Saturday, May 10, 2014


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 10-May-2014 13:42:32

Putin “Vision” Of War With “Satanic America” Terrifies Kremlin
By: Sorcha Faal
A stunning memorandum originating from the Presidential Office relating to President Putin’s highly protected and secretive 4-day visit to the Valaam Monastery late last month has terrified the Kremlin today as it states that the massive nuclear war strike drills conducted this past week were “directly related” to a “vision” the President had in which he “saw” that Russia would soon stand alone in battling a United States which is now being controlled by “Satanic” forces.
According to this memorandum, Putin had his “vision” on 28 April while he was seeking the “solace and silence” of the Valaam Monastery as US-backed NATO forces continued flooding into the border regions of Russia as the Ukrainian Crisis continues to escalate.
The Valaam Monastery is a stauropegic (subordinated directly to a Patriarch or Synod, rather than to a local Bishop) Russian Orthodox Church monastery in Karelia, located on Valaam, the largest island in Lake Ladoga, the largest lake in Europe, and is often referred to as the “spiritual home” of Putin.
Important to note about Putin as it regards to his “visions”, this memorandum notes, is that it has long been known/suspected that he is one of the “seven special children” designated, educated and protected by the Church that have guided Russia for nearly 100 years towards what is commonly refereed to in Christianity as the apocalypse.
Putin, it should be remembered, has been “described as a mystery” with no records surviving of any ancestors, or any people, with the surname “Putin” beyond his grandfather Spiridon Ivanovich (1879–1965), who was a chef and cooked for Vladimir Lenin, Lenin's wife Nadezhda Krupskaya, and on several occasions for Joseph Stalin, and who had been “secretly baptized” to the Church by his mother when he was a child.
Likewise to be remembered, Stalin (a former Orthodox seminary student), with the backing of the Church, “toppled” Lenin in 1924 after the catastrophic Communist led anti-religious campaign and persecutions that saw nearly all of the Orthodox clergy, and many of its believers, shot or sent to labor camps.
Upon Stalin taking power he was unable to immediately halt the persecution of the Church, but by the late 1930’s he was able to mitigate the Communist damage so that by the 1980’s there were still over 50 million believers, but only about 7,000 registered active churches in Russia.
For his efforts in saving the Church from Lenin and the Communists, it is, also, critical to note, Stalin is still highly revered by the Orthodox leadership, and as noted by Russian historian Mikhail Babkin who recently (January) in commenting on the Church’s release of a 2014 calendar devoted to Stalin stated: “The link between the Moscow Patriarchy of the Russian Orthodox Church and Stalin remains close to sacred.”
As to the “seven special children” protected by the Church to guide and lead Russia into the “end times”, and of which Putin is believed to be the last one, it should be remembered that they were “designated to be” on 13 July 1917 when in the third of Her six apparitions at Fatima, the Blessed Virgin told the three shepherd children that She would return later to ask for the consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart.
Our Lady emphasized the importance of this request, which was accompanied by a dire warning:
“If My requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated. In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to Me, and she will be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world.”
The Orthodox Church in hearing of this dire warning by the Blessed Virgin, as the “legend/stories” are now told, and while in the midst of the Russian Revolution (8 March – 8 November 1917) that would soon see their near destruction at the hands of the Lenin-led Communists, they began the “programme” to ensure that these “seven special children” would not only survive for the next century, but would also be able to protect Russia from becoming a godless nation to stand as a bulwark against Satan in the “end times”.
So, with the “secretly baptized” Stalin-Church-linked Putin now leading Russia, and a nearly 100-year-long “cover up/disinformation campaign” having been waged against its “consecration” ordered by the Blessed Virgin in 1917, and with a tearful Putin declaring in an historic speech on the night of his Presidential election victory in 2012 that “a group who planned to destroy Russia from the inside was defeated because the people had recognized these imposters and rejected them”, the terror in the Kremlin today regarding his “vision” about a “Satanic America” is that much more alarming.
And with new reports now coming from the United States showing that school children are now being “forced to worship a sun god”, having to say their Pledge of Allegiance to Allah instead of their Christian God, and even their most prestigious Harvard University planning to hold a “black mass” this week to honor Satan…one can readily see Putin’s “vision” coming to pass…and much sooner than anyone realizes.
Note: Additional articles to read explaining the Crisis In Ukraine include: Putin Orders Feared Alpha Troops To Ukraine, Declares “Red War” Now In Progress, US Refuses To Take Back 13 Dead CIA Spies Killed In Ukraine, Armageddon Warned Near As Russia Orders “All-Out War” On Petrodollar, Ukraine “Rape-Murder” Squads Approved By Obama Horrifies Russia, US Spy Drone Shot Down Over Northern Fleet Base Alarms Russia, “Prepare For Doomsday” Shock Russian Report Warns, Furious Putin Orders “Project Double Eagle” To Destroy US, EU Economies, Obama In Shock After US Oil Giant Sides With Putin; Declares “No Ukraine War”, Putin In “Fury” After Saudis Brand Obama Regime Terrorist Organization, Russia Warns Of American Deaths As Ukraine Crisis Spirals Out Of Control, Putin Orders Largest Air Defense Drill In History As War Fears Accelerate, Putin Orders Russian Troops And Ministries To Atomic Shelters Over NATO Threat Of War, 800,000 Ukrainian Refugees Flood Into Russia As Nazi Forces Continue Eastern March, Putin Sends Feared Shock Troops, Division Into Ukraine, Warns Obama Is “Unstable”, Putin Orders Military Alert To Defend Ukraine Against Western-Backed Fascists, Ukrainian Mob Call To “Kill All Jews” Horrifies Russia, Putin Orders Troops To Crimea Passes, Warns NATO Of War, Russian Threat Of War Over Ukraine Stuns Obama Regime, US In “Shock And Turmoil” After Snowden Info Lets Russia Tap Top Obama Officials
May 10, 2014 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]

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