Better make
Saint Germain - Comments on the REVAL
& GLOBAL RESET (***Awesome---Awesome---Awesome)
´May 9, 2014
Sender wrote
St. Germain on the RV & GCR.
Good one!
I copied it before it got deleted. There
are already Religious fanatics pooh poohing it. Hope it stays up, as we
know that it's very true . . . if11,000,000 million Dinar Holders focus on it being done -
it will put positive energy into the RV and it WILL manifest (sooner, than
St. Germain via Goldenlight
5-8-14 on the RV and GCR:
You are All One and
Manifesting this Positive Reality and Global Prosperity in the NOW
Good morning St. Germain, I’m picking up on something you are saying….
St. Germain speaks
Yes I was explaining how this RV and GCR is a collective
manifestation being created by all who are participating in it. You have
the greed coalition who want to delay it and is making interest on
the money loaded into the banks by the C****** D***** families to pay for the
RV…and who want to keep the fiat currency FRN
in circulation as
it furthers their agendas…
Then you have the WHITE HATS who
are in charge of getting this asset-backed TRN loaded and ready for rollout,
and who are making sure everything is signed off on and in place for
the RV of the IQD/IQN and the RV of the VND/VNN, as well as supporting
all the other components of the GCR which will
create a more prosperous world for everyone.
Then there are the people who are in
charge of the final rollout of this RV who are straddling the fence and trying
to appease both sides and this is a challenging proposition to say the least.
The tipping point comes from the mass
consciousness of the now ELEVEN MILLION Iraqi Dinar holders who have invested
in this and who are going to be benefiting from this RV substantially.
Mass consciousness is like a wave that can turn the tide… And can influence history and key events. If the consciousness of these millions
of people are focused on this prosperity being released, then they will sway
reality so to speak to bring about the reality they are focusing upon. THOUGHTS CREATE
REALITY. And even though
this happens more slowly here in the third dimension, than in the higher
dimensions, it STILL OCCURS.Whatever you focus on grows. Whatever
you think about eventually manifests in your reality. This
is also tied into FEELINGS.. So if you are feeling wonderful while
thinking about something strongly, it is more likely to manifest. Or, if you are focusing on something
negative happening, like the RV being delayed, and feeling very upset
and discouraged about it, then that
reality will begin to manifest. If you are vacillating between the two thoughts,
then a kind of intermediate reality will occur wherein nothing really ever
manifests, you just
get the vacillating emotions alternating between the two realities.
This is currently where the majority of the
millions of investors are finding themselves, in this in-between reality wherein the positive reality desired is
not manifesting due to the vacillating between the two thoughts of it
happening/not happening. Millions are
stuck in this mindset. There are parallel realities too where
each of the options have occurred (RV has happened and RV has never happened), but this is an advanced concept which we won’t go into right
The way out this vacillating reality and the key here is to KNOW
IN YOUR HEARTS that this RV has manifested and that youare
all taking part in it. It is also important to focus on the prosperity
this will bring to help humanity as a whole rather
than service to self as this entire RV and
GCR is a part of the paradigm change for your planet. It is an integral part of the world-wide shift away from
financial and emotional slavery and towards a financially abundant and
prosperous GLOBAL SOCIETY wherein the beings on your planet are
in tune with the Law of One which states that you are all one large part of the
All, the One, the Source Creator. The belief in separation is a part of the old paradigm
of greed, slavery, war, service to self, poverty and the like. The belief in the All or
the One is that you are each a part of the whole, working together for
group harmony, prosperity, abundance, equality, and joy.
So you see the two factions fighting for
this RV to happen are really the two factions that can exist within each person. As within, so
without. (***As above, so below) This
entire process is a reflection of the process within each person, the process wherein we
choose to believe inseparation
and service to self, or in oneness and unity and service to all.
As soon as the
majority of mass consciousness begins to focus exclusively and in a sustained
unwavering manner on oneness, unity, harmony, abundance, and prosperity, this
RV will manifest. The PTB (***Dark Hats)
know this, which iswhy they plant misinfo on many of the blog sites to discourage
people from believing in this, to discourage them and cause doubt, to
bring forth negative information that this will never happen. So then
as people begin to read this they stop manifesting its positive
creation and the process stops manifesting.
YOU are in charge of
this positive manifestation of abundance and wealth. YOU are the ones who can
begin to create a world based on unity harmony and the principles of Oneness.
YOU are in charge of whether this RV manifests or not.Turn away from false information, turn within and begin to manifest this
collectively in a strong way. ELEVEN MILLION PEOPLE
INTO YOUR REALITY IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE. Take the rest of this week and whenever you have a moment to think about it, see it all happening
in your minds eye and feel the joy and love being created as hundreds of
millions of people are released from financial slavery, as the eleven million dinar holders will
multiply their prosperity outwards in turn each helping hundreds of people; and
the group humanitarian programs will begin to manifest as everyone focuses on
helping the world via this prosperity. You have the strength and power to manifest this all in
the NOW time. You were bestowed with all the
creationary powers of Source Creator. You are an Emanation of Source Creator. You ARE Source Creator
expressing itself! We all are! Use these creationary
powers wisely. Use them now to create the reality you want. Focus
on the good feelings of having this occur for ALL now. Focus on EVERYONE being
happy and abundant. This is what the song “HAPPY”, and all the spinoff
videos people are creating, is about. It’s about everyone
joining together and being happy! You are not powerless victims of others actions or
inactions. You are powerful Creator Beings totally unaware of the scope of
your power. Use this power NOW to
create this reality of the RV happening NOW by focusing on this reality only. Let all the other conversation and talk
drop away and fade into nothingness. Bring
this reality into focus now for everyone on the planet. Focus on the good of
the Whole, the All, the One. Let self serving thoughts drop away and know that another’s
joy is your joy, and another’s happiness is your happiness. Then enjoy this new reality that you
are creating in the NOW!
--Your loving St. Germain
Message transcribed by Goldenlight,
© The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit, original
title, the full message unaltered, and a link to the source message when
re-posing this message.
Yes I took a big risk posting this and even
though it may be taken off, just think how badly do we want this to be
over. No one is
asking you to hurt anyone or take on someone's belief system. JUST
We manifest the things We want by believing in their existence. 'So keep your mind on the things you do want, not on the things you don't want. This is FAITH.
We manifest the things We want by believing in their existence. 'So keep your mind on the things you do want, not on the things you don't want. This is FAITH.
Please please please feel these words in this truth message,,,this is highly accurate. Remove all contradictory thoughts ,remove all negative reading and speaking. Focus from a place of being happy capable certain see the Global reset. Dissolution of financial poverty , spiritual poverty .We are all in this together.
"We manifest the things We want by believing in their existence. 'So keep your mind on the things you do want, not on the things you don't want. This is FAITH."
This is false. This is merely more "new-ageism". It is not "faith". It is the occult counterfeit of true faith. Faith is not some blind desire for something you want, however strong and determined your wishes are. Faith is not a "stand-alone" phenomenon. It is not a human-powered "I want" engine by which we become gods and "create". It is no magic wand.
Faith is a description of an aspect of relationship with something, or, with someone. Something or someone you know can be trusted--and you choose to trust them/it.
Those who choose to trust/believe the above quotation/article have chosen to have faith in New Age "gods". That is really where their faith is being placed. In a relationship with occult beings who teach doctrines which utterly contradict Jesus.
Are you listening? The Pope and the Queen is signatory of these documents so the GCR and RV that we are waiting are related to the documents below. Read and examine it ….
Truth, Love & Light will set us free…
God Bless…us all his creation.
Thank you. Fantastic, powerful, deep message.
To the poster above - why are you so angry with this sincere message? Do you not understand the meaning of, "God created us in His image?" We are all images of God, God is in all of us, and God is all / everything of us. There is NO separation. We are not one thing, and God something else.
And you seem to have missed the significance of 'love.' This message from St Germain is actually NOT about, I want' as you have decided it is (you read this completely upside down and you haven't noticed, in your rush to attack this). Read again. He is saying to adopt a NON-selfish attitude to the currency changes. To want EVERYbody's lives to be better, not to think mainly of oneself. You have rejected this good message on the grounds that is against Jesus. NO, silly! It is exactly what Jesus was teaching (trying to teach) ... LOVE ... in all its aspects eg. Love thy neighbour etc. ... LOVE! This is what Jesus was teaching, and you know this. But the Roman Catholic Church [on behalf of the Roman political elite] introduced lots of other nonsense and has confused your mind, so you now think doctrine and 'defending Christianity' is now SO much more important than actually practicing, living love. You do not recognise Love when it is spelled out in front of you. You even feel threatened with the IDEA of the power of positive thinking (which means 'faith in God' if you feel safer with that thought, but it is the same thing)! Please think again.
Are you referring to me? No…I’m not angry with anyone as what you are trying to insinuate because all of this channel messages about GCR and RV has not comes true, what I suggest is to examine and read the link I give below for you to conclude what is the real thing. So please…give time to read it if it has a valid significance. Thank you…
Truth, Love & Light will set us free…
God Bless…us all his creation.
Are you referring to me? No…I’m not angry with anyone as what you are trying to insinuate because all of this channel messages about GCR and RV has not comes true, what I suggest is to examine and read the link I give below for you to conclude what is the real thing. So please…give time to read it if it has a valid significance. Thank you…
Truth, Love & Light will set us free…
God Bless…us all his creation.
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