Monday, May 5, 2014

Pilot Still Spraying Toxic Aerosols on Landing—Oooops! [video]


Pilot Still Spraying Toxic Aerosols on Landing—Oooops! [video]

Update: April 29, 2:16 pm. – Turns out it wasn’t aerosols being sprayed. Check it out at Kauilapele’s blog—but we can still use our positive intentions to minimize the negative effects of the chemtrails that ARE being sprayed, globally.
Great play, Shakespeare. Are the sirens because someone thinks the plane is on fire?  ~ BP

Busted Pilot Forgets To Turn Off Chemtrails While Landing ?

A pilot of a commercial airliner made a mistake that irrefutably PROVES the existence of “CHEMTRAILS” — by forgetting to turn them off before he landed!  We have video of the plane landing while still spraying CHEMTRAILS as it hits the runway.  This is the first empirical evidence to back-up claims made people, smeared as “conspiracy-theorists,” who claimed airlines are being used by government to spray aerosols into the air without the knowledge or consent of the people being sprayed.  With proof like this, the public now has legal standing to file lawsuits, utilize subpoenas and force discovery of evidence.  The 1 minute blockbuster video appears below.
Despite the fact that the plane is landing in foggy weather, the emission of chemtrails is unmistakable; their existence cannot be denied or explained away by weather.  First, the trails are NOT coming from the back of the jet engines.  Second, the trails are not merely water trailing off the edges of the wings because as the plane passes, in addition to the wing trail emissions, there are clearly SPRAYS coming out of several sections at the rear of the wings in clear addition to any water that may be washing off the wing during landing.  See for yourself.
 Actually, there is plenty of proof for most of us, but some just love to label us and pretend nothing is wrong; that it’s just a coincidence that the American population gets sicker in the face of so many so-called new cures and remedies for what ails us.

What to do? How about focusing on the solution, rather than the problem?
“Thoughts become things.” 
Perhaps it’s more important to acknowledge what we’re doing to us, rather than what they’re doing to us.  ~ BP
Thanks to for sharing.
This story is extremely valuable and should be printed out, making multiple copies available for friends and relatives. Please send it to people you know who are aware of the chemtrail problem and want to help.
The “Solution” offered by the author, Rich Work, are spiritual proclamations or affirmations that are the equivalent of metaphysical nuclear weapons that will destroy and neutralize the entire chemtrail spraying program.
The concept of utilizing thoughts to create reality might seem untenable to some, but the truth is that our physical reality is the product of collective thought. Physical solidity is an illusion. All that we see around us is vibrating energy and that vibrational energy is created and held in place by thought.
If enough spiritually attuned people embrace these proclamations on a regular daily basis and do so with focused conviction and sincerity of purpose, these chemtrails will transmute and evaporate before our eyes.
The destructive goals of this diabolical chemtrail program will be broken and destroyed. This is not a fanciful pipe dream. This technique will absolutely work. It’s based the immutable Universal Law of Cause & Effect. It has no other choice but to work.
This is the basis of reality creation itself. Half-hearted participation or half-hearted belief in this process will create a limitation and that will block the Cause. You must engage this with all of your heart and soul and allow no doubt to enter your mind. I’ll close these remarks with the phrase most often used by Dr. Robert H. Bitzer, the metaphysical giant who taught me these lessons: And so it is…Ken Adachi]
By Rich Work <>
March 1, 2002

Please click here for the rest of this article and the proffered metaphysical solution.


Anonymous said...

These guys doing the spraying need to be tracked down and urged to stop it. Regarding the video, someone calling himself "Cap'n Griff" claimed he was an airline pilot and that what we are seeing is condensation formed in the low pressure area above the wing. Sorry, Cap'n, I'm not buying that. I've seen thousands of planes land, in all kinds of weather, and I've never seen this. Condensation and vapor, but not this kind of shit.

Anonymous said...

Video here:
BUSTED Pilot Forgets To Turn Off CHEMTRAILS while landing
Published on May 2, 2014
This video was deleted shortly after i downloaded it. I take no credit for this video. I'm merely put it back up for solidarity.

Anonymous said...

I've seen this video and it is definite proof of what everyone already knows is going on. That the hijackers of this planet are using commercial airlines to spray chemtrail chemicals of powdered aluminum, barium salts and a synthetic carrier substance called polymer fibers. Aluminum in any form has been directly linked to Alzheimer’s disease. This is indisputable. The second ingredient is barium salts. When the barium salt is dispersed into the atmosphere, it changes its composition to become barium oxide. This chemical composition is used to this very day as a coating for hot cathodes such as those found in cathode ray tubes. It also replaced lead oxide in the production of certain kinds of glass such as optical crown glass. 5. Wikipedia states, “Barium oxide is an irritant. If it contacts the skin or the eyes or is inhaled it causes pain and redness. However, it is more dangerous when ingested. It can cause nausea and diarrhea, muscle paralysis, cardiac arrhythmia, and can cause death. If ingested, medical attention should be sought immediately. Barium oxide should not be released environmentally; it is harmful to aquatic organisms”. (Emphasis added). The final ingredient in this deadly cocktail is polymer fibers, used prolifically in the carpet and textile industries. They are a synthetic fiber; essentially a form of plastic, which is well known to be petroleum based. It is further well known that petroleum based products are carcinogenic in nature. So! When you look into the sky and see chemtrails, know at least two things: One - they are composed of ingredients deadly to humans, and Two - they are in the sky. Remember the old song Spinning Wheel? “What comes up…must come down…” See Newton and the apple. There are numerous documented soil and water tests confirming the existence of these ingredients in areas where chemtrails are sprayed. There is a veritable catalog of human ailments directly attributed to the absorption of chemtrail elements.

There is another dangerous angle to chemtrails - one not readily expounded on.

If we seek for the causes of such symptoms, we should bear in mind the following: When the US Air Force began analyzing the stratosphere in the 1960s, they came up with a number of astonishing results. Just as exotic life-forms had been found in the depths of our oceans, the scientists found in the test samples from the stratosphere myriads of bacteria, fungal spores and viruses which were unknown on the earth’s surface. Other life-forms that are still smaller than bacteria also thrive there. Dr. Robert Folk, the discoverer of these "nanobacteria", as they are called, describes this – numerically the largest – population of our planet in the following terms: `These are dwarf forms of bacteria which have 1000 times less volume than normal bacteria and are several times more numerous than these. Yet, normal bacteria are to be found nearly everywhere. As the chemtrails are normally sprayed over densely populated areas, where temperature variation is largest and a cooling of the earth is therefore most urgently needed (at least by Hughes Aerospace), one must assume that the particle-laden chemtrails carry down the viruses, bacteria and fungi thriving in the stratosphere, into the respiratory tracts and lungs of most human beings. As they are "extra-terrestrial" life forms, our immune system does not recognize them, and this lack of resistance will, in all probability lead to an entire new range of illnesses. To Read More - Go here>
We will be praying for your group using metaphysics to evaporate these chemtrails and chemicals from the air, if we're not able to wholeheartedly join in ourselves as we wouldn't want to hinder your work. Then may we work on the gmo's after that, and other important issues? Many thanks!