Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Push, Shove, Strut... Feds Rile NM Ranchers By Fencing Off Water For Cattle — To Protect A Jumping Mouse!

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Push, Shove, Strut... Feds Rile NM Ranchers By Fencing Off Water For Cattle — To Protect A Jumping Mouse!
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Tuesday, 13-May-2014 11:21:21

The Obama administration’s crackdown on Western land use has sparked a furor over the Forest Service’s decision to fence off a creek used by thirsty cattle in drought-stricken Otero County, New Mexico.
The Otero County Commission is scheduled to meet Monday to discuss whether to order the sheriff to open the gates against the wishes of Forest Service officials, who have argued that the fence is needed to protect the Agua Chiquita riparian area and habitat for the New Mexico meadow jumping mouse.
Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/may/11/the-feds-next-land-fight-new-mexico-ranchers-anger/#ixzz31bpDnbSn


Anonymous said...

Simple solution; cut the fences down! Cattle trump mice. If they put the fences back up cut them down again. It might be good to take a few good men with you when you do cut the fences down. A bulldozer might do the trick.. Just take out a few miles of fence, or more. Let them know that if they want to put them back up to do so at their own risk and mean business.

Anonymous said...

Bolt cutters might do the job. These guys have not got rational thinking minds. They are so brainwashed some people might say they have shit for brains.