Sunday, March 20, 2016

SHOCK Announcement… GOP Establishment Horrified


Mar 19 2016

Echoing a sentiment shared by millions of Republican primary voters across the country, conservative Fox News host Sean Hannity essentially placed the GOP establishment on notice during his Wednesday program.

The popular host was speaking about the not-so-secret plan that the party elites intend to try and use a “brokered” convention to more or less steal the nomination away from front-running candidate Donald Trump should he fail to garner the required number of delegates beforehand.

Hannity then proceeded to voice his extreme displeasure with the idea, even suggesting he would abandon the party if it came to that.

Hannity asked rhetorically, “Are they going to cut their nose to spite their face?”

 “You know, if they are going to be that self destructive, and if they’re going to pout, and if they’re going to pick up their little toys, and they’re going to go home like a bunch of babies, they will destroy, there will be no Republican Party at the end of this,” Hannity proclaimed. (dissolution of both Dems and Repubs could be a GOOD thing!) m= MailChimp&utm_content=featured-stories&utm_campaign=DailyEmail03.19.16&utm_m ediu m=e mail&utm_campaign=Conservative%20Trib une%20-%20 Daily%20 Newsletter%203192 016&utm _co ntent=Conservative%20Tribune%20-%20Daily%20Newsletter%203192016+CID_6419c 608782cc 5c3 47100e36b59f040a&utm_source=CampaignMonitor&utm_term=VIDEO%20Sean%20Hannity%20Ma kes%20SHOCK%20A nnounc ement% 20GOP%20Establishment%20Horrified

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