Monday, May 5, 2014

Serial Slaughterer Obama

Date: Mon, May 5, 2014 at 8:18 AM
Subject: Serial Slaughterer Obama

Monday, May 5, 2014

Serial Slaughterer Obama

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As you did not correlate this subject with murder, which proves the Lame Cherry was absolutely right again, let us return to the mass murder of Col. Khadaffi and over 50 of his Libyan Patriot Loyalists, and a snotty little Ginsu girl who was trying to castrate all the males in the right wing groups by harping at them on Facebook, who stated as Mark Levin slobbered over this mass murder in the way he slobbered over the bin Laden actors mass assassinated, in how this blog stated this was the Obama regime murdering these Libyans directly.

The challenge was to prove it, and the retort was this was "natural law", as if mass murder was something for an oriental chic in the Tea Party to relish, as if mass murder is legitimate if it happens in Libya in being natural law, but when it happens at the Boston Blow Job, it would then be shocking and criminal.
That type of ignorance and blood lust only degrades as this blog warned, and Mark Levin even figured out as Lara Logan was gang raped, Chris Stevens and his gay parade were murdered and 40, 000 Syrians were slaughtered by the Obama regime.

In the Lame Cherry, I told you so, there was evidence produced now which specifically stated that Col. Khadaffi offered to the Obama regime, Khadaffi leaving Libya in abdicating. The Obama regime turned him down flat, and this is from an Obama who was praised by Khadaffi as his own Muslim son, not a few years prior.

Wrap your minds about this as they are so warped now, in the fact that Col. Khadaffi, the friend of Barack Hussein Obama, offered to flee Libya and turn it over to the forces of Obama's terrorists being imported. Obama rejected it completely, as the regime intended or premeditated to murder the Colonel and his inner circle inside Libya.
There was not going to be any exile for Khadaffi to speak of secrets from concerning Obama and released terrorists. The Obama regime intended to mass murder a group of Libyans.

We know for a fact that there was an imported group of al Qaeda terrorists running this operation. We know Khadaffi almost beat them, until Obama sent in the United States military in airstrikes. That would be the United States military flying cover for an operation to mass assassinate more than 50 people.
We know for a fact that there were numerous CIA and DIA minders in Libya, directing things and giving forward observations, as was the case in Chris Stevens group who were murdered.

This is all proof now of exactly what this blog said from Day One and exposes what dull blade the Ginsu was in being a harpie, in the reality that this is the murderous scenario.

1. George Soros' group pressed Khadaffi to release terrorists from prison which started all of this.

2. The Obama regime imported al Qaeda terrorists.

3. Khadaffi and his followers offered to leave, but were denied exit and left to be mass murdered.

4. American minders directed and watched this mass murder.

5. American military was the protective cover for this mass murder.

6. The Obama regime armed the terrorists who conducted this pre Benghazi murder spree.

7. This entire operation came directly out of the Obama White House, and Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and John Kerry are all co conspirators in this, as the same operational framework which oversaw the botched kidnapping of Chris Stevens was standing down in watching all of these events on drones and satellite being carried out a second time.

Those are the facts in this in the Obama regime, instigated, pinned down, flew air cover, provided weapons, provided terrorists, directed and completed the mass murder of over 50 Libyans, headed by Col.  Khadaffi, the legitimate leader of Libya.

As this probably requires stating as Caltech groupies from the Jeff Rense site who term me a vile monster, need to be educated that their Obama, is guilty of ordering like a mafia boss or like Stalin from a rose garden, the mass execution of 50 people. That is wrong, that is evil and that is crimes against humanity.
That is what a vile monster in the Obama regime group actually is.

Think of Obama having his boys dancing for him or out playing golf (remember Limbaugh is still hinting at where Obama was on the night of Benghazi, and this blog broke that story in Obama was stoned in the company of the dancing boys he procured), and knowing that he ordered the murder of another human and 50 others, with no trial or justice. Knowing like Lara Logan they would be brutalized by a mob, dragged through the streets and put on display in a ghastle spectacle and it does not bother Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, or whatever other nutters are at Homeland, NSA, CIA, NCIS, FBI or DIA who watched all of this mass murder take place, and knew it was going to happen, because Obama denied Khadaffi exit.
An exit which would have stopped the war, stopped the bloodshed, and stopped the mass arming of Obama al Qaeda terrorists who were looting Khadaffi's ammo depots with full support of the Obama regime.....the same stores which lured Chris Stevens to his sodomized murder, as that is what he was doing there in trying to get weapons back from Obama terrorists, as Obama was trying to have him kidnapped for the 2012 presidential elections.

Lame Cherry was proven absolutely correct in this again, and that one little line reported in the press of  Col. Khadaffi attempted to leave Libya, but was denied by the Obama regime, is absolute proof of the regime had activated a mass assassination program for the Libyan Leadership.
This is nothing new as Obama conducted this same look the other way in the mass murder of the Polish Patriot Leadership on Russian soil.
Barack blood on his hands Obama, drips of crimson tide, and this serial slaugherer, as Obama is beyond a psychotic murderer, when he oversees SEALS shot out of the skies, American Soldiers left in slaughter pens in Afghanistan, caging Mubarak in Egypt, the slaughters in Sudan, the murdering of American nationals by drones in Yemen, the mass murder of Syrians, the mass murder of Libyans, and let us not forget the Gun Runner murder spree in Eric office space Holder arming latin terrorists in Mexico slaughtering piles of people.

Obama is a serial slaughterer as his crimes mount beyond the normal serial murderer. Obama's image really requires arresting in his jihad junta of assassins. He will not be, so the point is, Lame Cherry was proven absolutely right again, and that Barack Hussein Obama is bloody hands guilty of ordering the mass murder of Libyans. Obama locked Khadaffi and his followers in Libya to be murdered.

Inquiry states that Obama watched the murders on the "box" in direct feed, and was receiving play by play directly from those in communication with those minders on the ground.
Obama enjoyed the show and was pleased with it. He had angst about it "getting done", but was assured by those minders on the ground if the Islamocommunist imports did not do the murder, that the American minders would.
Khadaffi was murdered by one of the comrade minders in Obama employ.

Just so you know in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Image of Barack Hussein Obama is guilty of conspiracy to commit mass murder and of mass homicide as much as Sheik bin Laden and as much as Joe Stalin.

This all goes back to that Lockerbie bomber being released and BP oil sabotage in the Gulf and the machinations involved in this, as much as that 300 million in terror donations which came in on credit card wire fraud to the Obama 2008 Campaign.

You missed it all again.

nuff said 222


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