Dear Joan & Richard- sharing w/All Patriots bcc herein
w/permission to forward,
For 22 years Our Confederate Society has been ‘ringing’
the Warning Bell.
We have dared to tell it like it is because we believe in
that Republic that gave us Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
That Republic was taken from us 150 years ago and,
Ø Life
is NOW Defined by the National Government deciding what Babies will DIE (55
million) through an orchestrated government funded organization (Planned
Parenthood) and Obama’s ‘Care’ will likewise do the same for many seniors once
their IRS (who will ‘run’ it), becomes comfy in a couple of years, feeling
secure who they will single out for medical coverage or NOT & just as they
singled out every Conservative Group in this past ‘election (HA!)- Legal
Ø Liberty
has been destroyed by the same National Government in the name of National
Security through Legislative Acts like The Patriot Act & the National
Defense Authorization Act resulting in the AUTHORIZED SPYING via the NSA, DHS,
IRS while the ‘enforcement’ of their ‘Legislation’ via the BATF, BLM, Corps of
Engineers, and numerous other National Government Departments, up to and
including the Justice Department under Eric Holder, who selectively decides WHO
they will pursue and who they will NOT, as well as what they will investigate
or WILL NOT INVESTIGATE like the Black Panthers activities at the
Polling Places, Fast & Furious and BENGHAZI, for
(PS- And the RepublicCons are setting up another BUSH (Jeb) for
2016 when the previous TWO were LIARS AND FAILURES with George the 1st
acknowledging the One World New World Order Government (The Confederate Society
has that on tape and can be seen on our website) while promising “Read my Lips-
NO New Taxes” which he summarily reversed himself on.
George the 2nd
ran up the debt from 5 ½ Trillion Do$$ars in 2000 to 9 Trillion Do$$ars by the
time he lateraled off to the DemonCrap who has since
DOUBLED IT TO 18 Trillion Do$$ars and has two years to go.
Ø The
Pursuit of Happiness Died decades ago & is now controlled & influenced
entirely by the Mathematical Policies of the National Government’s Federal
Reserve System, affecting EVERY ASPECT of Every Americans lives from
Employment, Housing, Savings and that once fabled Pursuit of Happiness that the
National Government’s policies, both Nationally & Internationally, have
corrupted through Dollar Manipulation, Inflation and War.
Ø All
ANYONE has to do is ‘Connect the Dots’ and understand the
RECONSTRUCTIVE POLICIES of this National Government since 1865 as EACH of THEM
is INTERTWINED or, as this Confederate describes them-
‘3-Legged Stool of Reconstruction’ (Politics- 1868- 14th Amendment;
Economics- 1913, Creation of their Federal Reserve and the passage of the 17th
Amendment; and Cultural- the 1960’s.
‘Connect them All’ and the Picture ‘reads’ as clear as the
Declaration of Independence and the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution-
both of which by the way, and again, NEVER ONCE mention or include the word
Ø Did
y’all watch the Constitutional Videos (1-7)? Did you learn the DIFFERENCE
between a Republic and a Democracy? Yet both Wings of this Same Political Bird
always include Republic and Democracy in their speak as being synonymous?
Ø Have
y’all ‘Connected that Dot’ as to WHY?
Ø Does
Hmmmmm come to mind?
For God, Family and The Republic of the 2nd
Confederation that was Never Surrendered,

President, The Confederate Society of America
We Told The Folks So- didn’t we, Joan & Richard?
From: Joan Hough []
Sent: Sunday, May 04, 2014 12:34 AM
Subject: Scary- Scary brainwashing going on - : GOVERNMENT SCHOOL INDOCTRINATION GROWS!
Sent: Sunday, May 04, 2014 12:34 AM
Subject: Scary- Scary brainwashing going on - : GOVERNMENT SCHOOL INDOCTRINATION GROWS!
Think they don't plan an increase
in their brainwashing? Something has scared them---some anti-Communist,
anti-Socialist organization is spreading too much truth around about the New
World Order's program for Global Conquest which requires lots of human fodder
for their cannons. The United Nations, of course is that bunch's strong
On 5/2/14 10:42 PM, "Dick
Bachert" <>
This is especially for you parents who have your most precious
possessions (your KIDS) in government schools and then scrimp and save to send
them to allegedly top notch colleges and universities. This radical leftist
pictured below is the poster girl for the vast majority of those who
"teach" (read that "indoctrinate") in those places.
Many of us have understood their intentions for a long time. The left has
now grown so bold that they no longer must conceal their takeover of the
educational system here.
Then you are puzzled when your kids come out hating you and the
values that afforded them their "education".
Let me put this into concrete, real world terms: As you read
this, these people are indoctrinating millions of new little socialists who
will someday VOTE. If you thought Obama was a destructive and dangerous
fool, you're going to LOVE what comes next!
"The means of defense against foreign
danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home."James
"To bereave a man of
life, or by violence to confiscate his estate, without accusation or trial,
would be so gross and notorious an act of despotism, as must at once convey the
alarm of tyranny throughout the whole nation; but confinement of the person, by
secretly hurrying him to jail, where his sufferings are unknown or forgotten,
is a less public, a less striking, and therefore A MORE DANGEROUS ENGINE of
arbitrary government."
Alexander Hamilton (Federalist Paper No. 84, quoting Blackstone)
"If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." -
Thomas Paine
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