Friday, July 3, 2015



   Image result for homesteading in America  Image result for homesteading in America

 Image result for homesteading in America  Image result for homesteading in America   Image result for homesteading in America   

     At this stage, the U.S. Congress does not offer us national leadership, but lack of national leadership. They give us laws and policies which spin the wheels of America like they are trying to do something, but do not achieve reasonable successes in America. As for the Obama White House, he has a lack of business experience or knowledge of economic science, yet pops out all these suggestions for improving the economy of America which sound good to the naïve but those with experience in business or having studied serious economics know that he is blowing hot air in America with answers that cannot improve the economy of America in reality but run the risk of pushing hyperinflation in America. That would  make your money worth far less and you end up paying more for your food and other products than your money was worth before.

     The other evening I saw on TV a black and white movie with sound which was apparently produced in the 1930's during the American Depression. One reference in that movie caught my ear. An actor in the movie talking about America then says that he is going to buy I think it was 3 one cent stamps at one time so he can mail a letter out. Apparently a first class stamp then cost three cents in 1932. Back in 1919 until 1932 it costs two cents. Now it costs 49 cents for a first class stamp in 2015 versus 3 cents when this black and white movie was produced in America just a few decades ago.

     Has your real income in purchasing power increased by 16.6  times more from then or with constant inflation during these decades, you still work the same hours weekly as back then to  buy a postage stamp, rent or buy a car, or house, still work the same number of hours to buy food now as you did then, etc.? You may be fooled because the car looks fancier now than back then, your house painted with a prettier paint than back then, but are you really ahead financially of what your forefather or forefathers were a few generations back?

     Most Blacks in America have been spinning their wheels since 1865 and probably not too much better off now than their forefathers from back then. In contrast Whites who started in the American economy around 1865 or so probably have descendants who are financially far better off now than they were then. The Whites came from backgrounds in nations that had advanced in education, culture, and national economy. They were programmed for success in an American economy using education, culture, and industrial economics, etc. to offer economic opportunities to them.

     The Blacks did not come from a background where their forefathers came from Westernized society and so they started in education, culture, and professional training with little background to build from. They have too much been frozen in a racial culture that is comfortable in remaining frozen rather than moving ahead. Whites and other races coming to America as immigrants soon established themselves and advanced in the American economy. Most of the Blacks did not and so generations later are on welfare as the way of life for them. The Jews came to America with no one to help them. But they respected education, formal professional training, and were used to focus on objectives they would work to achieve in America. Without any civil rights acts to aid them, they swiftly moved into high paying professional fields or owned valuable businesses built usually from scratch.

     We have to change the culture of Blacks as  that is the main problem with the Blacks moving ahead in America like the other races have. We have to break them loose from a slave origin culture to a Westernized culture which will propel their race to a position where they do not need welfare in order to survive in society. When the Irish came to America, there were signs at many employment offices, "No Irish Need Apply!" But they proved themselves as good workers and the economy was growing. Soon no one remembered that they were not to hire the Irish for available jobs and one Irish descendant later became President of America. President Kennedy in case you don't know who he was!

      The Blacks often have a way of ignoring reality trying to be "politically correct" for the liberal masters over them. I used to see a lot of Blacks working on construction jobs. Now I normally see such as Mexicans and no Blacks on these jobs. The American economy is not growing too fast and the foreign immigrants brought in by sources such as Obama in the White House have gotten much of the Black population bumped off from construction jobs, also manufacturing jobs, etc. These are jobs that lead them away from a welfare system of life to where they are supporting themselves and equal of any and all other working people in America. America either gets away from a welfare system of life for countless millions of this race or that race to where they support themselves by their own jobs, or else America is going to end up bankrupt or do a belly up as a nation in some other way that should not have happened.

       Wash., D.C. is so power mad that they regulate to death countless promising manufacturing ventures across America or by dumb, fanatical regulations not based upon common sense block endless new industries from being set up in America that would boom the American economy if not suppressed first by our lunatic government in Wash., D.C.

     This is not a total answer to make the Blacks the total match for all other races in America, but a powerful heavyweight move that would make them very professional in money earned, no welfare needed, and build up their racial pride to where they do not feel inferior in any way to any other race in America.

      Set up a new national homestead act for America in 2015. If you don't let millions of illegal immigrants replace the Blacks for this mass homesteading of farm land for the Blacks and also native Americans born in America, we have a huge amount of unused land in America that can be converted into good farms in America. We have video type movies produced showing all sorts of smart ways to farm in America and Blacks and others who will set up new farms in America will catch on fast how to set up successful farms and make a good living at it for the rest of their lives after that. For what is involved in farming, they can learn much faster from well produced videos on farming than just reading from textbooks on this field.

     You bring in talented experts and I am one who among others knows how to get the water for good farming, create the farming soil for good farming, how to protect from bad weather ruining farming, how to run a farm on a smart budget so it becomes a smart business for any Black American or other native American to set up and run, and with a national homestead act in America to use the unused land in America now not being used for anything at this time, soon you have a powerful expansion in farming in America, and sell American food abroad if not needed for America. This expands the American economy on a sound basis, far less welfare to nearly no welfare needed any longer in America, and people who before could not get work in America now find the economy expanding to where there are jobs in America for all who want jobs to support themselves and family in America.
      The Founding Fathers of America had a plan. First, make American agriculture sound as a rock. Then with food assured for America, they could commit available money and resources to building up manufacturing in America until America became an industrial giant in the world having a powerful agricultural system as the backbone to make it safe to mass commit to an industrial society also.

      As Congress and Obama would stink in setting up this proposed national homesteading system correctly in America, pass our proposed Omni Law first as shown on our national website. We have the authority to set this homesteading system up correctly rather than let the irresponsible in Congress and White House set up a nonsense approach to setting up this national homesteading system soundly. This homesteading system could be set up very fast. With Congress and White House, they could maybe get their act together in a few hundred years to finally get a soundly running homestead act for America. We can get it started right within a few months and move like lightning to make this an important part of the American economy helping to mass eliminate unemployment in America.

      Folks, pass our Omni Law and now! Then you by national referendum give us the legal authority to set up this national homestead act for America, pull the pieces together fast and soundly, and soon you have eliminated most of your welfare system in America which can help to greatly lower taxes and help boom the American economy in the process. People in much of the world need more food. We will have a huge world market to sell to once this farming system is set up in America!

     Also, a request to the Obama Boys federal operatives. We have received complaints from people who sent us emails and we never received them! Stop blocking our emails trying to block us off from support of the American people who you are trying to trick that we ignored them when they wrote to us. When the Omni Law is passed, we want a massive investigation of federal agencies to identify who pulled political dirty tricks in America trying to silence whoever criticized Obama in America or whoever exposed scandals of Wash., D.C. As the old German Sergeant Schultz in the old Stalag 13 TV show Hogan's Heroes used to say, "Heads will roll!" We make it rough enough on federal personnel who criminally violated the legal rights of American citizens and they "ain't" going to try it anymore after learning their lesson how rough we ten legal trustees over the Omni Law will make it if we catch them in criminal acts against the American citizens!

     By the way, once this proposed Homestead Act For America is set up, this probably would end all racial strife in the cities between Blacks and Whites as there will be jobs and opportunities for all citizens in America wanting it! Once everyone is well off, there is no need for people losing their tempers against other races as people well off and comfortable in life are not interested in strife with other people of other races. We will effectively establish jobs for all the people wanting jobs to support themselves and families so long as physically or mentally able to handle the commitment to the jobs available in America then.

      Look at the American map of the wide land areas where no cities exist, no national parks to preserve wildlife, and we have the land not used now which can make this National Homestead Act For America work in reality! I know tricks of agriculture is why I am confident that we can do this. Also, when we solve the water problem for the farms created by homesteading, we also solve the water crisis of California and anywhere else in America desperate for water. The Los Angles Times indicated that California runs out of enough water to support human life in California come June, 2016 and then California collapses as a state in America and could bring down the entire American economy with the water collapse of California. Pass the Omni Law and we can solve the California Water Crisis. We already have answers that can solve this. Wash., D.C. pretends that they are idiots and know of no way to save California from water collapse come June, 2016. Taking them at their word as they have not lifted a finger yet from Wash, D.C. to save California from pending state collapse come June, 2016, pass the Omni Law and we will leap into action to solve the California water crisis the moment the Omni Law is passed by Congress and state legislatures. If they want to, they could pass the Omni Law in even one to two weeks flat if serious! Many politicians as we have heard comments back from those who approached them so far on the Omni Law, the politicians do not want to give the American people the legal right of national referendum over the federal government when the government is trying to be master over the people instead of servant of the will of the American people. We have a planned move that will ram through the Omni Law once we are ready to carry out our final push on Congress, but we are keeping our master plan private until we are ready to play this super ace on Congress and state legislatures if it is necessary. We expect to win, but we don't want them to know how we plan to win overnight once ready. We will not take years to pass the Omni Law, but will hit them so hard with pressure, they should pass it overnight when they find out how we have ambushed them on this issue.

     Full name of our Omni Law is "The Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America" as shown on our website.  Our website is Email is Hint to potential candidates for President in 2016.  Be an early supporter for the Omni Law and you may win the White House with a landslide the people will cheer for you so much after you make your stand on this!

     Our mailing address for payments not sent through our website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us whether the payment is for one of our products offered on our website or else loan money for the Omni Law Loan Program shown on our website. Everything helps finance the speedup of the planned passage of the Omni Law into the latest constitutional amendment in America and will join the 10 Amendments of the U.S. Bill of Rights as a legal pillar guaranteeing your legal rights in America and blocking bad elements from turning America into a police state as some military have already reported to us Obama and some others in Wash., D.C. want for America instead of a constitutional government for America.

     Pass this report to others to show the way how to restore full freedom to America instead of facing a future of a rising federal police state caring nothing about the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights and the original founding principles of freedom of America declared to the world on July 4, 1776. We issue this national report how to give hope that the legal principles of America founded on back on July 4, 1776 will not be forgotten nor lost in America but soon back in full legal force in America once the Omni Law is passed in America!

      Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American patriot who believes in the God-given rights America was founded upon on July 4, 1776. As they said, these God-given rights are eternal and cannot be taken away from man by any government on earth!)

Image result for homesteading in America   Image result for homesteading in America   Image result for homesteading in America

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can support this. I was down-loaded in 1996 with program for people to learn new/untried paradigm changes for the most resistant. I've had very good to excellent success in healing even violent persons. If we don't re-program these folks to believe they are worthy of new realities, they will return to impoverished reality. They're proof of their reality is consistent, due to their paradigm of self-contempt. Good luck, Michael: