- Vatican ‘wants to see’ 1,500-year-old ancient script
- Has been hidden by Turkish state for 12 years
- Handwritten in gold-lettered Aramaic
A secret Bible in which Jesus is believed to predict the coming of the Prophet Muhammad to Earth has sparked serious interest from the Vatican.
Pope Benedict XVI is claimed to want to see the 1,500-year-old book, which many say is the Gospel of Barnabas, that has been hidden by the Turkish state for the last 12 years.
The £14million handwritten gold lettered tome, penned in Jesus’ native Aramaic language, is said to contain his early teachings and a prediction of the Prophet’s coming.
Secret Bible: The 1,500-year-old tome was is said to contain Jesus’ early teachings and his prediction of the Prophet’s coming
Ancient: The leather-bound text, written on animal hide, was discovered by Turkish police during an anti-smuggling operation in 2000
The leather-bound text, written on animal hide, was discovered by Turkish police during an anti-smuggling operation in 2000.
This is pure BS! Mohammed is of the seed of Ishmael and are a cursed people, just like the seed of Cain who slew Abel. The Vatican may need to learn from Erasmus Of America who researches subjects so he can answer effectively the critics of Christianity. He effectively defends Christianity while they just sit on the sidelines.
The religion connected with Islam, Mohammed, Muslim was designed by the Vatican and to this day is controlled by it. This is how the dark matrix an artificial intelligence rules and imprisons those called the dust of the earth and which constitutes the majority of mankind. The good news is that humanity is capable of escaping its often hellish existence by becoming aware of their inner kingdom or true consciousness and developing its built-in DNA quantum related technologies. The Vatican is an instrument of the dark matrix.
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