Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction

The Jesuits  have taken over the U.S. 
Everyone in the Obama admin, including Obama are Jesuit trained,
including Nancy Pelosi.  Jerry Brown is a Jesuit priest.


Anonymous said...

Jerry Brown just signed the death warrant for every child in California. PURE EVIL!!!

Holy Cross said...

Here we go again!
"There are not one hundred people in the United States who hate the Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they wrongly perceive the Catholic Church to be." Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

From the link at bottom!

"Editor's Notes:
Alberto Rivera taking the Jesuit oath.

This oath is taken from the book Subterranean Rome by Carlos Didier, translated from the French and published in New York in 1843. Dr. Alberto Rivera escaped from the Jesuit Order in 1967, and he describes his Jesuit oath in exactly the same way as it appears in this book. Semper idem: always the same.

The Jesuit Oath of Induction is also recorded in the Congressional Record of the U.S. (House Bill 1523, Contested election case of Eugene C. Bonniwell, against Thos. S. Butler, Feb. 15, 1913, pp. 3215-3216)."


I might add that many politicians today who claim to be Catholic DO NOT LIVE A TRULY CATHOLIC LIFE. I consider a truly Catholic life one that consists of attending the Traditional Latin Mass of All Time (currently being attacked by the infiltrated yet still visible Marxist "catholic church" of the Novus Ordo Missae) and frequenting the sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion with a sincere and repentant heart. If anyone would like more info on what the Catholic Church truly teaches and believes you can start here: www.catholicism.org or contact me thru www.santacroceband.com contact form. Blessings!


The Jesuit Oath Debunked


You shall not utter a false report. (Exodus 23:1 [RSV])

Holy Cross said...

and one more researched book about the Jesuits.

Anonymous said...

The Zionists Jews have already taknen over the USA government. 40+ members of the House of Reps have dual citizenship with Israel - including Bernie Sanders. Unknown numbers of Congress are same. And all others are forced to swear allegaince to "Israel over America" under threat of loosing all campaign funding ( like they did to that black southern Congresswoman). See Veterans Today for reports. These new nazis don't need soldiers, when they have banks to cripple a country and take it over. Federal Reserve is NOT a US Agency - it is a consortium of private banks -mostly foreign, mostly Jewish owned.

Anonymous said...

I was born catholic I am no more for many yrs. I went to Jesuit high school very cruel teachers. A lot of the things they did to the students were then and now a felony.

Anonymous said...

If only you people would spend as much time organizing and planning how to take our country back as you do arguing over the Jesuits, Jews and Catholics, perhaps we could get our Republic nation back and throw these bums to the hungry sharks. Don't you have some really important things you could be doing - like volunteering to help those in need for example? Those who know how to do auto repairs - can't you do some to help those who can't afford the car dealers? Those who can clean homes and apts - can't you go in to your communities, find those who need that kind of help (elderly, handicapped, etc.) and take care of those cleaning needs for them? Prepare good nutricious meals for those who need the help? Organize your neighborhoods in a FRIENDLY manner so you are 'there' for them when tragedy hits?

Freewill said...


Holy Cross said...

Our experience with some misguided teachers or priests or other people is only the excuse we use to continue in a state of sin. It is HARD to remain in a state of GRACE. Blaming others for our own failures/sins/ignorance serves no purpose in our own development.
I invite you to re-examine the pre- Vatican 2 faith teachings and seek out loving people to encourage you in your journey home. I am glad to assist in any way I can. contact me through www.santacroceband.com contact form.

Holy Cross said...

First, you do not know who I am or what I do, so please do not assume I just sit here and comment on blogs all day.
Secondly, please tell me how correcting misinformation is "arguing over ..." If you believe God came and set up HIS Church to guide humanity back to HIM then correcting error relating to the soul is MORE important than the needs of the temporal body for this life. I believe the AFTERLIFE is more important.

Lastly, what has been lost in so much of the world is the worship of God FIRST and then we need to take care of our brothers and sisters in need.
The new world order /Satan seeks the worship of MAN first as a god. So helping mankind alone will not help our soul if we neglect our Creator. You See? Blessings!

Anonymous said...

Sorry holy cross, your 'religion' was created for control of the masses,...take for instance the catholic church, who, in my opinion has done more to subdue humans, and make them poorer, in servitude, and ever ignorant of the real world,...the natural world that your 'pope'. ('popes'), chooses to keep from the masses----for control. The catholic church has the financial means to take this world out of poverty. Yet does not. Really? Why not?

Holy Cross said...

No, really, I am sorry, for you have bought a lie. As you have stated, "my opinion...", what one would "know" about the Catholic Church was what someone usually told them and not what it really is. The Catholic Church will be the ultimate conquest of Anti-Christ correct? He will be seated there. Why? Why would he sit there? Why not at the temple in Utah of the Mormons or in Washington DC for that matter, or the Southern Baptist Convention (where ever their governing body sits). Do you understand that? Please realize again that She (current Catholic Church establishment) has been infiltrated and taken over by the ones you so despise. Which is what they have also done to American government. It is pure and simple - divide and conquer from within. Yet you do not condemn America? What has the Catholic Church taught from it's inception with Saint Peter? Do you know? If not, why not? Do you know when a Pope claims to speak for the whole church and what conditions must be satisfied in order for it's members to believe it? Does pride get in our/your way when ascending to truth we are yet to understand because we are blinded in our mind's eye because we are an unrepentant sinner?
Please enlighten me on the Natural World that I am being kept from? The funny thing is that you will accept so many things that the Church has defined and established and yet you believe them to come from somewhere else.
As to the financial means - it appears you are not familiar with what money is. We don't need the Catholic Church to get the world out of poverty. Each country who puts GOD FIRST in their nation and not MAN will prosper in ways you have never imagined.
"There are not one hundred people in the United States who hate the Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they wrongly perceive the Catholic Church to be." Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Anonymous said...

"Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandments of God, ye hold the traditions of men......" Mark 7: 7-8
This pretty much says it all....

Anonymous said...

Roman Catholicism is Babylonian paganism dressed up with Christian terminology
The Two Babylons
or The Papal Worship Proved to be
the Worship of Nimrod and His Wife
By the Late Rev. Alexander Hislop
First published as a pamphlet in 1853--greatly expanded in 1858


Benjamin Disraeli - "the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes." ....... "You never observe a great intellectual movement in Europe in which the Jews do not greatly participate. The first Jesuits were Jews;" ......”Coningsby” (pp. 249-252)

In his novel Coningsby (London, 1844), Disraeli drew in a picture form the life of the Jews ruling the world from behind the thrones as graphic as anything in the Protocols of Nilus.
How the Vatican created Islam.
The astonishing story from an ex-Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera, which was told to him by Cardinal Bea while he was at the Vatican.


"The Illuminati Order was preceded in the 1500's in Spain by the "Alumbrados," a Christian heresy started by crypto Jews called "Marranos." The founder of the Jesuit Order, Ignatius of Loyola, was a Marrano/Alumbrado. Thus when people today argue whether it is the Jesuits or Zionists who are responsible for our troubles, they are really talking about the same beast. " David Livingstone, author of "Terrorism and the Illuminati"

" You never observe a great intellectual movement in Europe in which the Jews do not greatly participate. The first Jesuits were Jews that mysterious Russian diplomacy which so alarms Western Europe, is organised & principally carried on by Jews; that mighty revolution which is at this moment preparing in Germany & which will be in fact a 2nd & greater Reformation & of which so little is as yet known in England. " - Englands Jewish PM, Benjamin Disraeli Ch 24 Lord George Bentinck: Political Biography, 1852

Jesuit founder Ignatius Loyola - Marrano Jew
Jesuit co-founder Francis Borgia - Marrano Jew
Jesuit 2nd General James Lainez - Marrano Jew
Jesuit 4th General Eberhard Mercurian - Belgian Jew
Jesuit (most famous) Adam Weishaupt Jew (son of rabbi)


Anonymous said...

You can have some fun with this gematria calculator. Type in New York and you will get 666. Type in Vatican Hill, the necropolis on which the Popes palace is built and you will get 666.

The bloke who wears the fish god Dagon hat says that we are all under the Law of the Sea [holy See].

Anonymous said...

Holy Cross - You can 'pontificate' all you want, for as long as you want,
in defense of Catholicism.
But that won't change the historical record of that institutions'
maniacal obsession with lies, manipulation, greed and control,..
of the entire planet and humanity.

Please recall the top of the Vatican being struck by lightening, twice,
the same day as Joseph Ratzinger announcing his retirement.
Also, the day Jorge Bergoglio released the two doves from
the balcony window, both were attacked, one by a seagull,
the other by a black crow.
This is yet another foretelling of the system going 'down'.

I seriously doubt if we'll ever get the whole truth out of
these self appointed princes of privilege, who have managed
to sell bread and circuses, while proclaiming 'Unum Sanctum',
and creating Cestui Que Vie trusts to keep us 'poor'....

I could add a volume to the volumes already written thus far over grievances
experienced and witnessed in my lifetime
by the mercenary greed of the Roman church,
and you can't convince anyone otherwise.
So, save your breath and your adopted ideologies.

Evidence of the 'Institution' successfully self-correcting
will only come when your 'Jesuit' bankers/idol worshiping leaders
audibly announce to the world, the debt jubilee,
AND an apology to mankind for their wanton lust
for blood and death these millenia.

We 'heretics' have no need of their brand of teaching,
it lacks TRUTH.

That remains to be demonstrated to all of them,
at the end of the heavenly battle between
the angels of light and darkness.

Blessings to you also,
as you face the coming truths,
and step into the light of it.

Then, and only then, will mankind
be free to celebrate his liberation
from an agenda driven theology.