Saturday, January 6, 2018

Special Message About Marijuana "Law"

By Anna Von Reitz

Most of my faithful readers are now sharp enough to already know the answer to the present controversy regarding AG Session's enforcement of federal sanctions against state-legalized marijuana. 

My readers know that AG Sessions isn't addressing the actual states.  He is addressing the federated "States of States"--- which he has control over because they are nothing but corporate franchises of the federal parent corporations. 

Does Burger King, Inc., have the right to dictate policy and rules and place limits on your local Burger King franchise?  

Of course, they do.  That is what being a franchise is all about. You buy into a successful product line and marketing system in order to promote it and profit from it.  

So your local Dairy Queen carries the same ice cream, same menu, same signage, same uniforms as every other Dairy Queen.  

It's the same way with the federal corporations.  You want to be a Territorial franchise and share in federal block grants?  Fine, you organize a "State of State" franchise and toe the parent corporation's line. 

You want a share of federal racketeering profits?  You open a STATE OF STATE franchise.  Same deal. 

So when Attorney General Sessions tells his corporate goons to enforce the parent corporations' policy about marijuana on the State of State franchises-- does he have the right to do so? 

Of course, he does.  

You can't have Burger King serving Kentucky Fried Chicken, right?  If you are a franchise operation you have to ride for the brand, wear the colors, adhere to the menu, prepare the product according to the centrally controlled recipe...

So Jeff Sessions is just telling the franchises to get back in line and obey the franchise agreement and follow the parent corporation rules. 

And from his perspective, this makes perfect sense-- especially  when these State of State franchises are taking in billions of dollars in new revenue from marijuana sales -- and aren't cutting the Mama Corporation in on the deal. 

So this is NOT a "state's rights" issue.  AG Sessions isn't talking to the states.  He is talking to the States of States, which are franchises of federal corporations he represents. 

In truth and in fact marijuana use has ALWAYS been lawful.  There is no way for any actual state to interfere with your right to grow, eat, smoke, or otherwise use a plant however you see fit.  

Also in truth and in fact, no actual state can control in-state domestic sales and trades involving marijuana.  

It's only when marijuana sales cross state lines and it becomes an issue of "interstate trade" that sale or transport of marijuana becomes a federal issue at all. 

So here is the deal-- growing and using marijuana is lawful and always has been.  So long as it is purely in-state and local, the federal government has nothing to say about it, similar to the situation wherein anyone can make their own beer and wine and hard liquor without any government interference, but even more liberal, because the federal government was given explicit control over interstate commerce involving alcohol, tobacco and firearms (as sources of income supporting the federal government) and has never been granted any special interest in drugs at all.

But, does the federal corporation have the right to set and enforce rules and policies for its franchises and employees?  

You betcha. 

Now it is just a matter of each and every one of you making your choices and deciding what your political status is and whether or not you are going to serve the federal corporations as "volunteers" (which they claim we are) or as employees or as franchisees? 

You decide whether or not you are a "US citizen" and obligated to follow every whim and policy of Congress or not.  Are you a franchisee?  Are you subject to the rules of the US Army?  Do you have to obey the company policies of the Company? 

Jeff Sessions is well-within his rights to boss around the States of States and STATES OF STATES.  And he isn't even talking to the actual states and people, because he knows better. 

But do you?  Does the Congressional Delegation "representing" your state? 

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The only thing these CONgress criminals understand is what's in it for them.