Self-appointed Caliph, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has said that ISIS could never hope to defeat the west, Europe militarily in a straight up fight. His plan all along has been to overrun the European Union and conquer it from within. His plan may be working. In their effort to show the world how Western Europe is truly enlightened and tolerant their countries’ marshmallowy, myopic, pacifist leaders are falling right into Baghdadi’s trap.
Europe has accepted one and all, indiscriminately allowing anyone who is able to walk, ride or float into their countries. And amongst the “refugees” are thousands of ISIS jihadists.
And more than any other to date, their destination has been Germany mostly because of the generous (American) German welfare system.
There are other reasons Germany is the destination of choice for al-Baghdadi’s jihadists. Germany is the most powerful economically of all the E.U. nations. Therefore, by default, it is the de facto head of the Union. Baghdadi knows that in order to conquer Europe, Islamey must first overwhelm its strongest member. Also, Germany is one of the least defended European countries.
According to the 2012 National Gun Registry, only 1.4 million people own firearms out of a population of nearly 83 million. Frankly, they’re ripe for the picking.
Look at how the West reacted to one child washing up on the shore at that Turkish resort. It’s almost as if it were a deliberate act. Those staged photographs of that one child even caused Americans to insist we allow the “refugees” into our country.
And now that winter is around the corner, the push from soft liberal European leaders will be even greater. We must let them in lest they freeze to death along their “trail of tears.”
But as their pitiful leadership struggles to allow more migrants (and ISIS killers) in, the general public, the average European citizen, isn’t just sitting still. Austria appears to be taking the lead.

Weapons sales are soaring in Austria.
In a country with about 8.5 million people, there is said to be almost 1 million guns. That’s close to the number in Germany which has a population 10 times larger.
Shotguns are evidently the preferred choice for home defense, as it is near impossible to find one for sale in the country. “Virtually all shotguns are currently sold out, because you need no permit for them,” said Thomas Ortner, spokesman for an arms dealer in Upper Austria. A license is required for almost all other guns. Islamists don’t care about no stinkin’ licenses.
“License courses, in which applicants must demonstrate knowledge of firearms, used to take place every five weeks but they are now held weekly because of spiking demand.
In cities like Salzburg, a line of people outside the necessary government office to get the paperwork to buy a gun is now an everyday sight.” And the odd thing is that women are buying them up at a much greater rate than men.
I wonder why that is? Have we not been told that the vast majority of “refugees” have been mothers with children? Why would an Austrian woman be afraid of innocent women and children? Could it be that the lie promulgated by politicians and the liberal press don’t jibe with the reality on the streets? I wrote an article more than a month ago that this is nonsense. From what I’ve seen, the majority of “refugees” are fighting age males.
At least one politician sees a possible end. Slovenian Prime Minister, Miro Cerar, warns that if quick action isn’t taken to get a handle on the “refugee” situation, the EU may collapse.
This has been the Caliph’s plan from day one -- his crown jewel -- the collapse of Europe from the inside out, and if nothing changes, he and his Islamist refugee soldiers will succeed.
1 comment:
Thanks for the post. People who are really concerned about their safety and the safety of their loved ones may join any Firearms safety training classes and get training how to use a gun for their safety. The militant activities that is raising day by day in the European countries and the emergence of ISIS has forced people to arm themselves.
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