Tuesday, May 13, 2014



By: V.K. Durham, CEO, Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust, Tias 12087 the CREDITOR

The CONTRAs of 1872, 1907, 1913, 1919 have brought about their own demise.  Have you ever looked up the word to find out what it means? Contra legem is a Latin phrase which means "against the law."  The CONTRA'S originated with Ronald Reagans Administration, G.H.W. Bush, Oliver North, James Baker III, Alan Greenspan etals.  From an early stage, the rebels received financial and military support from the U.S. government, and their military significance decisively depended on it. 


FOREIGN BANKING ACT DECEMBER 24, 1919. SEC. 43 ...  Mar 9, 2003 -  The Edge, or Foreign Banking Act, approved December 24, 1919

Lets move forward.

 After U.S. support was banned by Congress, the Reagan administration covertly continued it. These covert activities culminated in the Iran–Contra affair.
From the mid-1980s, as the Reagan administration and the rebels sought to portray the movement as the "democratic resistance," members started describing themselves as la resistencia.

During the war against the Sandinista government, the contras carried out many human rights violations, and evidence suggests that these were systematically committed as an element of warfare strategy. Contra supporters often tried to downplay these violations, or countered that the Sandinista government carried out much more. In particular, the Reagan administration engaged in a campaign to alter public opinion on the contras which has been denoted as "white propaganda."
By the end of the war, over 30,000 Nicaraguans were killed and tens of thousands were wounded. Contra attacks on economic targets and the U.S. embargo devastated the country's agricultural system and infrastructural facilities — making Nicaragua the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere next to Haiti.[1][2] source http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contras

OR DID THE CONTRAS BEGIN MARCH 1933? REMEMBER WHAT THE WORD "CONTRA" MEANS i.e., AGAINST THE LAW.. i.e. THE FEDERAL RESERVE ACT put to the U.S. House Floor December 24, 1913 when Congress was out of session.  Again on December 24, 1919.. when Congress was out of session.

What do you know about the WAR DECLARED ON GERMANY on September 1939? Moreover, what do you know about the EMERGENCY POWERS INVOKED BY ADOLPH HITLER and FRANKLYN D. ROOSEVELT March 1933? No one ever address's or makes public;   March 24, 1933 when the Jewish Congress Declared war on Germany.   These dates are the dates of infamy!  These dates have brought about never ending wars over debts that can never be paid.

 We had two CHESS PLAYERS then..  Currently we are watching PUTIN in a CHESS MATCH with a Group of inexperienced CHECKER PLAYERS.
We have a Checker Player calling the Chess Player "a jackass".. 
G20 Ends Abruptly as Obama Calls Putin a Jackass
G20 Members

G20 members represent around 85 per cent of global gross domestic product, over 75 per cent of global trade, and two-thirds of the world’s population.
The members of the G20 are:
Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, European Union.

Management Arrangements

The G20 Presidency rotates annually according to a system that ensures a regional balance over time. Reflecting its nature as an informal political forum, the G20 does not have a permanent secretariat. Instead, the G20 President is responsible for bringing together the G20 agenda in consultation with other members and in response to developments in the global economy.
To ensure continuity, the Presidency is supported in this by the “troika”, made up of the current, immediate past and future host countries.
During Australia’s host year, the members of the G20 troika are Australia, Russia and Turkey.



BRIC is an acronym that refers to the economies of Brazil, Russia, India, and China, which are seen as major developing economies in the world. According to Forbes, "The general consensus is that the term was first prominently used in a Goldman Sachs report from 2003, which speculated that by 2050 these four economies would be wealthier than most of the current major economic powers."

In March 2012, South Africa appeared to join BRIC, which thus became BRICS. At that time, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa met in India to discuss the formation of a development bank to pool resources. At that point, the BRIC countries were responsible for about 18% of the world's Gross Domestic Product and were home to 40% of the earth's population. It would appear that Mexico (part of BRIMC) and South Korea (part of BRICK) was not included in the discussion.
Pronunciation: Brick
Also Known As: BRIMC - Brazil, Russia, India, Mexico, and China.
Alternate Spellings: BRIC, BRICS, BRIMC, BRIMCS (?)
The BRICS countries include more than 40% of the world's population and occupy over a quarter of the world's land area. Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa together are a powerful economic force. continued http://geography.about.com/od/geographyglossaryb/g/ggbric.htm

[read http://www.theantechamber.net/V_K_Durham/ClearAndPresent3.html ]

The history channel aired 5/12/14 a very thought provoking documentary last evening between 10 P.M. and 11 P.M.  It's most worthwhile as it is a direct parallel of the events presenting themselves to the populace of the world right here and now.. but!  what the documentary was about were events the cause and effect of WW1 and WWII.  COLLECTION OF GERMANY'S DEBT [loaned by the U.S.A. Banks], Joblessness, homelessness, starving people of Germany and Europe over those "DEBTS" loaned by Jewish Banking Systems in the U.S.A., to back this up the Jewish Congress Declared War on Germany.  Read the following.

Judea Declares War on Germany
There are many who believe that WWII began on September 1,1939, the day hostilities broke out between Germany and Poland, or that it began on September 3, 1939, the day Britain and France declared war on Germany. However, the real date for its beginning was March 24, 1933. It is true that no shots were fired that day and no bombs were dropped. However, World Jewry declared war on Germany on that day and from that moment onward worked tirelessly to bring about the death and mayhem that we now know as World War II. Why did World Jewry declare war on Germany? The simple and also truthful answer is because Adolf Hitler was taking a stand against the evil twins of World Jewry: despotic capitalism and International Communism.
The Jews declared war on Germany on March 24, 1933. The National Socialist government in Germany was not even two months old but Hitler was daring to take a stand against The Jew.

View larger image

Hitler stated in a speech at the Zeughaus in Berlin:
continued http://nspcanada.nfshost.com/index.php?page_id=110

The Jewish Declaration of War - Wintersonnenwende
On March 12, 1933 the American Jewish Congress announced a massive protest ... The headline read "Judea Declares War on Germany - Jews of All the World ...

On March 12, 1933 the American Jewish Congress announced a massive protest ... The headline read "Judea Declares War on Germany - Jews of All the World ...

It was sponsored by the American Jewish Congress and the Jewish Labor ... the Daily Express going so far as to put as headline: "Judea Declares War on ...

Did the Jews "Declare War" on Germany? ... The American Jewish Congress ( AJC) called for a boycott, as did Samuel Untermeyer, a lawyer and businessman  ...

guardian.150m.com/jews/jews-declare-war.htm - 12k - Cached - Similar pages
Fourteen million Jews stand together as one man, to declare war against Germany ... against Germany is waged by each Jewish community, at each conference, ...
The Jewish declaration of War on Germany on March 24, 1933 was a declaration of war as if it ... He was honourable member of American Jewish Congress.

http://www.truetorahjews.org/antisemitism - The Transfer AgreementThe Zionist so-called "World Jewish Congress" declared war on the country of Germany,[12] [13] knowing that it would affect their Jewish ...

The Jews declared war on Germany on March 24, 1933. ... months now the struggle against Germany is waged by each Jewish community, at each conference, ...

The Jewish declaration of war on Germany was pronounced 19 days after Adolf Hitler ... Later the World Jewish Congress and the Zionist leaders succeeded, ...
JEWISH DECLARATION OF WAR ON GERMANY ... Evening Telegram, Toronto: “The Jewish World Congress has been at war with Germany for 7 years!”

As a researcher digging into the depths of the WHO'S, WHY'S, WHEN'S WHERE'S and WHEN'S I also ran against this very well written article at the following website which drew my attention to the direct parallel's of March 1933 and today and the so called EMERGENCY POWERS of the U.S. and GERMANY which further brings about the U.S. SECURITY EXCHANGE COMMISSION an arm of the U.S. Federal Reserve and the later US FEDERAL RESERVE who "Could remain in business acting in the behalf of the United States as long as they were in compliance with Law" who have sorely neglected to do that which they were and are supposed to do by representing the Wall Street Banks and not the Law of the Land to protect the People.

England learned nothing (nor did the United States of America) from her loss (1870's-1950's) of Empire which reportedly "The Sun never set on the English Empire."

The Leaders of United States of America has failed to take historical notice of the pitfalls which befell England during those years, which brought about the collapse of the ENGLISH EMPIRE. The cause if the collapse was (military term) "GOING BEYOND THE POINT OF NO RETURN" in the creation of economic burdens of support of occupational governments, governmental offices, troops etc in "Occupied Territories of other nations, forced under the Rule of the English Empire." The English Empire stretched its-self beyond capacity of "Economic Support."

England, throughout history examples a insatiable appetite and propensity for (by hook or crook) overthrowing of long established governments of other nations to get control over the natural resources, lands, water, energy, gold, silver, platinum and seven platinate groups, iridium, beridium, industry, manufacturing and Laws. Once these are conquered by England, she if off and running taking over our "Inherent, Inviolable, Constitutionally Mandated "Individual Rights, Civil Liberties and Freedoms" by systematic destruction of The Constitutionally Mandated VIth Amendment "Law of the Land."

1994. Madeline Albright as The U.S. Secretary of Department of State, re invoked the "Law of the Sea." The "Law of the Sea" in particular relates to the old, very old, ancient Laws of Mare. In particular, to the ancient (The Law of Admiralty. Grant Gilmore, Charles L. Black 1957 edition. Brooklyn. The Foundation Press, Inc.) Justinian Law of the Sea No. 11.
[quote] The Law of the Sea can take everything in its path, as long as there is nothing on the land that can stop it [end quote]. The Law of the Land i.e., The Constitution of the United States, is the ONLY THING TO STOP THIS SUBVERSION OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES" by those in a conspiracy of SEDITIOUS, TREASONOUS Activity.

In this particular instance, Congressional Notice should be taken. Madeline Albright was a Duly Sworn, Duly Constituted Officer of the United States Federal Government, having taken the Oath; For Ms. Albright to invoke the Law of the Sea, allowing the encroachment into, and onto the Land of the United States, prohibited by Mandate of Act of Congress "The U.S. Constitution. Amendment VI. Cl. 2. Supremacy Clause i.e., The Supreme law shall be THE LAW OF THE LAND" i.e. "Constitutional Law of the U.S. Statutes at Large by Codification pursuant to the American Judiciary Act (1789)" should Congressional Notice be taken, may, might, would, could and/or can be proven (a) Seditious and (b) Treasonous.

THE U.S. FEDERAL RESERVE and etals, as the Barbarians Inside the ECONOMIC, FINANCIAL GATES of the Duly Constituted U.S. Federal Treasury Trust of the Government of the United States of America and the American People, Governed by THE LAW OF THE LAND being the Laws of our Civilized, Ordered Society as Americans.

A "CLEAR and PRESENT DANGER" presents its-self to the Civilized Societies of the Global Community of Mankind. This CLEAR and PRESENT DANGER is the result of VIOLATIONS OF ACT OF CONGRESS by a U.S. Federal Government Agency known as the U.S. Federal Reserve and "THE EDGE" known as THE FOREIGN FEDERAL RESERVE ACT of December 24, 1919 (very hard to find as it has been deleted from Congressional Records, however ORIGINAL BOOK "Act" has been provided to Congress for Congressional Review of "Acts not in compliance with law).

The subversion of the U.S. Constitution by (a) excessive misconstruction and abuse (b) destructive, willful, malicious, with intent to cause harm (c) with careless disregard for Rights of Property (d) Careless disregard for Life (e) Acts of Depraved Hearts against the Government of the United States and the People as cited in the INTERGOVERNMENTAL BRIEF # CAMOMAY/AMEX/M16/SC/782020 (in part)
http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=37283 (Also available here) clearly identifying the DEFENDANTS i.e.

Premeditated, Organized, Active Aggression against the American People, the Government of the United States, persisting, in engaging in ongoing Seditious and Treasonous Activity by Acts not in compliance with law as defined in the Act of Congress December 23, 1913, and Amendment to the Federal Reserve Act "The Edge" of December 24, 1919 whereas said VIOLATIONS OF ACTS OF CONGRESS actively engage in the destruction of the long established Civilized Laws which kept "Order and Peace" by those named as DEFENDANTS by THE PRESIDENT'S CENTURIONS
http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=37283 (Also available here) who petitioned the U.S. House of Representatives for Investigation back in 1987, ignored by the U.S. House of Representatives at that time, exposed September 26, 2003.

quote: Provoking a war between the eastern and western halves of the nation will produce a situation that is as explosive as it is interminable. Mutually assured destruction is all that will result from such a conflict, where EVERYONE loses.
(Source: The WAR for the Ukraine: What’s the real story?)

Unfortunately the Western powers who started this revolution had no idea what they were doing.  Yes, they obviously wanted to restart the Cold War for so many political reasons and economic purposes, but did they really think they would lose Crimea without so much as a rifle shot?  These same AAA provocateurs have even less understanding, and will, to stop this ongoing revolution.  The CIA planners at Langley appear to be clueless about the seriousness of the battlefield on which they are now playing.  With Russia breathing down the neck of their Ukrainian counterparts in Kiev, watching every move that the US-EU conspirators are making, it may take a miracle to prevent this powder keg from blowing up.

Because of the many forces at work in the Ukraine, especially financial and economic, each side is looking to gain ascendancy in that extremely valuable geopolitical region. Furthermore, it appears that the very future of Anglo-American capitalism may be on the line.  The desperate moves on the part of Washington and London get more extreme by the day.  So extreme that their many mistakes in judgement will likely bring about their downfall.  Particularly because the AAA has everything to lose, and very little to gain, does this conflict seem to be a zero sum proposition for them.
War has often been the primary change agent in the world of men.

Both nations — Great Britain and the United States of America — have performed their roles accordingly.  War, in fact, has often been used by the Universe itself to effectuate changes which could not be made in any other way.  Horrible though it may be to live through, sometimes major wars are the only way to get certain thing done.  Witness the awesome changes which occurred in the wake of both World War I and World War II. more http://www.nesaranetwork.com/2014/05/12/locus-of-global-power-shifts-from-the-west-to-the-east/

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