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Russia's Central Banksters Hit by Accusations of Sabotage
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 7-Dec-2014 05:27:52

Your ever-digging reporter and his faithful feline friend stumbled across a very intriguing headline over at 'The Moscow Times' just the other day:
"Russia's Central Bank Hit by Accusations of Sabotaging the Ruble"
That headline hooked me, but the very first sentence of the article floored me!
"The Prosecutor General's Office is looking into the Central Bank's operations after a ruling party lawmaker accused it being an "enemy of the country" by supposedly driving down the ruble and plotting evil against Russia."
The Russian lawmaker continues:
"The Central Bank is an institutional enemy of the country," Fyodorov told Russian News Service radio on Monday. "Its bosses are officially abroad. I am assuming that it will do the maximum evil. The Central Bank will do everything to have the ruble rate fall."
Such anti-bankster verbal blasts should be music to the ears of any liberty-loving American. Those fighting words are too strong to have come from the too gentle mouth of Ron Paul. Andrew Jackson; is that you? CNN Money picked up on the story as well:
"A senior member of President Vladimir Putin's party has accused the Bank of Russia of engineering the collapse of the ruble. The bank is now being investigated by state prosecutors as a result."
Yevgeny Fyodorov, who chairs the Russian parliament's economic policy committee, accused the central bank of sabotage, telling local media that it was "an institutional enemy of the country."
Damn! I am lovin' me some Yevgeny Fyodorov!
The question of who actually controls the Russian Central Bank, and to what extent, is by design, a murky one. What we do know is that it is part of the same international crime syndicate as all the other western central banks, including 'The Fed'. If Putin, like Andrew Jackson and Adolf Hitler before him, can sever this toxic umbilical cord that links the Globo-Judeo funny-money machine to the Russian economy, it's 'game-on' for sure!
So, who is Yevgeny Fyodorov; this "senior Russian lawmaker" who has declared open warfare on Russia's version of the Federal Reserve? Thanks to the modern miracle of the Internet, it didn't take long get to know to Mr. Fyodorov. Suffice it say, if you like Putin, you will love Fyodorov.
Anti-bankster Fyodorov is the total package: an impressive combination of brains, balls, charisma, patriotism, energy and organizational skills.
"Duma deputies are simply officials in occupied territory. All the laws regulating the system of governance passed by the Duma have been drafted in the USA."
Whose flag is being flown in Russia? Where's the ship (British Admiralty)? Hehe ... HA!!!HA!!!!!! to the central banksters. Not only do they seem to be very active in the "New Ukraine" but are also operational in Russia. Putin had better watch out or soon he won't be President anymore. The enemy force is installed inside Russia as well, does Putin and the Russian Army know about this?
Heart-warming, motivational. Watch Mr. Fyodorov as he's gonna rip the heart out of the Russian Central Bank and its Duma cronies. If somebody here can't do the same let's bring him to the USA.
Suffice it to say, it appears that the every Central Bank is owned and manipulated by the Rothschilds. You know the family, the guy Lionel Nathan Rothschild who drugged and raped by incest Queen Victoria and the children she had by this incestuous relationship (she didn't know what was going on because she was drugged - like date rape drugs) are all illegitimate, and the whole royal family who is running England is all illegitimate and are of the bloodline of Rothschild a Nazi (Bauer) a bunch of satan worshipping devils. I think Putin should directly go after the Rothschilds and cut them off.
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