15, 2008
Reports that Barack Obama Had a Homosexual Fling With his Pastor. Reverend Wright in gay affair with Senator Barack Hussein Obama. Gay sex allegations are corroborated by pastor.
Ex-Gay Obama Had Homosexual Affair With Pastor
[from FreeRepublic
Larry Sinclair claims that Obama not only had an extensive history of cocaine usage and sales, but that Obama had homosexual sex with Larry and a man named Donald Young. [snip] Here is some text from Larry's press conference:
[snip] This first call shocked me in that this “Mr. Young” asked me why I had not asked Senator Obama to disclose the sexual encounters I had with Mr. Obama in 1999.
[snip] In late October 2007, I received a text message from the gentleman identified as “Mr. Young” in which he stated he was intimately involved with Senator Obama and that Obama was discussing with him and his pastor how to publicly acknowledge Senator Obama’s drug use in 1999 and that Obama wanted to be sure I had not discussed the sexual encounters or drug incidents with any media at that time.
I later learned that a Donald Young was the choir director of Reverend Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ – Obama’s now-former church — and was openly a homosexual. I also learned that he was murdered on December 23, 2007. I have cooperated with the Chicago Police Department in this matter by providing them the telephone numbers I was using during the fall of 2007 and I release them now publically in the hope that someone may be able to connect the dots between these telephone numbers and Mr. Young.
[snip] In late October 2007, I received a text message from the gentleman identified as “Mr. Young” in which he stated he was intimately involved with Senator Obama and that Obama was discussing with him and his pastor how to publicly acknowledge Senator Obama’s drug use in 1999 and that Obama wanted to be sure I had not discussed the sexual encounters or drug incidents with any media at that time.
I later learned that a Donald Young was the choir director of Reverend Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ – Obama’s now-former church — and was openly a homosexual. I also learned that he was murdered on December 23, 2007. I have cooperated with the Chicago Police Department in this matter by providing them the telephone numbers I was using during the fall of 2007 and I release them now publically in the hope that someone may be able to connect the dots between these telephone numbers and Mr. Young.
Those numbers are: 954-758-1105 begin_of_the_skype_ highlighting
954-758-1105 FREE end_of_the_skype_ highlighting; 956-758-1885begin_of_the_skype_ highlighting
956-758-1885 FREE end_of_the_skype_ highlighting; 956-758-8002 begin_of_the_skype_ highlighting
956-758-8002 FREE end_of_the_skype_ highlighting; 302-685-7175 begin_of_the_skype_ highlighting
302-685-7175 FREE end_of_the_skype_ highlighting; 612-466-1043 begin_of_the_skype_ highlighting
612-466-1043 FREE end_of_the_skype_ highlighting. Source]
Choir Director Murdered To Conceal Obama’s Homosexuality/Drug Use?
Choir Director Murdered To Conceal Obama’s Homosexuality/Drug Use?
Sorry readers, the video below - the PTB has taken it down from YouTube
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