Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Who are Obama's handlers?

Who are Obama's handlers?

One would think the blacks would be all over the white house....nope

Then a close second choice would be the Muslims....right? I mean Obama is supposed to be a secret Muslim. He was supposed to be raised Muslim and Israel is crying about how bad Obama treats them.

But the truth is there is only one powerful presence it the White House and the ones with the most power are these new Czars he seems to be appointing everywhere now. Who are they? Are they a rainbow coalition of many type people that reflects the U.S. melting pot?

ALL of Obama’s leading ‘Czars’ are Zionist Jews…who come from a fraction of a percent of the American population.
WITH ACCOUNTABILITY TO NO ONE BUT OBAMA, our new puppet president has embarked upon a wholesale power grab in his appointments of over 16 White House ‘czars.’

HERE IS A LIST of Obama’s leading ‘czars,’ (all Zionist Jews save one), and their Zionist agenda to install a Zionist inspired socialist system in America’s government:

Economic Czar - Larry Summers. Director of Obama’s National Economic Council. A Zionist Jew, Summers served as President of Harvard University from 2001 to 2006.

Regulatory Czar - Cass Sunstein. Director of Obama’s Office of Regulatory Affairs. A Zionist Jew, Sunstein joined the faculty of the Harvard Law School and began serving as the director of its Program on Risk Regulation.

Pay Czar - Kenneth Feinberg. Appointed by Obama to “regulate the pay for over 175 US corporate executives.” Feinberg, a Zionist Jew and Washington lawyer, worked for President Bush to prevent lawsuits against the US by the families of victims of the alleged 9-11 terrorist attacks, thus assisting in the Zionist cover-up of 9-11’s “inside job.”

Guantanamo/Military Jails Czar - Daniel Fried. Appointed by Obama to plead “individual war on terror detainee cases” while ostensibly working to close Guantanamo Bay’s US torture & detention camp.

A Zionist Jew and Clinton retread, Fried is currently the State Department’s Assistant Secretary for Europe and Eurasian Affairs, responsible for the division that handles NATO enlargement and coordination with the European Union on the war on terror.

Acting on behalf of the US State Department, Fried, opposed Congress’ Armenian Genocide Resolution. Fried stated that recognizing the 1915 Armenian genocide by Muslim Turks, (plotted by Zionist Jews), would “damage US interests.”

As Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs during the Clinton administration, Fried, supported the bombing of Christian Serbs during the Kosovo crisis in 1999.

Car Czar - Steven Rattner. Director of Obama’s Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry. Rattner is a Zionist Jew and former executive with three Jewish banks: Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley, and Lazard Freres.

Rattner, who reported his overall networth of between $188 million and $608 million, enjoys a close friendship with both New York Times owner, Arthur Sulzberger, and NY Governor and financial magnate, Michael Bloomberg.

How then could Rattner ever act on behalf of America’s interests and the common Gentile laborer with his intimate Zionist-Jewish ties? How then could Rattner, with his millions of Zionist-earned dollars, ever relate to the Gentile common laborer who has lost his UAW health-care benefits?

Border Czar - Alan Bersin. Director of Obama’s Special Representative For Border Affairs. Raised as a Talmudic Jew, Bersin’s appointment brings yet another Zionist to America’s Department of Homeland Security, of which, Bersin is now a Zionist insider by serving as Assistant Secretary for International Affairs.

Climate Czar - Todd Stern. Named by Obama as Envoy for Climate Change. Stern is a Zionist Jew and longtime friend and advisor to both Hillary and former President Bill Clinton. Stern, a Clinton retread, served as his staff secretary.

Currently, Stern is a senior fellow at the Zionist “think tank,” Center for American Progress, funded & staffed by Zionist Jews. Stern promotes the Center’s Zionist ideology of perpetual war for perpetual peace in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the Middle East, all in the name of “US security.”

Global Warming Czar - Carol Browner. Appointed by Obama as Energy Coordinator. Browner, yet another Clinton retread as administrator of the EPA, was listed until recently as one of 14 leaders of a socialist group, Socialist International, that advocates “global governance.”


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