Thursday, December 3, 2015

Fox News Shepard Smith supports gun control!!!


Shootings in U.S. 'more than anywhere else in the world' - PRODUCE THE STATS TO PROVE THAT STATEMENT!

Shepard Smith (Photo: Fox News screenshot)
Shepard Smith (Photo: Fox News screenshot)

 Cheryl Chumley
 Dec 3 2015

Even as others in the media – including liberal MSNBC host Chris Hayes – decried 'president' Obama for telling a Paris-based climate-change audience mass shootings only happen in America, one Fox News talking head came out in support of that White House mantra, saying only national television, post-San Bernardino massacre: this is unique to our country.

Shepard Smith said, of the mass shooting that left 14 dead and 17 injured, Obama was quite right in calling for gun control.

“'president' Obama called today for a bipartisan effort at every level of government to address mass shootings,” he said, Mediaite reported.

Smith then quoted Obama, reading: “[Obama said] we don’t yet know what the motives of the shooters are, but what we do know is that there are steps we can take to make America safe and that we should come together on a bipartisan basis at every level of government to make these rare as opposed to normal. We should never think that this is something that just happens in the ordinary course of events because it does not happen with the same frequency in other countries.”

After, Smith looked at the camera lens and offered his own assessment of the shooting and of Obama’s comments.

“[Obama] got a lot of partisan pushback on that from his political opponents,” Smith said, “but the fact of the matter is, among developed nations, that’s the truth. 

These sorts of mass shooting with the regularity of where they occur in the United States, you don’t find that in other countries. … You can extrapolate what you want.”

And his conclusion: “I can report to you with certainty that it happens more here than anywhere else in the world,” he said, Mediaite reported.

Obama actually said on stage in Paris, at the climate-change conference, held just shortly after terrorists killed 130 people: “I say this every time we’ve got one of these mass shootings. This just doesn’t happen in other countries.”

On that, even liberal pundits and hosts in the news shook their heads in dismay.

In a series of back-and-forth tweets with Charles Cooke, MSNBC host Hayes was finally forced to admit Obama made a serious misstep with that claim.

Cooke wrote, of Obama’s exaggerated gun-violence claim: “Let’s call out politicians when they lie in public,” Biz Pac Review found.

Hayes responded, via Twitter: “Yes. He shouldn’t say that.”


Anonymous said...

Shepard Smith we witness that there is a relationship between government, media and industry that is evident even at this most spurious and superficial level. These three institutions support one another. We know that however cool a media outlet may purport to be, their primary loyalty is to their corporate backers. We know also that you cannot criticize the corporate backers openly without censorship and subsequent manipulation of this information.

1776, Thomas Paine: "I have frequently amused myself both in public and private companies, with silently remarking, the specious errors of those who speak without reflecting."

Source reference available on request.

Anonymous said...

Shepard Smith can ask for gun control but when Obummer does, he has committed Treason as he took an Oath to uphold the Constitution. Obummer has committed about 20 counts of Treason as it has to do with gun control. Somehow he doesn't think he will be held accountable for these crimes but he is and will be.

Also remember the Dick Act of 1902 as it forbids any gun control or any laws limiting guns which must be enforced by the Pres. and Atty. Gen.of the US. Ken T.

Unknown said...

Thats because shes part of the cabal. Giving up the guns wll never happen so change your tune

Anonymous said...

The only thing that needs to be taken away is your makeup artist...

Anonymous said...


People need to wake the hell up! If people have woken up, to the point of realizing that the UNITED STATES federal government is a Corporation, and Not a legitimate, Republic form of government, under the Constitution and common law, then they should know that Obama is nothing more than a CEO and NOT the commander-in-chief of anything. Corporations don't have a commander-in-chief! Who is the commander-in-chief of General Motors or McDonald's? The UNITED STATES federal government has NO Constitutional authority to govern any American Citizen, i.e. human being. We The People are the true sovereigns and have the authority over any form of government. Corporations (government/country/states) are NOT sovereign. There is no such thing as a sovereign government, country or state. Sovereignty belongs to the individual human entity and it has nothing to do with any religion or government. It is God given and NOT a privilege, granted by man, requiring permission and often a license or permit, for a fee. So when Obama says that as commander-in-chief, I blaa, blaa, blaa, you know that he is blowing smoke because he knows that you are ignorant or, at least, believes you are. But now you know he is commander-in-chief of nothing! The corporation (UNITED STATES) is not bound by the constitution and therefore it doesn't matter if Obama was born in any American state or territory. So the UNITED STATES federal government has NO constitutional authority over anyone.
Note how I wrote American Citizen, supra (above). Citizen with a capital “C” is a noun. Only a living thing/being can be a capital “C” Citizen. Up through the original thirteenth amendment in the Constitution for the united States of America (which actually should be: for these united States of America) the people were called American Citizens and from the fourteenth amendment on, everyone became citizens of the United States, with a lower case “c” on citizen; a pronoun, person place or thing, such as a corporation.