News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday Afternoon
[KIRKWOOD] I know many feel like this ....THE boy who called wolf ....YES it DOES....SO with this said ..they have over and over cried done,done done,rv, rv, RI..... Now back to the RV.....WELL the town of people heard the boy ....WENT to look for the we look for rv ?....OVER and over the boy yelled....then everybody said, this boy is full of you know WHAT..... Think about?? One day that boy looked and saw that big bad wolf coming to eat him...wolf wolf WOLF....NO one believed .....AND the boy lost his LIFE......WELL i think we all very much feel this way about this RV.....GOOD NEWS..... I believe there will be that day over the RAINBOW...... Yes we will have a RV.... So believe in your heart as you did the day you were told ...BUY this toilet paper = 3.22 plus one DAY....I pray and know one day it will BE........GOD bless usa
[Dj] KIRKWOOD I personally feel that When Okie, Tony and DC say the RV should of happened for a while now, I believe it was so!! But we have the people who throws the wrench in it!! I will be happy to know who threw the wrenches so I won't vote on them in the future!! lol
[Dj] or put my money in their banks!!
[SidneyCO] KIRKWOOD I feel like Charlie Brown...Lucy keeps telling us to kick, then yanks away the ball. But we keep going for it.
Imperium] I believe Tony/DC when they say it's best to remain quiet and not rock the boat... yet being human and not just 'falling off a turnip truck', I'm somewhat paranoid that we are just being put off with the same ole same ole storyline and that our trust & innocence is continuing to be violated. That and the historical fact that the old guard is notorious for being shameless to the enth degree makes me nervous and suspicious. I pray I'm wrong.
[meme10] I remember hearing there is a drop dead date that Tony and DC would not divulge. If it goes past that date, or they hear/believe we aren't being treated fairly, then we will follow another path of action. I trust Tony and DC as my leaders in this.
[VictoriousSecret] imperium I know what you mean, but looking at what we believe we know as facts: the RI has happened, the US and other countries have signed off and agreed to the newly-instituted rate, and there is a timeframe allowed to release it live. Those facts keep me encouraged.
Camdoc: Bix Weir predicts first large US Bank criminal charges next week.
Watch for the first criminal charges against a large bank to hit next week. This will open the flood gates once again so be ready.
As for gold and silver...they will fly when the US Treasury decides to let them go. Many think that time will NEVER come but remember - the US is looking after our own best interests and destroying the global fiat monetary system will destroy our BIGGEST problem....DEBT!
This is the unspoken secret in Central Banking and why the United States will NOT lose it's economic power to China or Russia or any other country that holds fortunes in fiat money. Let me say that again: The United States will not lose as many smart economists are predicting.
Remember this famous quote that US Treasury Secretary John Connally told a group of European bankers as we were going off the Gold Standard in the early 1970's...
"The Dollar may be our currency, but it's your problem."
May the Road to Roota you choose be the Right Road.
Bix Weir
[Digs] 5-8-2014 Poppy3 i have been told today some factions are trying to hold the cbi and imf up in the release. I don't think at this point they will be successful according to the sources that gave me the information that it can pop up at anytime now.
[xyz] "The Kurds need the implementation of the constitution and its Article (140) in addition to the construction of the Iraqi Army on the national basis and the endorsement of the Oil and Gas law draft. modules/news/article.php? storyid=7139
[xyz] next government must work on the application of the Constitution and the implementation of Article 140 and resolving the issue of the Peshmerga and the enactment of the oil and gas law and a general census of the population and to cancel all non- constitutional institutions, and to ensure the participation of all in political life. english/News_Details.asp?ar95_ VQ=HEFJJM
wushock92] I was intrigued with the lack of participation in the currency auction today: Currency Auctions Announcement No. (2667) The latest daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq on the 8-5-2014results were as follows: Details Notes Number of banks 6 Auction price selling dinar / US$ 1166 Auction price buying dinar / US$ -----
Amount sold at auction price (US$) 50,248,000 Amount purchased at Auction price (US$) ----- Total offers for buying (US$) 50,248,000 Total offers for selling (US$) -----
Exchange rates Currency Code Sell Buy US dollar USD 1166.000 1164.000 Euro EUR 1623.888 1623.076 British pound GBP 1978.119 1977.130 Canadian dollar CAD 1070.117 1069.582 Swiss franc CHF 1333.486 1332.819 Swedish krona SEK 179.291 179.201 Norwegian krone NOK 197.470 197.371 Danish krone DKK 217.562 217.453 Japanese yen JPY 11.476 11.471
Special Drawing Rights SDR 1815.112 1814.205 Indicative rates - 08.05.2014 pid=CurrencyAuctions
another mailman:It's been years since I have seen these auctions so low. I'm thinking these numbers are LD"s only! Anyone?
Frank26: FINALLY !!! ................ I agree.
KTFA, Frank
jdtolle » May 8th, 2014, Making wishes come true
If every one of your wishes were instantly granted, you’d probably regret most of them. Fortunately, it takes more than wishing to make it so.
The wishes that come true are the wishes you really, truly want to come true. That’s because you must commit to them and work to bring them about.
Just imagine how disordered and superficial life would be if you were granted every little thing you wished for. Nothing would really have any value to you, because you would not have the opportunity to build that value with your time and effort.
The work you do to achieve what you desire is what makes that achievement meaningful. That work gives you the chance to put your own unique value into the achievement, and that’s what you truly desire.
So, by all means, wish for the very best for yourself, your community, your family and your world. Then get busy bringing those positive wishes to life.
[KIRKWOOD] I know many feel like this ....THE boy who called wolf ....YES it DOES....SO with this said ..they have over and over cried done,done done,rv, rv, RI..... Now back to the RV.....WELL the town of people heard the boy ....WENT to look for the we look for rv ?....OVER and over the boy yelled....then everybody said, this boy is full of you know WHAT..... Think about?? One day that boy looked and saw that big bad wolf coming to eat him...wolf wolf WOLF....NO one believed .....AND the boy lost his LIFE......WELL i think we all very much feel this way about this RV.....GOOD NEWS..... I believe there will be that day over the RAINBOW...... Yes we will have a RV.... So believe in your heart as you did the day you were told ...BUY this toilet paper = 3.22 plus one DAY....I pray and know one day it will BE........GOD bless usa
[Dj] KIRKWOOD I personally feel that When Okie, Tony and DC say the RV should of happened for a while now, I believe it was so!! But we have the people who throws the wrench in it!! I will be happy to know who threw the wrenches so I won't vote on them in the future!! lol
[Dj] or put my money in their banks!!
[SidneyCO] KIRKWOOD I feel like Charlie Brown...Lucy keeps telling us to kick, then yanks away the ball. But we keep going for it.
Imperium] I believe Tony/DC when they say it's best to remain quiet and not rock the boat... yet being human and not just 'falling off a turnip truck', I'm somewhat paranoid that we are just being put off with the same ole same ole storyline and that our trust & innocence is continuing to be violated. That and the historical fact that the old guard is notorious for being shameless to the enth degree makes me nervous and suspicious. I pray I'm wrong.
[meme10] I remember hearing there is a drop dead date that Tony and DC would not divulge. If it goes past that date, or they hear/believe we aren't being treated fairly, then we will follow another path of action. I trust Tony and DC as my leaders in this.
[VictoriousSecret] imperium I know what you mean, but looking at what we believe we know as facts: the RI has happened, the US and other countries have signed off and agreed to the newly-instituted rate, and there is a timeframe allowed to release it live. Those facts keep me encouraged.
Camdoc: Bix Weir predicts first large US Bank criminal charges next week.
Watch for the first criminal charges against a large bank to hit next week. This will open the flood gates once again so be ready.
As for gold and silver...they will fly when the US Treasury decides to let them go. Many think that time will NEVER come but remember - the US is looking after our own best interests and destroying the global fiat monetary system will destroy our BIGGEST problem....DEBT!
This is the unspoken secret in Central Banking and why the United States will NOT lose it's economic power to China or Russia or any other country that holds fortunes in fiat money. Let me say that again: The United States will not lose as many smart economists are predicting.
Remember this famous quote that US Treasury Secretary John Connally told a group of European bankers as we were going off the Gold Standard in the early 1970's...
"The Dollar may be our currency, but it's your problem."
May the Road to Roota you choose be the Right Road.
Bix Weir
[Digs] 5-8-2014 Poppy3 i have been told today some factions are trying to hold the cbi and imf up in the release. I don't think at this point they will be successful according to the sources that gave me the information that it can pop up at anytime now.
[xyz] "The Kurds need the implementation of the constitution and its Article (140) in addition to the construction of the Iraqi Army on the national basis and the endorsement of the Oil and Gas law draft.
[xyz] next government must work on the application of the Constitution and the implementation of Article 140 and resolving the issue of the Peshmerga and the enactment of the oil and gas law and a general census of the population and to cancel all non- constitutional institutions, and to ensure the participation of all in political life.
wushock92] I was intrigued with the lack of participation in the currency auction today: Currency Auctions Announcement No. (2667) The latest daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq on the 8-5-2014results were as follows: Details Notes Number of banks 6 Auction price selling dinar / US$ 1166 Auction price buying dinar / US$ -----
Amount sold at auction price (US$) 50,248,000 Amount purchased at Auction price (US$) ----- Total offers for buying (US$) 50,248,000 Total offers for selling (US$) -----
Exchange rates Currency Code Sell Buy US dollar USD 1166.000 1164.000 Euro EUR 1623.888 1623.076 British pound GBP 1978.119 1977.130 Canadian dollar CAD 1070.117 1069.582 Swiss franc CHF 1333.486 1332.819 Swedish krona SEK 179.291 179.201 Norwegian krone NOK 197.470 197.371 Danish krone DKK 217.562 217.453 Japanese yen JPY 11.476 11.471
Special Drawing Rights SDR 1815.112 1814.205 Indicative rates - 08.05.2014
another mailman:It's been years since I have seen these auctions so low. I'm thinking these numbers are LD"s only! Anyone?
Frank26: FINALLY !!! ................ I agree.
KTFA, Frank
jdtolle » May 8th, 2014, Making wishes come true
If every one of your wishes were instantly granted, you’d probably regret most of them. Fortunately, it takes more than wishing to make it so.
The wishes that come true are the wishes you really, truly want to come true. That’s because you must commit to them and work to bring them about.
Just imagine how disordered and superficial life would be if you were granted every little thing you wished for. Nothing would really have any value to you, because you would not have the opportunity to build that value with your time and effort.
The work you do to achieve what you desire is what makes that achievement meaningful. That work gives you the chance to put your own unique value into the achievement, and that’s what you truly desire.
So, by all means, wish for the very best for yourself, your community, your family and your world. Then get busy bringing those positive wishes to life.
Because you deserve much more than merely a wish that comes true.
You deserve to be the person who makes it happen.
— Ralph Marston Wishing All a safe and blessed day
You deserve to be the person who makes it happen.
— Ralph Marston Wishing All a safe and blessed day
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