On Jul 2, 2015, at 11:46 AM, Frank Coll <coll46@centurylink.net> wrote:
Nine Iowa legislators to U.S.
Supreme Court: There is an
“unmovable moral basis in
our laws”
The following press release was sent out
July 1 and signed by nine Iowa state
legislators, including:
July 1 and signed by nine Iowa state
legislators, including:
Sen. Jason Schultz, Senate District 9;
State Rep. Tedd Gassman, House District 7;
State Rep. Sandy Salmon, House District 63;
State Rep. Steven Holt, House District 18;
State Rep. Greg Heartsill, House District 28;
State Rep. Larry Sheets, House District 80;
Sen. Dennis Guth, Senate District 4;
Sen. Randy Feenstra, Senate District 2;
State Rep. Stan Gustafson, House District 25.
the undersigned legislators of the State of Iowa, announce our
reaffirmation of the principles of the Declaration of Independence.
We declare
1. The
Declaration of Independence, an organic document of the United States
of America, proclaims that all the rights of mankind are anchored in
Natural Law.
2. Specifically, all human beings are created equal and have unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
3. It
is increasingly clear and self-evident that all human life begins at
conception and therefore, according to Natural Law must be protected and
4. Any other decision violates Natural Law as expressed in our Declaration of Independence.
5. It is self-evident that only a sexual union of a male and female naturally creates a human life.
6. Once
created, the natural father and mother have a genetic bond to nourish
and insure that the child’s unalienable rights are supported and
7. These
obligations are carried out in a relationship between one man and one
woman which balances the strengths and weaknesses of each sex in child-rearing.
8. This
is the time-tested, societal definition of marriage. Therefore, any
marriage relationship other than between one man and one woman violates
Natural Law.
9. Natural law is unchangeable.
10. Therefore,
violating Natural Law will, by necessity, lead to the eventual
elimination of unalienable rights and to increasing tyranny.
11. We
cannot and will not abide by any man-made law or edict that encourages,
condones or forces any American to violate Natural Law as expressed in
the United States Declaration of Independence.
as legislators agree with the meaning of President Thomas Jefferson’s
letter to the Danbury Baptists which said we need a “separation of
Church and State.”
In context it meant that we must always keep the State away from any of the affairs of the Church.
the same time, in order for the United States to function at its best,
the people who represent the citizens in government must reflect a
strong Judeo-Christian ethic in all we do, including having a solid,
unmovable moral basis in our laws.
we the undersigned will use every Constitutional tactic possible to
ensure the principles enshrined in the Declaration of Independence are
protected. Those principles are what have made America truly exceptional for 239 years.
Sen. Jason Schultz, Senate District 9;
State Rep. Tedd Gassman, House District 7;
State Rep. Sandy Salmon, House District 63;
State Rep. Steven Holt, House District 18;
State Rep. Greg Heartsill, House District 28;
State Rep. Larry Sheets, House District 80;
Sen. Dennis Guth, Senate District 4;
Sen. Randy Feenstra, Senate District 2;
State Rep. Stan Gustafson, House District 25.
Frank p
Bravery is being the only one who knows you're afraid."
1 comment:
Therefore unless every member who voted "for" gay marriage in the supreme court can prove that their conception, birth, and presence here on this planet is a result of a gay union, then these people shall be disbarred from ever practicing law in the Supreme Court ever again and any promised monies or pensions shall be revoked forever.
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