Saturday, May 10, 2014

"The Elite/Cabal Agenda on Mainstream TV" Posted by Wannabelieve at Stage3Alpha

"The Elite/Cabal Agenda on Mainstream TV" Posted by Wannabelieve at Stage3Alpha

The Elite and CABAL Agenda exposed tonight on Mainstream Television!!

Posted by Wannabelieve on May 10, 2014

America's Book Of Secrets The Billionaire Agenda…Sat May 10, 10:00 PM - HIstory2 Channel

This episode reveals the underground world of America's wealthiest citizens and the depths at which their power and influence take root.

Do billionaires think they know better than the majority?

Are the American masses just objects to control?

Forbes Editor Luisa Kroll talks about the growing wealth of the super-rich and the exclusive billionaire communities that are forming around them.

Former United States Secretary of Labor Robert Reich divulges how billionaires' "dark money" influences American politics in ways that are off-limits to public scrutiny.

And Author Mark Dice discusses the Bilderberg Group, the world's most secretive society of billionaires and the extreme measures they take to ensure that what happens behind closed doors stays behind closed doors.

jajruth May 10, 2014 This is a REAL good sign...but, it NEEDS to be on Main (Lame) Stream Media...instead.  I don't know how many people watch the History Channel, but I'm willing to bet that most of those that do are ALREADY educated on this subject. 

Maybe this is one of the ways they are getting out there "slowly and gently" so as not to cause a huge "stir"!

Ranger4564 > May 10, 2014 We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring to you this other programming... It needs to displace Dancing with the Stars or America's Got Talent, or maybe even the sitcoms.

It needs to be on every channel, at the same time. Then people may listen. But most will probably turn off the TV.
The information is everywhere, the people who don't know do not want to know, and you cannot make them learn it or want to know. Believe me, I have tried for 50 years ... they treat me with disdain, but they have learned nothing.

Wannabelieve > I know we don't need it, but hopefully more of the masses will start to wake up and see what is going on. 

Maybe it is the media's way of exposing what is going on.  .


Dennis B. Drake May 10, 2014 How many people watch History channel ?  Thousands or Millions


Zane Andres > Dennis B. Drake One of the highest viewed channels on television


Wannabelieve > Dennis B. Drake Probably more than watch CNN or MSNBC

At least it is getting some exposure!


Ranger4564 > Wannabelieve May 10, 2014 Agreed. In my previous post, it may have sounded like this broadcast was useless, but it's far from being useless.

Maybe / hopefully, this broadcast will reach some people who were not yet convinced or didn't do enough of their own research.

Thanks for posting the info,

I might try to catch it and see if it's actually any good.

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