International Financial Conference Starts In 7 Days
Coming form a very private meeting from the heart of the United Nations
The most important Financial Meeting will begin in 7 days.
In the capitol city of Addis Ababa in Ethiopia at the United Nations Conference Center Ambassador's from around the world, along with their banking representatives, will gather to in one of the fastest growing cities in Africa - the Political Center of Africa.
This city in Ethiopia has the third largest number of Embassies and International Organizations around the world in the world, behind only New York and Geneva.
The New UN Conference Center there is extremely large and state of the art.
Here, in less that one week, the World's Financial Reset will be set in stone and laws will firmed up as to redistribute the Worlds Resources in a more equitable way.
The bankruptcy of Greece, Puerto Rico, Spain, Portugal, Italy, then France, Germany and the United States Corporation will all be firmed up and exactly what the currency will be worth will also be discussed in private meetings.
In Layman Terms - the New World Order Agenda will be set in stone - in less than 7 days.
Not One Word In the press about it - not in the Main Stream - not in the Alternate Media - completely under the radar ---- and yet these meetings will effect every part of your life in less than 3 months.
Things such as: will the United States be broken up and it's population terminated, how many FBI Agents are about to he terminated, how much money a retired American will actually make - will there be Mental Disability in America, what happens to Social Security - all will be discussed in just a few short days at the conference center.
As a side note - my new Military ID Card no longer uses my social Security Number because the Social Security Agency will be fundamentally changed. This too will be discussed at this meeting - - behind closed doors.
The meetings are to discuss overall objectives of meeting the 17 United Nations Goals and how to achieve "The Plan" in America (Total Godless Anarchy in America).
The key here is to look for a World Wide Financial Leader to move forward into a world that fits the United Nations Agendas.
With the deaths of the Original Obama, Putin, Kerry, Hillary (and the fall of the Chinese Economy) and a host of other world leaders there appears to be NO world leader stepping up to the plate at this time - we will have ----Financial Leadership thus coming form the Director of the United Nations Finance Department - a Complete New World Order set in stone to be initiated by the fall under J.A.D.E. H.E.L.M. 2015.
For those who did not know - J.A.D.E. H.E.L.M. 2015 - is an exercise to eliminate those opposed to the NEW WORLD ORDER and the world wide rule of Lucifer and the UN Agenda. At this point - accept what you cannot change. Any form of patriotism shall be terminated.
Wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall at this conference?
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Captain, Retired, US Army
Yesterday A President Obama Double signed another Executive Order authorizing Martial Law in the US and it's Territories - A Complete Department of Homeland Security (NAZI SS) take over of America.
Third International Conference on Financing for Development
Third International Conference on Financing for Development .:. Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------------
All Spelling errors brought to you by the Rainbow "Soldiers" in US Army Cyber Command.
Posted by
William Mount
8:50 PM
No comments:In the capitol city of Addis Ababa in Ethiopia at the United Nations Conference Center Ambassador's from around the world, along with their banking representatives, will gather to in one of the fastest growing cities in Africa - the Political Center of Africa.
This city in Ethiopia has the third largest number of Embassies and International Organizations around the world in the world, behind only New York and Geneva.
The New UN Conference Center there is extremely large and state of the art.
Here, in less that one week, the World's Financial Reset will be set in stone and laws will firmed up as to redistribute the Worlds Resources in a more equitable way.
The bankruptcy of Greece, Puerto Rico, Spain, Portugal, Italy, then France, Germany and the United States Corporation will all be firmed up and exactly what the currency will be worth will also be discussed in private meetings.
In Layman Terms - the New World Order Agenda will be set in stone - in less than 7 days.
Not One Word In the press about it - not in the Main Stream - not in the Alternate Media - completely under the radar ---- and yet these meetings will effect every part of your life in less than 3 months.
Things such as: will the United States be broken up and it's population terminated, how many FBI Agents are about to he terminated, how much money a retired American will actually make - will there be Mental Disability in America, what happens to Social Security - all will be discussed in just a few short days at the conference center.
As a side note - my new Military ID Card no longer uses my social Security Number because the Social Security Agency will be fundamentally changed. This too will be discussed at this meeting - - behind closed doors.
The meetings are to discuss overall objectives of meeting the 17 United Nations Goals and how to achieve "The Plan" in America (Total Godless Anarchy in America).
The key here is to look for a World Wide Financial Leader to move forward into a world that fits the United Nations Agendas.
With the deaths of the Original Obama, Putin, Kerry, Hillary (and the fall of the Chinese Economy) and a host of other world leaders there appears to be NO world leader stepping up to the plate at this time - we will have ----Financial Leadership thus coming form the Director of the United Nations Finance Department - a Complete New World Order set in stone to be initiated by the fall under J.A.D.E. H.E.L.M. 2015.
For those who did not know - J.A.D.E. H.E.L.M. 2015 - is an exercise to eliminate those opposed to the NEW WORLD ORDER and the world wide rule of Lucifer and the UN Agenda. At this point - accept what you cannot change. Any form of patriotism shall be terminated.
Wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall at this conference?
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Captain, Retired, US Army
Yesterday A President Obama Double signed another Executive Order authorizing Martial Law in the US and it's Territories - A Complete Department of Homeland Security (NAZI SS) take over of America.
Third International Conference on Financing for Development
Third International Conference on Financing for Development .:. Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform
All Spelling errors brought to you by the Rainbow "Soldiers" in US Army Cyber Command.
Who is this idiot?
I am not sure if this is true but I believe that most of it is. I have done as much as one woman could on her own after sounding the alarms to friends and family and strangers. People who are too damn dumb to research like to call people who actually take the time to do their research and try to wake up people crazy because they do not want to believe it. I do not want to believe it. I have called every politician in D.C. (literally) on many occasions and local politicians to no avail. I have lost many friends (not really friends if they are that brain dead and dumb) and family (you cannot pick your family but they are brain dead and dumb too and good riddens to both brain dead dumb dumb and just plain lazy friends and family who I no longer talk to.) And...then there are those who have the power to stop this but choose to just sit on their asses and do nothing (THE GOOD MILITARY). SO SHAME ON THOSE WHO HAVE DONE NOTHING TO STOP THIS WHEN THEY HAVE THE POWER TO DO SO RIGHT NOW AND THEY HAVE HAD THE POWER TO DO SO A LONG TIME AGO! I AM SOOOO DISGUSTED AND I HAVE HAD IT!!! I AM SICK AND TIRED OF PEOPLE SAYING IT TAKES TIME AND NOW TIME IS UP. I AM CALLING B*LLSH*T ON THE GOOD GUYS IF THERE EVER WERE ANY GOOD GUYS, THAT IS!
It has been a long time since I watched the movie,
'THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?'
Notice it is listed here as the first movie under,
'Important Videos To Watch'..
At the time Foster Gamble was narrating and illustrating
our present world reality, versus how much better our world
could become; he instilled confident aspiration of it's
achievability based on humanity slowly awakening to the ideas
of us doing things together for ourselves.
I don't remember now what he said about the global corporate
controllers or if we influence them toward a change of 'heart'...
I just remember that you had a renewed sense of hope for a
possible world coming with more peace and prosperity
for all God's children on planet Earth...
Maybe it's time to watch all or part of it again
as a reminder of what is ultimately most important
to all of us, at the end of the day....
and that is PEACE in our world.
So, if patience is a virtue,
let's all be virtuous a little while longer,
to see if we will be granted
what the heart of most all mankind really wants.
Those opposing a better world can be dealt with soon enough.
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