Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Pope Francis: God Has Instructed Me to Revise the Ten Commandments

Pope Francis kicked off the start of a three-nation trip across South America today with his first mass with over a million Ecuadorians in attendance in the coastal city of Guayaquil.... During his sermon, Pope Francis announced to Christians around the world that God had called upon him, instructing him “to revise the most sacred of texts, the Ten Commandments.” Given to the Israelites by God himself at Mount Sinai, the Commandments include instructions for worship and list several prohibited practices.

The Pope said the updated Commandments reflect the changing times and include some minor rewording of the existing rules as well as the addition of two new Commandments.

The Fourth Commandment, which advocates that proper respect be shown towards one’s parents, has been reworded in order to include children raised by same-sex parents.

Pope Francis said the Seventh Commandment, prohibiting adultery and, among other things, homosexuality, has been removed entirely, as instructed by God, in order to extend “God’s grace to all His children.”

Addressing the inclusion of the new Commandments, which bring the total number to eleven, Pope Francis praised the rapid growth of technology in the digital age but said “progress  comes at a price.”

The new Fifth Commandment, which replaces the prohibition of adultery, forbids all aspects of genetic engineering and bans the consumption of genetically modified foods.

Lastly, the Eleventh Commandment disallows personal idolization and the glorification of one’s self over God. Using the Kardashians, a highly publicized celebrity family, as an example, Pope Francis said, “Selfies are an abomination in the eyes of our Lord.”

A spokesman for the Vatican, Father Federico Lombardi, said the Eleven Commandments are currently being etched into marble by an Italian sculptor and, upon completion, will be unveiled to the world in Saint Peter’s Square following an internationally televised mass.

Just think a godless poop...who is an occult member, a known child rapist, found guilt by the world common law grand jury.....and is changing the ten commandment because God said he wanted him to do so.....I know where there is 300 Million tons of gold I can sell you for 25Cents???


Anonymous said...

LOL. Real News Right Now is a satire "news" website. You really don't know that??

Freewill said...

Yep... know it...

Anonymous said...

(The Fourth Commandment, which advocates that proper respect be shown towards one’s parents, has been reworded in order to include children raised by same-sex parents.)

As you can see the Pope has already taken out the Commandment that says "Thou shalt not bow down before molten images", as they do all the time ."

The Catholic Ten Commandments are different from everyone else's since about 321 AD.

Since the Pope is no higher than anyone else in God's eyes maybe God will tell some one else to change them back or add three or four more. Maybe two more a year would be good. I'm listening.

The Forth Commandment is "Remember and keep the Sabbath Day Holy." which they don't do as one of the Popes in the past claimed God told him to change His and our Holy Day. This Pope knows not the real 4th Commandment that his church changed?

He already took the last Commandment and made it into two Commandments to make ten after removing the one mentioned above not to bow down. Not this Pope but one or more before this one.

The first four Commandments all have to do with loving God and the next 6 have to do with loving our fellow man but not in the Catholic Bible. They have removed and changed before. What's wrong that God can't get it right the first time. I submit to you that He did. Ken T.

Anonymous said...

Too bad this guy "Pope Francis" is a total fraud. No one believes what he says. He's just a jesuit puppet who follows the father of lies, satan. He is an ahole. God said not to change one dot or one tittle of His Word.

Anonymous said...

much HAS in deed been altered, omitted, as will soon be more well known. Many surprises Revealed will be quite enlightening... things are not what they may seem... stay tuned with spiritual vision & hearing sensitive & alerted... His Ways are High above man's...