'Blood Red'
Around the World!
A Sign?
'Blood Red'
Around the World!
A Sign?
of video is 3 minutes 33 seconds
April 30, 2014
are included in the above video but many
other YouTubes can be selected on that page.
other YouTubes can be selected on that page.
China, England, France, Lebanon, Netherlands, Slovakia,
Switzerland, USA
Switzerland, USA
have all happened within the past two years.
Wednesday, 30 April 2014
April 30, 2014 -- (TRN) -- The River Lotzwil (Bern,
Switzerland) has suddenly
turned blood red. Scientists say they have
absolutely no explanation.
Others point to The Book of Revelation, 16:4 in the
Holy Bible.
Picture of the River shown below . . .
This is just the latest of a series of similar
incidents wherein waterways -
either fresh or salt -- have "inexplicably"
turned blood red.
In January, 2014, a stream in Northhampshire, UK turned
blood red.
Initially, it was thought
that Ink spilled in the river, but that was never
confirmed and the source was never found.
In December, 2013, a river near a small village in
Slovakia turned blood red.
It was thought
that a slaughterhouse upstream had leaked into the river but
that was not true. No explanation was ever found.
A similar incident took place in September, 2012 in a
section of the
Yangtze River in Chongqing, China as shown below . . .
Experts struggled to explain it:
In February, 2012, People in Lebanon’s capital woke up
to the following scene
of the Beirut river that runs at the edge of the city .
. .
Even canals in Beirut turned red . . . .
.....no explanation
. . .
In November, 2012, Australia's most famous beach, Bondo
turned blood red too . . .
On Friday, August 10, 2012, the waters of a lake in The
Camargue, a marshy
area in the Rhone delta of southern France, turned
“blood red.” The scene
certainly baffled holiday makers. The strange thing
about it is lakes on the
left and right of the red lake are absolutely as you’d
expect with them to be,
with normal water. The color was never explained.
While governments and scientists are baffled by these
events, the
explanation is clear to those of us who participate in
this web site:
Almighty God is warning us to repent our sins. Of
course, you may find
such a belief ridiculous (which is part of the problem)
but the Holy Bible,
written two thousand or so years ago, foretold of this
type of event. I
n The Book of Revelations, Chapter 16, Verse 4, we were
And the third angel poured out his vial upon
the rivers and fountains of waters;
and they became blood.
It isn't hard to believe that humanity is being warned
by God to repent its
sins, or to see that humanity, in its arrogance, is
ignoring these warnings,
as was also foretold in the Bible.
For us, we believe in YHVH which some pronounce
"YAHWEH" and others
pronounce "Jehovah" who is the one, true,
almighty God. We believe and
assert that he is the Creator of us and of all
things. We believe and assert
that he always was, always is and always shall
be. We repent our sins, ask
YHWH to forgive us, and pray that we be granted
Salvation through Y'Shua,
whom we are taught was called Jesus, the Christ,
We make no apology to anyone for our beliefs, or for
worshiping Almighty
God. We urge everyone to get right with the Lord
because he is just and
his judgments are righteous. He cannot be lied
to, fooled, conned or
snookered. We fear his just and righteous
punishment for our sins, and
suggest you should too.
Someone asked, Can you explain this..
The Sender replied:
Maybe I can XXXX, you are the first to ask.?!
12 Nov 2K1 – 0742 in prison – I turned on the news, there is smoke in the distance, a 767 reportedly went down.
Vengeance is Mine saith the Lord I will repay went thru my mind 4-6 times.
I finally realize I should write this down.
0900 – Burning homes, a witness said he saw the left wing on fire, another said it was the right wing. American Airlines, A300 Airbus, flight 587 en route to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 246 passengers, nine crew, crashed in Queens, New York.
0942 – Several times a tune went through my mind, I have no idea why or the connection to today’s event.
You fought all the way Johnny Reb Johnny Reb yeah you fought all the way Johnny Reb.
0950 – This is Veterans Day – Veteran. I will avenge thee an hundred fold on all them that hate Me and repent not nor restore four fold for all their trespasses against thee My Son.
I thought, the timing is impeccable and most appropriate.
They have sought thy blood I will give them blood to drink. There is no justice they have no integrity and the truth is not in them thus saith the Lord thy God even Jesus Christ Ahman. Blessed be Thy Name and the glory be Thine forever.
What happens in thy life from henceforth will be the work of thy Father
till I put My enemies under your feet.
Mother: All things work out for good for them that love the Lord Son don’t ever forget that.
Chesty Puller: Semper Fi Major Semper Fi.
I will never leave thee nor forsake thee My Son thou hast not left nor forsaken Me.
1025 – Thank You Father that I can give evidence of Thee to them and the heathen about Thee.
1038 – Most assuredly Father I am nothing without Thee and Thou art Just.
1049 – Donald Carty, Chairman / CEO of American Airlines gave a short speech – we’re good, we have it under control, not to worry.
1105 – They want to drive Me from the skies I will drive them from the skies.
1158 – Phone number for family / passenger information is
1-800-245-0999, upside down mark of the beast.
I will not be mocked!
The Sender replied:
Maybe I can XXXX, you are the first to ask.?!
12 Nov 2K1 – 0742 in prison – I turned on the news, there is smoke in the distance, a 767 reportedly went down.
Vengeance is Mine saith the Lord I will repay went thru my mind 4-6 times.
I finally realize I should write this down.
0900 – Burning homes, a witness said he saw the left wing on fire, another said it was the right wing. American Airlines, A300 Airbus, flight 587 en route to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 246 passengers, nine crew, crashed in Queens, New York.
0942 – Several times a tune went through my mind, I have no idea why or the connection to today’s event.
You fought all the way Johnny Reb Johnny Reb yeah you fought all the way Johnny Reb.
0950 – This is Veterans Day – Veteran. I will avenge thee an hundred fold on all them that hate Me and repent not nor restore four fold for all their trespasses against thee My Son.
I thought, the timing is impeccable and most appropriate.
They have sought thy blood I will give them blood to drink. There is no justice they have no integrity and the truth is not in them thus saith the Lord thy God even Jesus Christ Ahman. Blessed be Thy Name and the glory be Thine forever.
What happens in thy life from henceforth will be the work of thy Father
till I put My enemies under your feet.
Mother: All things work out for good for them that love the Lord Son don’t ever forget that.
Chesty Puller: Semper Fi Major Semper Fi.
I will never leave thee nor forsake thee My Son thou hast not left nor forsaken Me.
1025 – Thank You Father that I can give evidence of Thee to them and the heathen about Thee.
1038 – Most assuredly Father I am nothing without Thee and Thou art Just.
1049 – Donald Carty, Chairman / CEO of American Airlines gave a short speech – we’re good, we have it under control, not to worry.
1105 – They want to drive Me from the skies I will drive them from the skies.
1158 – Phone number for family / passenger information is
1-800-245-0999, upside down mark of the beast.
I will not be mocked!
1 comment:
this can be a God warning on our deeds!!! we shuold change as the world is going to end soon
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