Sunday, March 20, 2016

Kasich Refuses to Drop Out… This Is Treason

BOMBSHELL: We Just Discovered the REAL Reason Kasich Refuses to Drop Out… This Is Treason

Mar 19 2016

Why Ohio Gov. John Kasich remains in the presidential race confounds many — especially since it’s mathematically impossible for him to win enough delegates to secure the nomination.

He has only won one state so far and to secure the GOP nomination he must secure 1,237 delegates and have at least eight state wins under his belt, and neither of those are likely to happen this late in the game.

So, what gives? Why is the governor still in the race when all he’s doing is muddling it up for GOP rivals Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz?

The reason why may be more sinister than most would like to believe — and it has ties to Kasich’s donors.

LifeSite News reported that none other than George Soros is linked to Kasich’s presidential campaign. The Soros Fund Management was listed as the sixth highest individual donor to the governor’s campaign, with $202,700 given thus far.

George Soros, of course, is a big-time liberal player who has donated over $8 million to Democrat presidential candidate Hillary’ Clinton’s campaign. Soros is behind the left-wing organization and is associated with many other left-wing movements. He is no friend to conservatives, yet he backs Kasich — leaving us to ask why.

Speculation is that Soros wants to keep Kasich in the race long enough to sabotage the Republican Party and pave the way for a Clinton win. Of course, Kasich may be delusional enough to believe he could actually win the nomination, which, sadly, feeds right into Soros’ plan.

Kasich needs to do everyone a favor and wake up to reality. Dropping out of the race now would the race to officially become the two-man race it has de facto been for some time now. Staying in only tarnishes the governor’s reputation.

It’s time and everyone knows it. Everyone. wsletter%203192016&utm_content=Conservative%20Tribune%20-%20Daily%20Newsletter%203192016+CID_6419c608782cc5c347100e36b59f040a&utm_source=CampaignMonitor&utm_term=BOMBSHELL%20We%20Just%20Discovered%20t he%20REAL%20Reason%20Ka sich%20 Re fuses%20to%20Drop%20Out%20This%20Is%20Treason

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kasich is staying in because he's trying to force a contested convention where he hopes to steal the nomination and be the "savior" of the party. It's the only realistic possibility of stealing the presidency from Trump or Cruz. They could also hand the presidency to the democrats by running a third party candidate, but the libertarians will already be running a third party candidate with no chance of winning who will only poach votes, thus potentially changing the outcome of who wins in November.

Soros is backing Kasich for two reasons. 1 by keeping him in the race there is a better chance for a contested convention. 2 Soros can tolerate Kasich because he's a good little globalist that will push the globalist agenda. As far as George I'm a POS Soros is concerned, anyone not named Trump is acceptable at this time. The number of ways that Trump threatens globalism is long, but his tunnel vision focus on repatriateling high paying jobs to the United States is the biggest threat. It's the greatest threat to globalism because once Americans are no longer living pay check to paycheck scared to death of how they're going to survive they might just start working together. Unifying the people and giving them hope would erase a lot of the decisiveness that scumbags like Soros worked so hard at creating the past 20 years.

Just think what could happen when an ever growing enlightened population, with money in its pockets and the semblance of unity could accomplish. It's Georgo Soros's worse nightmare come to fruition.