Monday, May 12, 2014

Serco – The Biggest Company You’ve Never Heard Of

Serco – The Biggest Company You’ve Never Heard Of (Mirror) . . . Whoops! Looks like I opened a can-of-worms with my question about this company . . . ~J

Posted on by Jean
Now how can SERCO be connected to MH Flight 370 . . . I’m beginning to get the picture, if only slowly and vaguely. Please check Abel Danger’s entire Page,, where there are several mentions of SERCO’s involvement with this and other tragedies. ~J
Published on Mar 5, 2013
Thanks to S.
Serco run navy patrol boats for the ADF, as well as search and salvage operations through their partnership with P&O which form Maritime Defence Services.
Serco run two Australian Jails already, Acacia in WA and Borallon in Queensland
Theyre one of the biggest companies In the UK for running electronic tagging of offenders under house arrest or parole.
Serco are in one of the two favoured bid consortiums for the new Sydney metro rail line.
Here are some amazing corporate videos from Serco, we fully recommend both if youre a fan of Verhoeven-esque corporate propaganda. You can watch the video here:
Original Story Here:
Guardian Story (referenced in video):

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