Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Unrevealed Evidence: Why Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton Should Be Charged with Treason..

Unrevealed Evidence: Why Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton Should Be Charged with Treason..

by: Benjamin Franklin

By Amy Elizabeth
  No Doubt Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton have blood on their hands when it comes to Benghazi. Four Americans were denied help and left to die Sept 11, 2012 in Benghazi. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton should be charged with TREASON.
 On August 2, Ambassador Stevens sent a cable requesting 11 additional body guards, noting “Host nation security support is lacking and cannot be depended on to provide a safe and secure environment for the diplomatic mission of outreach,”
But these requests for additional security were repeatedly denied, as security officials testified before Chairman Darrell Issa’s House Oversight Committee ea  Obama and his allies did not want a show of American force in the country that would offend Muslim sensibilities.  They wanted to rely instead on the host country’s security that the embassy was telling them was inadequate and could not be depended upon.
The Benghazi attack could have been prevented if US hadn’t ‘switched sides in the War on Terror’ and allowed $500 MILLION of weapons to reach al-Qaeda militants, reveals damning report.
Citizens Committee on Benghazi claims the US government allowed arms to flow to al-Qaeda-linked militants who opposed Muammar Gaddafi
Their rise to power, the group says, led to the Benghazi attack in 2012
The group claims the strongman Gaddafi offered to abdicate his presidency, but the US refused to broker his peaceful exit
The commission, part of the center-right Accuracy In Media group, concluded that the Benghazi attack was a failed kidnapping plot
US Ambassador Chris Stevens was to be captured and traded for ‘blind sheikh’ Omar Abdel-Rahman, who hatched the 1993 WTC bombing plot.

The Obama Administration refused to call this a terror attack blaming the attack on Benghazi on a youtube video. Just this week
Judicial Watch announced  it obtained 41 new Benghazi-related State Department documents. They include a newly declassified email showing then-White House Deputy Strategic Communications Adviser Ben Rhodes and other Obama administration public relations officials attempting to orchestrate a campaign to “reinforce” President Obama and to portray the Benghazi consulate terrorist attack as being “rooted in an Internet video, and not a failure of policy.” Other documents show that State Department officials initially described the incident as an “attack” a possible kidnap attempt.
The documents were released Friday as result of a June 21, 2013, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed against the Department of State (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:13-cv-00951)) to gain access to documents about the controversial talking points used by then-UN Ambassador Susan Rice for a series of appearances on television
The trail goes all the way to the White House, including those in the Obama regime’s inner circle Hillary Rodham Clinton
Catherine Herridge details how emails also show the existence of a two-track or truth/story we’re going to run with plan on the part of the White House in dealing with the public relations aspect of this incident.
Indications are that the fabricated video narrative originated with Ben Rhodes, the Deputy National Security Adviser.
The email evidence also shows that two days before Susan Rice’s five talk show marathon in which she spread the video story, nothing indicated or supported the video story, and that it was known to not be the case by the regime. The intelligence clearly is in contradiction to the Rice talking points as well.
The Obama administration not only helped fund the enemy that killed our four dead Americans in Beghazi they fabricated the youtube plot in order to win 2012 Re election against Mitt Romney.
Four Star Admiral  James Lyons Claims Obama conspired with America’s enemies to stage a “Phony Scandal” to KIDNAP Ambassador Stevens so he could “negotiate” the release of a “hostage” and bolster his mediocre approval ratings just prior to the election.
On Lou Dobbs, retired Four-Star Admiral James Lyons, said: “the attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi… was the result of a bungled abduction attempt…. the first stage of an international prisoner exchange… that would have ensured the release of Omar Abdel Rahman, the ‘Blind Sheik’…”
But something went horribly wrong with Obama’s “October Surprise.” Although the Obama Administration intentionally gutted security at the consulate prior to the staged kidnapping, former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty disobeyed direct orders to stand down, saved American lives, single-handedly killed scores of attackers…and the attackers, believing that the Obama had betrayed them, tortured Ambassador Chris Stevens and dragged his body through the streets.
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton gave weapons to our enemies that were responsible for four dead Americans, they blamed it on a youtube video calling it a “Phony Scandal”, they attempted to  plot the kidnap of Chris Stevens  to boost his Obama’s approval rating before the 2012 election. They sent Susan Rice out on talk shows so she could talk about the so called “Phony Scandal”  blaming it on a youtube video vs a terror attack. Susan Rice got promoted. Hillary Clinton resigned so she never would have to answer any more questions about her role in this “PHONY SCANDAL.” Never forget these four brave Americans who were left to die by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.  Let’s show Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and the democrats who walked on the family members of these Four Brave Dead Americans WE THE PEOPLE WILL REMEMBER  IN 2016

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