Monday, January 8, 2018

Bundys Freed -- Extra! Extra! Hear All About It!

By Anna Von Reitz

It is my understanding that the bad behavior of the FBI and BLM in this matter has finally caught up to them and that the Bundys' and all those who have likewise been falsely accused and prosecuted and persecuted will now be set free and the record established as a finding in their favor "with prejudice"----preventing the vermin responsible for this travesty from ever coming back and bringing forward any more complaints.

Thank God. Finally. 

And now, I have a few more choice words:

18 U.S. Code Subsection 2333-- Civil Remedies

(a) Action and Jurisdiction---

Any national of the United States injured in his or her person, property, or business by reason of an act of international terrorism, or his or her estate, survivors, or heirs, may sue therefore in any appropriate district court of the United States and shall recover threefold damages he or she sustains and the cost of the suit, including attorney's fees.

Hear that, Guys?  3X plus court costs. Guaranteed. 

And since the Municipal United States is a foreign government and the FBI and BLM are both foreign corporations acting outside their jurisdiction to wreck havoc and attempt unlawful conversion of assets and threaten (and take, in the case of LaVoy Finicum) the lives of the American People, aka, United States Nationals, this IS an act of "international terrorism" by "uniformed officers" against peaceful non-combatant civilian Third Parties. 

There you go. 

Just remember that in America the words "interstate" and "international" are completely interchangeable, because each state is also a nation---- and also remember that the federal government, whether territorial or municipal, is foreign with respect to us, and there you have it---- acts of "international terrorism" being promoted by our own employees against us. 

They will put themselves right out of business if they continue with these abuses, and I hope and I pray that the Bundys and Steve Curry and everyone else who has been wrongfully attacked by these vermin take such a bite out of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, INC.  commercial profits that they learn their lessons and never, ever do these things again on American soil ---or anywhere else for that matter.

Which brings up my final good thought for the day---- Trey Gowdy seems like a real American----a tough, intelligent example of the breed.  I like him.  And he just happens to be co-chair of the all-powerful House Oversight Subcommittee.... and they just happen to be investigating the actions and inactions of the FBI....

Now, the FBI and the BLM, which have both played such a disgraceful part in the prosecution of the ranchers that is just ending, are owned and operated by what appears to be a private, for-profit agency holding company calling itself the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, INC. 

I've mentioned this fact before.  BLM wasn't just calling on the FBI for help with a problem within FBI jurisdiction.  BLM was colluding with a sister-company, being directed by the same parent corporation.  Ah, so, can anyone tell us who is responsible for the Bad Behavior of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, INC.--their parent company?

Who is on the Board of Directors of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, INC.? 

Who is accountable for the misdirection and misconduct of these agencies?  Who isn't doing their job to properly inform, direct, and deploy the BLM and the FBI to do the actual jobs that they are supposed to do? 

We didn't hire them to harass innocent ranchers over grazing rights they are owed.  We certainly didn't hire them to ambush and murder LaVoy Finicum in cold blood.  So who set these public servants on such a misdirected path?  And why?

Americans want to know--- so we make changes to this little "system" of things gone so horribly wrong.  It's abundantly clear that somebody somewhere needs the fear of God put into them.  And I bet Trey Gowdy can find out who without burning up too many calories.  

Let's ask him.  Let's ask the whole House Oversight Subcommittee. 

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:

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