The Conversion of Schools to FEMA Camps
Sunday, July 5, 2015 6:56
As the tyranny in this country keeps expanding in an exponential manner, the Independent Media is at the forefront of reporting these events, particularly as the relate to Jade Helm and the conversion of existing structures into potential FEMA camps. Meanwhile, the mainstream seems oblivious to what is going on.
As usual, Fox is leading the way in bringing its dwindling audience the latest and most up to date information about the impending fall of America. Except, they do not seem to know what they are talking about.
Of course due to the profound intellectual capacity of Fox and Friends, they are still referring to the ongoing preparations to bring martial law to the United States as Fox News personnel are still trying to learn how to pronounce Jade Helm. They must think that Jethro is part of the conspiracy as they are still using the term “Jed Helm”, to describe the operation that will allegedly bring martial law to the United State according to these truth sayers.
However, FOX and CNN are clueless when it comes to the conversion of malls to FEMA camps and that the owner of these malls, Simon Properties, signed a DHS agreement in 2012 to allow for the conversion their malls to detention centers in times of “National Emergency”. The independent media is ripe with coverage on how malls are either being retrofitted with guard towers, even closed malls, or the malls are being constructed with guard towers which stand out like a sore thumb. The new Twin Peaks malls is an example of this new type of architectural design.
No Shortage of Structures to Convert to FEMA Camps
You have to hand it to the globalists, they are indeed resourceful. They never seem to run out of places to use as FEMA camps.
Take this email sent to Steve Quayle on July 2, 2015, which Steve passed onto myself.
I am republishing what Steve sent to me, but withholding the name. Is Steve Quayle’s reader correct? Is this really true? Are schools going to be used as FEMA Camps when the Jade Helm roundups, or the successor to Jade Helm roundups commence? Are Schools going through an architectural design change indicative of the same process that we are presently seeing in malls?I have been seeing all the posts about malls with watch towers. I have
noticed that most if not all the new elementary schools in my area look
like prisons with a watch tower in the center of them. I use to think to
myself whenever I would go by a school that they to me looked like
prisons. Just wanted to let you know. I can always try to send you pics if
you are interested. God Bless you Steve!
Schools As FEMA Camps
From this point on, the article adopts the posture in dealing with this topic that a picture is worth a thousand words.
People fight to get their kids into the schools in Park Slope, in Brooklyn, NY., which is jaw-dropping when one considers what these new “detention facilities” actually look like. The photo below is a local elementary school in this district. The school looks more like Mexican or Turkish prison.
Here are some random photos taken a small cross-section of schools from around the country in which the school looks exactly like a prison, and for good reason.
And look at the homeless congregating around this school.
Another Denver Metropolitan school complete with a Marana mall type of guard tower.

Prison dining hall of school lunchroom cafeteria? Answer? This is where elementary school kids eat their lunch.

No article would be complete with a depiction of school functionality befitting a prison. Surely, the school is only practicing a TSA apprenticeship program and that would explain this very disturbing scene. My fear for this child is that he will be labeled a domestic terrorist because of his association and transparent support of the sovereign citizen, paramilitary and notorious vigilante figure, Batman.

Principal Klink and Assistant Principal Schultz will keep your kids in line.
Some schools operate in the best interest of the student, some do not. Perhaps some people do not
care about sending their children to attend school at a facility which looks like Stalag 13. However, these parents should be disturbed about some of the activities going on inside of some schools.
Again, a fews days ago, Steve Quayle send me another disturbing piece of information.
The Senate passed ENDA which teaches children to glorify every historical sexual perversion which exists. On the surface, ENDA appears to protect a person’s right to self-determine their sexual preference, something that most people would not object to. However, the legislation demands complete acceptance and glorification for lifestyles which may be incompatible with certain religious teachings and family values.
ENDA comes to us at a time when the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) begins to figure prominently into this picture. In the past, one of their trademark phrases was “sex before eight, or it’s too late”. This is an obvious attempt to remove the last perverted prohibition from our legal code as well as our societal safeguards to protect our children.
Words cannot describe how sick and perverted these people truly are. And before you think that this could never become a reality, please consider that globalist, George Soros, gives money to NAMBLA. If that is not concerning enough for you please realize that Kevin Jennings, an Obama Department of Education official, has involvement with this group as well. Where is the parental outrage against this abuse?
To significant extent, we are witnessing outward signs that some schools will be sued as FEMA camps. Additionally, some of the related goings on inside some schools is befitting the most perverse of prison environments, yet our children are not prisoners. Parents would be well-advised to stay abreast of the goings on at their child’s school.
It might interest the reader that schools are indeed taking on a role which makes them an agent of DHS/FEMA. Look at the DHS/FEMA questionnaire which distributed to all schools across the country a couple of years ago. Look at the skill sets being asked for. In times of an emergency, some of the skills make a lot of sense. Some do not make any sense and they speak to the desire to turn a school environment into a long-term FEMA camp environment and we need to be asking why?
I will leave it to your good judgment to determine which of the advertised skill sets are the most concerning and speak to the construction of a permanent FEMA camp facility.
YOUR NAME ______________________________
SCHOOL _______________________________
ROOM _______________________________
During any disaster situation, it is important to be able to draw from all available resources. The special skills, training and capabilities of the staff will play a vital role in coping with the effects of any disaster incident. These will be of paramount importance during and after a major or catastrophic disaster. The purpose of this survey/inventory is to pinpoint those staff members with equipment and the special skills that may be needed. Please indicate the areas that apply to you and return this survey to your administrator.
Please check, circle, or add expertise or training that you may have.
CPR (yes/no current) Triage Construction
Shelter Management Camping Emergency Management
Structural Engineering Running/Jogging Fire fighting Survival Training & TechniquesCB Radio Law Enforcement
Search & RescueFood Preparation Mechanical Ability (electrical, plumbing, carpentry, etc.)
Bus/Truck Driver
(yes/no, Class 1 or 2 license,) Recreational Leader Nurse
Journalism Other: EMT or Paramedic
Waste Disposal Ham Radio Operator Multi-lingual (yes / no, what language (s)
DO YOU KEEP A PERSONAL EMERGENCY KIT? _____________ in your car? _______ in your room? _______
(i.e., athletic bibs, traffic cones, carpet squares) _________ Yes _________ No
_______ NO
Please list equipment and materials.
WHAT WOULD MAKE YOU FEEL MORE PREPARED SHOULD A DISASTER STRIKE WHILE YOU WERE AT SCHOOL?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Prison dining hall of school lunchroom cafeteria? Answer? This is where elementary school kids eat their lunch.
No article would be complete with a depiction of school functionality befitting a prison. Surely, the school is only practicing a TSA apprenticeship program and that would explain this very disturbing scene. My fear for this child is that he will be labeled a domestic terrorist because of his association and transparent support of the sovereign citizen, paramilitary and notorious vigilante figure, Batman.
Disturbing “Prison Like” Functionality of Some Schools
Principal Klink and Assistant Principal Schultz will keep your kids in line.
Some schools operate in the best interest of the student, some do not. Perhaps some people do not
Again, a fews days ago, Steve Quayle send me another disturbing piece of information.
“Earlier this month, reported on a high school in Seattle, Washington that is now implanting intrauterine devices (IUD), as well as other forms of birth control and doing so without parental knowledge or permission”.
“The IUD is known as a long acting reversible contraception, and may even act as anabortifacient. So, a young teen in Seattle can’t get a coke at her high school, but she can have a device implanted into her uterus, which can unknowingly kill her unborn child immediately after conception. Or, if she uses another method, she can increase her chances of health risks for herself, especially if using a new method“...
This is what is going on at Seattle’s, Chief Sealth International school. The name of the school, Sealth, should be changed to Stealth, because this program has been going on since 2010 and most of the parents had no idea what was going on. This is no joking matter. This school should be taken apart brick by brick and the administration should be arrested for child abuse.
What Is Going On At Sealth School Is Not Isolated
The Senate passed ENDA which teaches children to glorify every historical sexual perversion which exists. On the surface, ENDA appears to protect a person’s right to self-determine their sexual preference, something that most people would not object to. However, the legislation demands complete acceptance and glorification for lifestyles which may be incompatible with certain religious teachings and family values.
ENDA comes to us at a time when the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) begins to figure prominently into this picture. In the past, one of their trademark phrases was “sex before eight, or it’s too late”. This is an obvious attempt to remove the last perverted prohibition from our legal code as well as our societal safeguards to protect our children.
Words cannot describe how sick and perverted these people truly are. And before you think that this could never become a reality, please consider that globalist, George Soros, gives money to NAMBLA. If that is not concerning enough for you please realize that Kevin Jennings, an Obama Department of Education official, has involvement with this group as well. Where is the parental outrage against this abuse?
To significant extent, we are witnessing outward signs that some schools will be sued as FEMA camps. Additionally, some of the related goings on inside some schools is befitting the most perverse of prison environments, yet our children are not prisoners. Parents would be well-advised to stay abreast of the goings on at their child’s school.
It might interest the reader that schools are indeed taking on a role which makes them an agent of DHS/FEMA. Look at the DHS/FEMA questionnaire which distributed to all schools across the country a couple of years ago. Look at the skill sets being asked for. In times of an emergency, some of the skills make a lot of sense. Some do not make any sense and they speak to the desire to turn a school environment into a long-term FEMA camp environment and we need to be asking why?
I will leave it to your good judgment to determine which of the advertised skill sets are the most concerning and speak to the construction of a permanent FEMA camp facility.
YOUR NAME ______________________________
SCHOOL _______________________________
ROOM _______________________________
During any disaster situation, it is important to be able to draw from all available resources. The special skills, training and capabilities of the staff will play a vital role in coping with the effects of any disaster incident. These will be of paramount importance during and after a major or catastrophic disaster. The purpose of this survey/inventory is to pinpoint those staff members with equipment and the special skills that may be needed. Please indicate the areas that apply to you and return this survey to your administrator.
Please check, circle, or add expertise or training that you may have.
First Aid (yes/no)current card |
Shelter Management Camping Emergency Management
Structural Engineering Running/Jogging Fire fighting Survival Training & TechniquesCB Radio Law Enforcement
Search & RescueFood Preparation Mechanical Ability (electrical, plumbing, carpentry, etc.)
Bus/Truck Driver
(yes/no, Class 1 or 2 license,) Recreational Leader Nurse
Journalism Other: EMT or Paramedic
Waste Disposal Ham Radio Operator Multi-lingual (yes / no, what language (s)
DO YOU KEEP A PERSONAL EMERGENCY KIT? _____________ in your car? _______ in your room? _______
(i.e., athletic bibs, traffic cones, carpet squares) _________ Yes _________ No
_______ NO
Please list equipment and materials.
WHAT WOULD MAKE YOU FEEL MORE PREPARED SHOULD A DISASTER STRIKE WHILE YOU WERE AT SCHOOL?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: _______________________________________________________________________________________
just more places to put the cabal when they get rounded up
Total fear porn ! Why does this crap have to be on here ? Why not just positive stuff instead of this fear crap ?
Think we care? Why don't you go back to looking your level of intelligence?
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