Monday, May 5, 2014

Information from “FryerTuck” (5-2-14) and affirmed by Zap, “The Main Body of [this] is pretty Clear and Unambiguous”

Information from “FryerTuck” (5-2-14) and affirmed by Zap, “The Main Body of [this] is pretty Clear and Unambiguous”

Posted on 2014/05/04 by 
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This was mentioned by Zap in the latest Office of Poofness post. I believe the original was posted here:
From what I have sensed for some time, this is not an “all of a sudden process. It’s going in small steps. This message from “FryerTuck” states this. There’s a lot of (I believe) useful information here.
  • CHECKMATE has been met as the highest ranking [cabal] members no longer exist.
  • Mass arrests are not going to happen in the way many think. This will keep the populace from rioting and causing more chaos.
  • The GLOBAL RESET: The RV is only part of this. The money releases will come as most all is set into motion. The trigger should be pulled no latter then May 22, 2014.
  • The Governmental body will be reduced by leaps and bounds. Nothing will be introduced to a ballot that has long term ill effects on Humanity or the Earth. The original plan was scrapped and a new one was formed.
May 2, 2014
13:04 PM
The game of espionage is dangerous. Those at the top of the ladder are unknown to the populace. Their names are never used in public. The closely guarded secrets are no longer secret. It was important that we found who was giving orders and running the show.
JP Morgan, Kissinger, Hitler, Queen Elizabeth, Bush clan, The Pope and many more are only pawns in the checker board. They are what the PTW call the “Children in Chains”. Some will look towards the Black Pope as being the head leader, but in fact the head masters are as high up in the ranking as you can get. This way the blame is always kept on those who are only puppets and known in the public’s eye. Very few have ever met the PTW in person including their puppets.
CHECKMATE has been met as the highest ranking members no longer exist. This game of chess has been playing out since 1549. Since 9/11 the team nearly quadrupled in size when many high ranking officials in the Military Industrial Complex finally saw the forest for the trees.Read more…


Anonymous said...

the problem with this is that the author of this, Berlin at Transformation is Coming website admits that she made the whole Friar Tuck article up and she asked for forgiveness.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could remember where I saw it, but the author of the Fryer Tuck piece wrote it and one other piece to show how fast news would spread without being vetted. By his own admission there is nothing new but the date, he chose out of thin air. His point was to many people are being gullible and not checking things out before forwarding them on. Seems ZAP has gotten caught in the cross fire on this one. It was either here, RMN, that had the admission and was first posted on a Guru site.

Lacey Jane said... part 2 of that blog you guys are talking about is on it but also is the one before it where they state they made up the intel piece.

Unknown said...

The Fryer Tuck piece is 100% fiction written by a person called Janice Marie Rollins (hey Janice here is another 5 mins of fame!!) She is under the notion she is a freelance writer, I suggest she get another job.
Berlin is another one of the names she goes under, she is part of a tag team going around disrupting freedom sites, she has a sidekick called Julia May, I ask all who have freedom sites to ban these people.
Many people are tired, stretched and strained by this movement, and the last thing they need is another playing silly games for their small minds to achieve their 15 minutes of fame.
I removed her from our site called Cosmic Voice.

Lacey Jane said...

So for anyone who read those to articles does ^^^^ that from Thomas Williams make any sense to you? That right there is psychological control at it's best. Let me break it down for you. To make impressions that Berlin/Janice is purposely deceiving people by using two different names is total BS. She states who she is in her blog on the about page. She came out and said who she was and that she posted that fake piece. Just as she said those who have something to lose will come out to try and save face. Of course by attempting to say anything they can to discredit her. I suggest everyone go read her two articles. Part 1 and Part 2 and I left the link above Thomas Williams comment, so 2 above this one if no one comments in between. Insinuation Janice/Berlin is going around disrupting "FREEDOM" sites is a nice way to get people to believe that Berlin/Janice is against freedom. Another psychological mind control game. To insinuate she has a side kick just because this other person agreed with her, is funny because they don't speak very often at all. Yet again to attempt to make Janice/Berlin appear she has friends and they are purposely disrupting "freedom" groups. More psychological mind control. Then to say she has a small mind and is wanting 15 minutes of fame. hahahahahahha Thomas that is the lamest attempt at keeping your Cosmic Voice fans from leaving because someone exposes the BS for what it is. Does Blog Talk have donations buttons for Drakes show, does his website? Just curious. Or is it just the fear of losing listeners. The fear of your listeners banning together and getting off their hopium drug addiction and your ratings go down. The control of the ones who are awake ceases to exist! Sounds like you have a lot to lose. Sounds like someone is afraid of their losing their followers. It is interesting that someone who preaches freedom is so afraid of losing followers from someone who is preaching to get off your butt and take action and join together. What is it again the cabal are afraid of? Oh yeah, it's "We The People" not "We the laptap addicts"