Monday, July 6, 2015

We Can't Seem to Pinpoint the Problem ??

We Can't Seem to Pinpoint the Problem ??
But you know what?  We as Americans want to blame it all on the avoiding the real true deep underlying issues.... This is an American take on the issue.   America arms rebels, overthrows governments, bombs and murders.  It's an oil problem. It's oppression.  When you try and change the natural control in a country you get an up-rising, especially with a strong culture that you supply weapons.   America started and continue all these wars, with their Saudi oil money wars, their Israeli occupational wars and Americas blatant murder for oil policies.  When you oppose the west you are a terrorist.   And this type of Muslim blaming rubbish spread across the Internet is western propaganda from military personal,  ISIS from all accounts is less than 50,000 rebels, maybe only 20,000.  Fighting against American and coalition forces that invaded the region.  Standing up against the invading and murdering west.  There is 56,000,000 people displaced in 2014 from our coalition invasion.  Take responsibility for the western actions and murder across the globe.  Disgraceful lies, murderers and thieves and you want to blame the people we attack and bomb?? That's evil!  Keep up the bad word, this is the war the west created.  I regret sometimes getting caught up with false propaganda!  It's deeper than what seemingly appears on the surface!


Dan said...

There is not only one type of Muslim as there is not only one type of Jew.
Those Muslims that truly follow the Sharia Law want Christians dead and the Muslim Brotherhood supports that.
There are Jews that follow the Talmud which are Jesuits and 99% of Christian pastors don't mention them as they assume there is only one set of Jews and they control Israel, however those are the Bad Jews that I assume are the ones in our government that are approved of Dual Citizenship employees.
The Good Jews that support the Christian point of view, even though they have their doctrine of the Torah, they are not to the point as the Talmudic Jews are in to kill everyone outside their race.
So when America has gotten rid of everyone that does not support the Talmudic Jews or the Sharia Law Muslims then America and the world should be at peace, with God Almighty not to be a Problem.

Anonymous said...

And don't forget those who, by their own definitions, call themselves 'christians' while they are involved in islamochristian indoctrinations, or in one of the many varied cults (catholicsm Jehovah's witnesses, Mormonism, et al) and even mainline 'churches' who are teaching false 'christian' doctrines from the pulpits. Is it any wonder the world is upside down - worship of all those false 'gods'? Then you have buddism, zenism, scientology, etc. And let's not forget all those satansits/illuminati/witches who lend such positive practices to those of us who are on the 'wrong' paths - following Yeshua.

Anonymous said...

Not only False Propaganda but also being led by / following the worst of leadership example and programmed to look up to our so-called superiors and to fall into line with the American way.

"Then in 1933-4 came the attempt by the Morgan firm to install a fascist dictatorship in the United States. In the words of Jules Archer, it was planned to be a Fascist putsch to take over the government and "run it under a dictator on behalf of America's bankers and industrialists."5 Again, a single courageous individual emerged — General Smedley Darlington Butler, who blew the whistle on the Wall Street conspiracy. And once again Congress stands out, particularly Congressmen Dickstein and MacCormack, by its gutless refusal to do no more than conduct a token whitewash investigation."



Thank you Popeye and Olive Oil for the great and selfless work you bring to us all. Peace and be blessed.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the real problem no one seems to identify or recognize is because everyone is ignoring one important but very simple law: "Love thy neighbor as thyself." Also, we need to quit blaming Americans for everything! The rest of the world populations certainly are just as deserving of blame, if not MORE deserving in some instances of the ugliness, hate, wars, murders and crimes happening throughout the world..

Anonymous said...

The American people don't want these wars, are appalled at what the "supposed to be" leaders of this nation have done, and would be happy if everyone stayed where they lived and worked on their own governments positively and were in positive unity with everyone. The people don't want dictators, world governments, and police states. Quit blaming the American people as these a-hole leaders don't represent us. They represent their own greed and you haters should go after the elite who are the ones who created the hell in your countries. Go after the right people and you won't have this problem any more.

Holy Cross said...

"There are Jews that follow the Talmud which are Jesuits..."

Uh, proof of statement please. Every official document I have read as to the Jesuit Mission DOES NOT have anything TALMUDIC in it. That statement is laughable.

"There are not one hundred people in the United States who hate the Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they wrongly perceive the Catholic Church to be."
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Holy Cross said...

Catholicism? Really,? wow I think you better study history a bit and pray about this statement.

"There are not one hundred people in the United States who hate the Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they wrongly perceive the Catholic Church to be."
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Dan said...

The Jesuit theology is based on they do not want to tell the truth or else we would not have these problems in the world as they would not be able to be in government.
This is like all the videos you can watch on YouTube in which an individual is arrested just on the basis of not showing their ID when they were just walking down the sidewalk or had a camera, or when the officer just happen to get in the camera view, or when the first charge on the person was resisting arrest as they were to obey ALL orders of the officer, but NOT according to the US Supreme Court decisions, yet officers appear NOT to be obligated to follow those US Supreme Court decisions.

marie said...

ANON 1:57: YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! WE DO NOT WANT THESE WARS AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THESE WARS. OUR SO CALLED LEADERS ARE FOREIGN TO US AND THEY HAVE USURPED OUR POWER. ALL HATERS GET ON THE RIGHT SIDE WHICH IS BLAMING THE ELITE AND NOT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. TAKE THEM OUT AND YOU WILL HAVE RIGHTED ALL WRONGS AGAINST YOU. "The American people don't want these wars, are appalled at what the "supposed to be" leaders of this nation have done, and would be happy if everyone stayed where they lived and worked on their own governments positively and were in positive unity with everyone." (ANON 1:57) I SECOND THIS MOTION.