Big Brother "Pay-by-the-Mile" Track and Tax Driving Scheme Being Rolled Out Now!
Published on Jul 3, 2015
It's here. We're finally starting to see the electronic big brother
control grid of the technocrats' wildest dreams being rolled out.
Because the gas tax is no longer viable, you know, what with all the
fuel-efficient hybrids and electric cars on the roads out there. Now the
only possible solution the system and its minions can apparently come
up with is to track us all everywhere we go and tax us for each and
every mile we drive.
Classic problem — reaction — solution.
Although this is starting on a volunteer basis in Oregon, they are beta testing it before it becomes mandatory. Some 28 other states are currently working on similar plans, and the federal government has its own nationwide version as well. As we've said before, it's like we're living in the period just before every dystopic future movie you've ever seen (in this case, "In Time" immediately comes to mind).
According to the official Oregon DOT website (, this is "a fair and sustainable way to fund road maintenance, preservation and improvements for all Oregonians."
Check that site out and read between the lines. Just... Wow. Guess we'll be a really "efficient, sustainable" society, but we won't be a very free one. here-oregon-
Classic problem — reaction — solution.
Although this is starting on a volunteer basis in Oregon, they are beta testing it before it becomes mandatory. Some 28 other states are currently working on similar plans, and the federal government has its own nationwide version as well. As we've said before, it's like we're living in the period just before every dystopic future movie you've ever seen (in this case, "In Time" immediately comes to mind).
According to the official Oregon DOT website (, this is "a fair and sustainable way to fund road maintenance, preservation and improvements for all Oregonians."
Check that site out and read between the lines. Just... Wow. Guess we'll be a really "efficient, sustainable" society, but we won't be a very free one.
first-state-to-launch-pay-by- the-mile-driving-tax-via-gps- tracking_072015
Oregon Launches Program
to Tax Drivers by The Mile
David Hastings is a rare American. This long-time hybrid car owner
from Oregon wants to pay higher taxes for roads and bridges and says the
current 30 cents per gallon state gas tax barely affects him.
"I've been free-loading on the highways for 20 years driving electric
cars or hybrid cars, getting at least 40 miles to the gallon. So I
haven't been paying my share," Hastings said.
Now, Hastings will pay more thanks to OReGO -- the first pay-by-the-mile program in the U.S.
Oregon’s Department of Transportation has been working on it for 15
years as a way to eventually replace the gas tax, which has been flat
due to an influx of high mileage vehicles and people driving less.
Right now the program is voluntary and being capped at 5,000
participants, but an ODOT official told Fox News the ultimate goal is to
make it mandatory and change the way states pay for roads -- forever.
Ok. Where are the Calvary? When is this all going to be stopped? Please do not ask what i have done to help stop this as I have done a lot to help wake people up and spent hours on the phone with the EPA and Congress and FOOD MANUFACTURERS. I have joined this and that and volunteered until I understood that what I have joined is a farce. CALVARY WHOEVER YOU ARE WHERE ARE YOU? I am willing to go toe to toe with whatever or whomever I have to and help to stop this. WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR? NO MORE WAITING AROUND. LETS GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD!!! THE PEOPLE ARE READY. TRUST ME!
The Oregon DMV, ODOT, coupled with the insurance companies and the trucking industry is the biggest racketeering enterprise operation to ever exist that has been robbing & ripping off the sheeple of Oregon for generations, not to mention the dens of corruption called courts along with the DPSST, that have condoned and supported this fraud as well. Then when you add the Blue Gang, state, city and county members with their guns, badges, 007 license and magic suits to enforce this incredible fraud, the sheeple haven't a chance to avoid the robbery, plunder, harm and even murder every time they get into their private use automobile to travel on the highways OPEN by a matter of RIGHT to the traveling public.
Only when the sheeple wake up and take care of business will this corruption be stopped under the color of law along with all the top criminal players that are all a part of this huge criminal scam. I could name names as well, but hopefully all these corporate thugs and criminals all the way to the governors office including the present governor all disguised behind the illusion of respectability and power will be exposed, actually arrested and put away where they can no longer rob and harm the sheeple under the color of law.
The entire foundation of our freedom is the liberty of locomotion which has been perverted into a privilege in stealth mode as the dumbing down of Americans has been a total success.
" The commotion of the truth is in direct proportion to the lie that has been fed to the masses long enough that the truth is totally ludicrous and its speaker is a raving lunatic." Desdon James
What is so rare about David Hastings. He sounds like the rest of the typical dumbed down shmucks who haven't a clue of any reality concerning the real criminals in control of Oregon just like all the rest of this giant slave plantation we all call a country.
Hell, the entire state of Oregon including all the rest are full of David Hastings.
Tax drivers.
That's people who have drivers license.
No calvary needed since they regulate commerce.
No one is to interfere with the o ligations of contracts.
If you drive, you are operating a motor vehicle (most likely not yours but registered [given] to the corporate state you live in; especially if you are paying for its use because you financed it.
A property can be purchased for cash.
One can choose not to register a property they paid cash for.
O e can purchase that property with a corporate state ID, military ID, or passport.
One can read the code and de-code it where it states
Incidental use and/or not in commerce is what exempt persons are defined.
Everything is not to be solved by gun and until we figure it out there will always be what we have now. Force
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