Thursday, September 15, 2011

World Trade Center - building 7 - brand new footage shows SQUIBS

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

World Trade Center - building 7 - brand new footage shows SQUIBS
Posted By: FreePlanet
Date: Thursday, 15-Sep-2011 16:33:54
Don't even try to lie to us any more.
You pulled it. Rigging a 48 storey building for demolition takes days. Premeditation. Fact.


Anonymous said...

Bye Bye rats swim hard the sharks are waiting haven't been eating. They reap what they've sowed!

Anonymous said...

World Trade Center - building 7 - brand new footage shows SQUIBS.Posted By: FreePlanet Date: Thursday, 15-Sep-2011 16:33:54
Don't even try to lie to us any more. EMBED'D VIDEO HERE.../Link:
Articles In This Thread:
World Trade Center - building 7 - brand new footage shows SQUIBS (views: 999)
FreePlanet -- Thursday, 15-Sep-2011 16:33:54
Another site explains why that may be a planted fake video (views: 7)
MrFusion -- Friday, 16-Sep-2011 00:21:00
UPDATE: Possibly FAKE! (Visible Explosions) NEW VIDEO SEPT 2011. WTC Building 7. Chargement…10 513views
Ajoutée par/added by sadekgheidan, le14 sept.2011. Update 16 Sept 2011: This video is POSSIBLY a fake, for more info, refer to: ....(....)
FROM: 0:48 sec ////////
This Building 7 video is a fake, and spreading it as mentioned in the video, is a very bad idea. Moving on… // Another site explains why that may be a planted fake video. Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail] Date: Friday, 16-Sep-2011 00:21:00 One tactic to discredit a theory is to create great looking fake evidence which can be discredited later, creating doubt about the whole theory. Here is a site that expresses that opinion about the "squib" footage. It includes a comparison with original footage apparently altered with addition of the "squibs". The site presents the video below as more authoritative support for the Building 7 demolition scenario:
REAL Building 7 Video by Real Experts, to Spread Around. If you want to see real video and real evidence of controlled demolition, made by experts, then take a look at this 15-minute mini-doc by AE911Truth:
Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 - 15:00min
and ..