Thursday, May 8, 2014



Subject: bluwolf....HORSE BISCUITS

5/8/2014 Bluwolf

I am very irritated with all the idiots with a b , while in Spain and certain other places the high levels are being attended as in the tier factor (it is protocol ) both Government here and abroad are restraining forced by the filthy rich. Now I feel very disgusted and I am so tired to say the least. This haulting, hold up, stalling or whatever you may call it is being done and will continue to be done for with each announcement given a lot of folks go out and buy more reserves, and since Iraqs government does not mine, your UST does not mine, your dealers and banks do not mine, your local and state governments do, not mine, some call centers and certain sites do, not mine,the flow of fresh revenue it shall continue until you folks stop the buying of reserves period. Once that is done then and only then will we get this rv exchange on its way. Period Bluwolf 


Anonymous said...

Thanks Blu for telling it like it is. You are so right about people continuing to purchase dinar. Are they going to be surprised when they learn that there is not enough money in the world to cash all the dinar that has been sold.

I have read from a reliable source that the Bush/Obama/Clinton cabal, along with Maliki, get a percentage of every dinar sold. They are not going to give up this flow of income - why would they? Dinars will continue to be sold and all of us in America will continue to buy but not me.

Idiot Americans think they are going to get millions of dollars for a few hundred dollars investment. They are dreaming..............

Anonymous said...

So, let's get this straight. The Indigo Canine, who's been swearing the RV is ASN for, oh, I don't know --- YEARS --- says now the reason the RV is being delayed, stalled and otherwise put off is YOU IDIOTS BUYING THOSE STINKING RESERVES. Wow. An URUG reaches a new low...

r3divory said...

yes this was Blu