Because most Americans have been or continue to be unaware of the CAFR funds, this letter is being provided to update and to educate. We have been deceived, lied to, stolen from and abused long enough. Americans are waking up, becoming aware and informed, and thus better equipped to take our country back.
by Walter Burien - CAFR1

Government on all levels will go far out of their way to monitor every one. They specifically want to keep a handle on their opposition. Let's call government on all levels the 'Fox'.
For the Fox to control all opposition, the Fox will covertly start operations (the names I made up) such as: "Taxpayers for Fair Government", "The News Site that publishes everything government does not want you to know", "National Militia for the Abolishment of Government", "Destroy government corruption, and restore people's rights", "Legal Fund for the indictment of corrupt judges", "Town of X Breakfast Club to Restore Taxpayer/Property owner/Citizens Rights."
The Fox now can watch and draw in most of their opposition to identify them. Here their strategy is to see what is coming out that may be a threat to the Fox, this all being done so the Fox can stay 5-steps ahead of their opposition for corrective action to be taken by the Fox.
Additionally, it allows the Fox to school all in a direction or with so called damning information or actions that in reality are fictional having no impact on the Fox what-so-ever but expels the energy and resources of the individual participants.
Tens of millions of people are sucked into these types of intentionally laid out Fox Flypaper operations.
Additionally, if there is a truly independent group to the Fox that grows into several hundred thousand + members that actually are a 'threat' to the Fox, the Fox will go out of its way to take the group over from the inside or, if the Fox can, cause financial duress on the group and buy it out for take-over. This is done especially with independent publications or news media groups.
You would be amazed to find out how few "genuine" independent groups there are left out there. Anything involved or tied in with the syndicated media, forget about it.
EXAMPLE: For 15-years tens of thousands of people tried to get their local syndicated media outlet or national outlet to simply mention the CAFR to their listeners or viewers. No one was successful per the mass viewed syndicated TV News outlets excluding myself back in 1995.
The anchor from ABC News out of Phoenix - On the 10 PM nightly News she showed a full camera shot of the AZ 1994 State CAFR and made comment. ( I told her in advance she could not mention it to her producer or he would cut mention ) Well, the 10 PM News usually airs verbatim at 7 AM the following morning. The following morning her segment mention of the CAFR was cut out and she was pulled from that day forward as being the Anchor.
Since 1998, only the independent news outlets did front page feature stories on the CAFR. The ones with the biggest circulation to the public were then targeted by the Fox and were shut down, bought out, or even worse for the smaller ones, the editor / owner died unexpectedly.
The population is masterfully "entertained" off into La-La land by the Fox within an annual repetitious "loop" created that gives the imprecision of advancement, but in "reality" maintains the population in a very controllable and in an exact spoon-fed programmed mindset as the Fox takes over everything.
I put up an article about California's largest "Taxpayer Association," the Howard Jarvis Group. It can be viewed by clicking the link towards the top of my home page having the subject line of: "To any remaining California members of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayer Association"
You may also want to read my BIO in which I mention some of those "independent" news groups and what happened to them when they featured CAFR disclosure.
The Fox is now controlling and operating within a 10-trillion dollar + a year take-over machine that has amassed somewhere between 140 to 170 trillion dollars of liquid investment assets held both domestic and internationally. At the same time 95% to 98% of the populace is being maintained clueless by the Fox and its cooperatives about this reality DUE TO THE MONEY / CONTROL INVOLVED.
You may want to take a look at the example CAFR listing I put up a few months ago. 4500 CAFRs categorized. (long page). Then you yourself can bypass the void intentionally created by the Fox and share that page with many.
That should give many a big wake-up call as to the scope and size of it all. Also it will qualify the aspect of not a peep or mention by the Fox or its cooperatives for 70-years of their Holy Grail of over-all accounting, the CAFR.
Please share / publish this communication with all that you know.
Today, 10/31/15 is Halloween. Per trick or treat for the last 70-years the Fox has worked on "The majority of Treat for itself" and "A Major Trick for everyone else".
This communication comprehended clearly by the population can help reverse that circumstance for a big Treat that can come quickly for the "everyone else".
I continue to work diligently on bringing forth the TRFA (Tax Retirement Fund Association), an organization that will and can transition every local government to operate on the "Fiduciary Trust" principle to meet its operating budgets "without" taxation of any kind. One income source for the Fox, taxation is replaced with another source of income, Fiduciary Trust return. It is there to happen and I am working on it! A treat for everyone else!
Also, with this being done, the Fox and our economy "in all reality" does better, too.
Sent FYI and Truly Yours from,
Walter Burien -
P. O. Box 2112
Saint Johns, AZ 85936
Tel. (928) 458-5854
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