July 30, 2015 7:46 am By
Parents have a unique kind of love for their children that says, “If someone must die then let it be me, but don’t touch my child!”
The threat is not coming. It is already here. The enemy has entered our camp and the slaughter has begun. He aims to kill many more, if we let him.
I heard someone say the number one rule of warfare is to know your enemy, so exposing the enemy is a good place to start.
Exposing the Enemy:
Today we are seeing an increasing contrast between light and darkness, between the one true God Jehovah and the false gods of this world. On the one hand, the Lord God hates the shedding of innocent blood. The Bible tells us it is an abomination to him, and one of seven things he hates (Proverbs 6:16-19). On the other hand, the false gods of this world have a long history of shedding the innocent blood of children. These gods are the primary source of inspiration for child murderers around the world.
This increasing contrast is exposing a popular lie, which claims that all gods are the same, just called by different names. But the Lord God Jehovah is not the same as Allah, or Buddha, or Krishna (of the Hindus), or any other god. He is uniquely different from every other so-called god because he is the only true God.
All throughout human history people throughout the world have been inspired by false gods which are actually demonic spirits, instructing them to murder their children, offering them as human sacrifices to gain increased favor from their god. The idea is the greater the value of the sacrifice the more pleasing it is to their god and the more favor they earn.
Child sacrifices were performed by many ancient civilizations, including the Aztecs, Incas, Druids, Canaanites, Carthaginians, and Phoenicians. Even the ancient Israelites were guilty of this horrible crime, but they only did it when they strayed away from the Lord God Jehovah to follow after false gods. They were instructed by the Lord that these acts were an abomination to him and hated by him.
You shall not behave thus toward the Lord your God, for every abominable act which the Lord hates they have done for their gods; for they even burn their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods. (Deuteronomy 12:31)The Lord brought swift judgment on Israel for this abomination by giving them over to the King of Babylon.
They built the high places of Baal that are in the valley of Ben-hinnom to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire to Molech, which I had not commanded them nor had it entered My mind that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.
“Now therefore thus says the Lord God of Israel concerning this city of which you say, ‘It is given into the hand of the king of Babylon by sword, by famine and by pestilence. (Jeremiah 32:35-36)
The Lord also demonstrated his love for children by the way Jesus ministered to them.
Then some children were brought to Him so that He might lay His hands on them and pray; and the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, “Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:13-14)
The same false gods that inspired people to murder their children in ancient times are doing the same thing today. Meanwhile, the spirit of antichrist is working to convince the world that modern man has evolved to a higher level than our ancient ancestors and would never commit those kinds of atrocities. That would be great if it was true, but the evidence shows otherwise.
Today, cases of human sacrifice are increasing rapidly across the continent in Nigeria, Uganda, Swaziland, Liberia, Tanzania, Namibia, and Zimbabwe. Albinos have become a target of witch doctors in Nigeria and Tanzania. Similarly, an estimated 300 people have been victims of human sacrifice in South Africa in the past decade alone.Child sacrifices have increased in Uganda in recent years due to a growing number of financial elite Ugandans paying the witch doctors large sums of money to sacrifice children to gain favor with their god and ultimately to gain greater wealth for themselves. Local police have been reported to accept bribe money in exchange for dropping the case against these murderers. (Source: BBC)
Matters in Uganda are even worse. Sacrifices have increased to such an extent that the government had to set up an Anti-Human Sacrifice Taskforce. In 2008 ritual murders in Uganda rose by 800% from three cases reported in 2007 to 25 cases reported in 2008. Cases rose further to 40 victims in 2009.3 Similar increases in other African countries have been terrorizing the public. Clearly something is wrong. (Source: Cape Chameleon)
Just last week in Nepal on July 24 a ten-year-old boy named Jivan Kohan was murdered in a human sacrifice ritual. The murderer said he was told by a Hindu shaman that the sacrifice of this boy would help bring healing to his sick son. (Source: CNN)
In case after case, false gods are the primary source of inspiration for the murder of innocent children. African witch doctors have revealed in interviews that they are obeying voices or spiritual callings when they conduct human sacrifices.
So we see the scheme of the devil manifested throughout history and continuing today. He is a cold-blooded killer who preys upon innocent, defenseless children. He operates under many aliases, including Allah, Muhammad and Krishna, but our fight is not against the people who do his evil bidding. Our fight is against the rulers, the spiritual powers, the forces of darkness, the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12). It is these evil spirits who are now scheming to shed more innocent blood, especially the blood of Christian children, and specifically American Christian children.
Battleground America:
Americans have been blessed with a long history of peace within our borders, giving us a great sense of security. We see the atrocities happening to Christians in other parts of the world, but we don’t pay much attention because we believe it cannot happen here. Our security has actually made us vulnerable because we have lowered our guard. We have been lulled into a deep sleep while our enemy has entered our land and taken his position among us. As a result, America is now facing the greatest danger we have ever faced. Yet, even now very few are aware of what is happening.
Darkness is increasing in America at an alarming rate, rolling in like thick clouds covering the land, causing deep spiritual blindness to cover the people (Isaiah 60:2). Evil is openly being celebrated while good is openly mocked and ridiculed. Where is the voice of righteousness in our land? Where are our elected leaders calling for America to repent before the Lord? Where are our church leaders calling for repentance?
The unbelievers are surely not going to sound the alarm, so it is up to those who know the Lord to warn everyone about the dangers we are facing. However, the alarms are almost totally silent. For the most part, Christian leaders refuse to talk about the enemy’s schemes. They seem to be more concerned about their own power, position, and wealth than the people God has entrusted to them. They have become like shepherds who abuse their own sheep and like parents who molest their own children. Instead of warning them of danger, they tickle their ears with promises of blessings.
They love to quote the first half of Deuteronomy 28, which promises blessings for those who obey God, but they refuse to quote the second half of the chapter, which promises curses for those who disobey God. So the people are not told the high price of their disobedient lifestyles and don’t realize their disobedience is bringing curses upon their own children. They don’t realize the horror they are bringing upon their own family, the horror of seeing their children taken away from them.
Cursed shall be the offspring of your body and the produce of your ground, the increase of your herd and the young of your flock. (Deuteronomy 28:18)How can we expect God to bless our children while we are abusing his children? How can we expect to sow bad seeds and reap a good harvest? How can we lay claim to his promises while violating his commandments?
Your sons and your daughters shall be given to another people, while your eyes look on and yearn for them continually; but there will be nothing you can do. (Deuteronomy 28:32)
It doesn’t work that way. Unless we repent of our hidden sins, our children will suffer the curses of Deuteronomy 28 while we look on, powerless to help them.
America is beyond the point of finding a political solution to our problems. There are at least twelve Republican candidates running for President in 2016, but I have yet to hear a single one of them calling America to repent before the one true living God. He alone is our hope. He alone can foil the scheme of our enemy. America must get right with God!
The Abortion Curse:
The curses on our children have already started, and one of them is abortion.
Abortion clinics have already claimed the lives of over 58 million American babies since 1973. The baby holocaust continues with the financial support of every taxpayer in America now supporting organizations like Planned Parenthood, which actively promotes abortion. Three times in the past two weeks their doctors and executives were caught on hidden cameras negotiating the sale of aborted baby body parts.
The third video shows a Planned Parenthood vice president, Dr. Savita Ginde, negotiating the sale of aborted baby body parts and attempting to get as much money as possible for the deal. Dr. Ginde was recorded saying, “I think a per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it.”
After the damaging videos were made public, did Planned Parenthood executives repent for their horrible crimes? No way! They filed a lawsuit to silence their accusers by stopping the release of any more videos. They have no intention of backing down or slowing down. It’s full speed ahead in America’s baby-parts business. (Source: Life News and Breitbart)
The Slavery Curse:
Those who survive the dangers of the womb have another curse seeking to destroy them, being sold into slavery. It is estimated that 1.5 million North American children (20.9 million worldwide) have already been stolen from their parents and sold into slavery. The victims are forced into prostitution to generate revenue for their owners. Human trafficking has become a multi-billion-dollar business and growing fast.
According to a prophetic warning shared by Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin from Messianic Temple Beth El, we are about to see even more children stolen.
You will hear about children disappearing more than ever before. They are kidnapped by Satanists, witches, sexual perverts, and homosexuals to destroy the child for the rest of his or her life.The Sexual Perversion Curse:
Our children are under attack from another curse, the curse of sexual immorality and perversion. Sexual promiscuity is promoted as a normal healthy lifestyle while abstaining from sex before marriage is mocked as foolishness. Meanwhile, homosexuals are aggressively going after our children with school curriculums promoting gender confusion and perverted lifestyles starting in preschool and kindergarten. Our kids are being taught it is okay to be a homosexual, even though the Bible reveals it is an abomination to God. They are being taught to make choices that are offensive to God, thus separating themselves from his blessings. If they somehow avoid being indoctrinated at school, they get bombarded with the same perversion at home in television programs and movies.
As a result, our kids are getting so confused some are even resorting to self-mutilation to change their anatomy. Some psychiatrists are calling it “gender identity disorder” while others argue it should not even be called a disorder. Growing numbers of children and teenagers are having sex change operations, including kids as young as 8 years old.
In another Pediatrics report, a Texas doctor says he’s also provided sex-changing treatment to an increasing number of children; so has a clinic at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles where the 8-year-old is a patient. (Source: legislation was passed in Oregon in January to allow 15-year-old kids to get state-subsidized sex change operations without their parent’s consent (Source: Fox News). Parents are outraged, but feel powerless to stop the tidal wave of perversion from destroying their kids. The homosexuals have captured the support of corporate leaders, the news media, lawmakers, the President, and their most recent conquest, the United States Supreme Court. What chance do parents have to fight back?
The Islamic Curse:
A new threat to American children is now emerging that could be the most dangerous one yet. Islamic fundamentalists are targeting Christian children for murder. We already see it happening in Iraq and Syria where ISIS militants are killing, torturing, crucifying, burying alive, selling children as sex slaves, and forcing them to be suicide bombers. (Source: United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child, February 2015)
ISIS executed at least 74 children in the past year for offenses such as refusing to fast during Ramadan and practicing magic, according to a new report by the UK-based group, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. At least two of the children were crucified with signs posted explaining their crimes (Source: Fox News and Reuters).
In Nigeria, Boko Haram militants kidnapped nearly 300 schoolgirls from the village of Chibok last year. The group’s leader called them slaves and threatened to sell them in the slave market. Girls as young as 11 were subjected to systematic, organized sexual violence. (Source: New York Times)
In April 2015, Boko Haram released 234 girls after a lengthy captivity, but 214 of them were pregnant from being repeatedly raped and sexually abused. The freed hostages also suffer from “severe psychological trauma.” (Source: The Root)
Gunmen from Islamist group Boko Haram also shot or burned to death 59 pupils in a boarding school in northeast Nigeria.
In Pakistan, there are numerous reports of Christian children being violently murdered or raped by Muslims. In every one of these cases, Pakistani police either failed to act or sided with the rapists and murderers. In one case, Muslims raped and disfigured a two-year-old girl because her father refused to convert to Islam. According to a Pakistani official, “Christian girls are considered goods to be damaged at leisure. Abusing them is a right. According to the Muslim community’s mentality it is not even a crime. Muslims regard them as spoils of war.” (Source: Clarion Project)
Sudanese Muslim cleric Muhammad Al-Jazouli
Islamic clerics are now openly vowing to come after America’s children to murder them. In Sudan, Muslim cleric Muhammad Al-Jazouli announced in his weekly sermon there is no distinction between enemy combatants and civilians and thus American women and children are fair game for militant attacks.
“In its war with the infidels, Islam recognizes no distinction between regular armies and civilians.” He then quoted a statement once conveyed to the prophet Mohammed that when Muslims would attack “the polytheists at night, women and children would be harmed. The Prophet Muhammad answered: ‘Their offspring constitute part of them.’ They are part of them, said our beloved Muhammad. This is not merely someone’s opinion. Thus, killing their women and children is permitted,” Al-Jazouli said.
At the end of his presentation, the crowd chanted “Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar,” MEMRI TV reported. (Source: The Blaze)The Islamic threat poses a greater danger than ever before to America’s kids because our President supports Islam’s war against us. Since coming into office in January 2009, President Obama has done everything in his power to open our southern border to allow anyone and everyone to enter our land. Evidence shows Islamic militants are entering America in large numbers. Border patrol agents call them OTM’s, which means Other Than Mexican. At a recent MorningStar Conference, General Jerry Boykin, founder and former leader of America’s prestigious Delta Force, shared evidence that over 80% of the OTM’s are Middle Eastern Muslims. Many of them are already here.
What few Americans seem to realize is their tax dollars are being used to support ISIS. President Obama has been supporting them covertly and even openly by providing them with funding, training, arms, and equipment. The gun running operation in Benghazi, Libya was all about getting weapons transported from Libya to ISIS militants in Syria, deceptively renaming them as “Freedom Fighters” and “moderate militants”. We now know that was a lie. The truth is there is nothing moderate about them. The same Muslim militants who fought against Assad’s army in Syria are now part of ISIS. America helped give birth to ISIS and continues to support them today.
In July 2014, President Obama asked Congress to authorize $500 million to increase support for “moderate” and “appropriately vetted” rebels within the context of a $1.5 billion “regional stability initiative.” By September 2014, Congress acquiesced and voted to fund these “junior league” rebels, which include IS, against whom the U.S. and U.K. are now bombing. (Source: Christian Post)
After getting the $1.5 billion authorized by Congress in September 2014, the Obama administration then routed part of that money directly into the hands of new ISIS recruits. According to ISIS leaders, the U.S. paid them $600 for each new recruit.
An ISIS leader named Yousef al-Salafi in Pakistan has admitted that ISIS is being funded by the USA, and thus, the Obama administration. This came from a statement done by the Pakistani government which interrogated Yousef and received this information from him.We have allowed our leaders to sow bad seeds, while we foolishly expect to reap a good harvest, but it doesn’t work that way. Whatever we sow is what we reap, multiplied back to us. The harvest from every seed sown has an uncanny way of returning to the sower. The Bible explains, “Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for you reap whatever you sow.” (Galatians 6:7)
One source said that al Salafi confessed that he and another ally — said to be an imam — was getting paid by the US to recruit youths to join ISIS for $600 a recruit. (Source:

How to Break the Islamic Curse:
Thanks to the diligent prayers and fasting of a small remnant of believers, the Lord is now exposing the scheme of the enemy and warning his people about the growing threat posed by Islam. He wants us to know ahead of time so we can pray, seek his help, and foil their evil plans.
A prophetic warning was given to Nicole Moore through a series of words and dreams starting in October 2014. She shared her warnings in the following post, Islamic Plot to Murder America’s Christian Children Revealed.
Another prophetic warning was given to Cyndi J. Dana, which revealed Islamic militants launching missiles at American schools from inside our own cities. See my previous post, Prophetic Dream: ISIS Terrorists Launching Missiles Inside U.S. City.
On November 14 2014, the National Cathedral in Washington DC allowed Muslims to hold an Islamic prayer service in their sanctuary. During the service, every cross was covered in fabric so the Muslims would not have to look upon them. All of the church pews were moved to clear the way for Muslim prayer rugs. The pews were rearranged so they all faced backwards.
Muslims praying inside the National Cathedral in Washington DC
One uninvited Christian, Christine Weick, attended that service and had the courage to speak out in protest. She was immediately escorted out by police. Here is what she said afterwards,
“For those that say this is a country of freedom of religion, then I say let’s play fair,” she said. “Let us have a Bible study in their mosque. Let me pass out the Bible tracts at their mosque instead of having the police called out on me. Why can’t Franklin Graham go into the biggest mosque in Dearborn, Michigan, and hold a prayer vigil on Easter Sunday there? They will not allow it because they are not tolerant of us. They wanted nothing to do with Christianity.”
“The main thing that I would tell believers is that it’s a battle out there. We need to warrior-up, take on the whole armor of God, we got the helmet of salvation, we got the sword, we need to start fighting and quit compromising. When does the complacency stop? When? When they are completely taking over? When sin has completely eradicated the Bible in every aspect? When we can’t even preach from the Bible anymore? That’s my concern for the American church because eventually we are not going to be able to get the word out there because it’s not going to be allowed and we are headed out that way.
“When are we going to stand up and fight? I don’t think God meant for His people to just lay back and do nothing.” (Source: Christian Post)I couldn’t have said it any better!
They didn't mention the Jewish curse!
I do NOT believe Jehovah is the one true GOD
I believe David Vose has a video about this.
Check this out...NO FEAR
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