Friday, December 4, 2015

DOD - Biometrics for Identity Superiority and Strategic Plans


The referenced PDF file below confirms an integrated and all-out plan to identify and profile everyone.

The fabricated "war on terror" is an even better tool for the globalists than the "Cold War" at keeping the People in perpetual fear and willing to concede rights in exchange for "security".  
That is because the "war on terror" is an undeclared but perpetual, global, blank check to use military force and measures against civilians--with no accountability, no legislative process, and no constitutional authority. (And Americans continue to allow this to continue.)

It should be obvious the world is being destabilized.  We are less secure than ever.  Giving up rights for security only makes us less secure, and that as long as we continue doing so, our security will continue to plunge. Eventually, we will become herded cattle, doing only that which we are permitted to do, living where told, eating that which we are fed, and being terminated when no longer economically useful.

Just like the redesigned pens used at slaughter houses to keep cattle unaware and peaceful as they walk to their death so, too, are we are being led. 
Is ANY body listening?  AWARE?

Saul Alinsky dedicated his book to Lucifer. That just about sums it up.

One guess as to what private corporation in the U.S.A. public arena follows the philosophies in that book to the 'T' in the U.S.A. and WHO ARE ITS VICTIMS?

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