Sunday, May 4, 2014



  [r we expecting the rv before or after...Wednesday?]  I am more than a little hopeful that it could be before.  [might we be seeing updated rates on the CBI and or Forex on Sunday?]  If things go very smoothly you could see them.   [you claim this "RI" happened (a week ago today), but NOTHING!]  I am being told by people I trust in Iraq that Maliki did pull that trigger...time will tell us soon.  [Know of any IMF/BIS rule regarding how long a RI can be accomplished before it is revealed?]   I was told 10 days.  [10 days from the 26th puts us about Monday the 5th.]   [when do you think the announcement will come?]  I am afraid to say but I think early this week.  [are the contract rates limited only to those participating in private placements, or will the public have an opportunity as well?]  I am told the general public will be offered something better than the street rate. 

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