Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Conservative Intel has partnered with Pat Cross Cartoons!
Conservative Intel has partnered with Pat Cross Cartoons!
Pat loves drawing, America, and the Big Man upstairs. His work aims to combine these three elements into a petri dish and see what happens. We hope you will find his work thought-provoking, insightful, profound, and maybe, just maybe, a bit humorous.
We encourage you to visit his website and like his Facebook page!
Breaking: President Trump Wins Again As some Migrant Caravan Turn Around
Conservative Intel
President Trump keeps winning, folks!
The migrant caravan heading toward the US turned around Friday afternoon.
According to Newsmax:
“Thousands of migrants traveling in a caravan briefly moved toward a border crossing on the Mexico-Guatemala frontier before turning around Friday.
They stopped about two blocks from the crossing before heading back, saying they would wait another hour or so. Some of them talked among themselves.
The border post is guarded by a heavy security force and tall metal gates. Dozens of Mexican federal police officers are posted on the border bridge, with hundreds more behind them.”
The Deep State’s control is fast coming to an end....
The Deep State’s control is fast coming to an end
The centuries-long tyrannical regime is reaching its termination stage
Thousands of centuries of criminal extortion
The Deep State’s control is fast coming to an end. They never expected this, so they are not prepared for it. Their lackeys – the puppets – in governments all over the world will find themselves in deep trouble. They are being believed less and less with every passing day. They are being exposed and must eventually face the wrath of the people whose lives they have maliciously exploited. President Trump, on his short visit to England, was there
for only one reason: to confront the Queen of England with her malevolence and to demand the return of all that was stolen, to which the Queen agreed.
He didn’t want pomp and ceremony. He has the respect of all who seek truth. It was a pity that there were those in England who set out to disrespect him. They were either paid for it by Gorge Soros, or displaying their own ignorance about what is going on in our world. President Trump deserves every respect and success in his endeavor to free the world from the criminal mafia that has terrorized and exploited the populace for thousands of centuries...continue article here
Jim Stone on the Southern Border
It is not 5000 military at the border
They went in waves and now 27, 000 people are stationed on the border not counting private citizens and militias. The migrant caravans are getting violent and shooting now, they have given all the reason needed to stop them that no lib could ever argue with but they will argue no matter what.
IMF "Take Over" of Federal Reserve
By Anna Von Reitz
IMF "Take Over" of Federal Reserve
IMF organized and promoted by the Rockefeller interests and Oil Barons
has been functioning as the "U.S. Treasury" since shortly after the
Second World War. They have used the IMF for no end of market
manipulations and political intrigues and false claims in commerce.
That said, the Federal Reserve fronted by the Warburgs and Rothschilds is even older and worse in its own sluggish nasty way.
So you have the spectacle of the snakes eating each other, and quarreling over which tail is which.
important take home point is that despite the pandering and plumage,
they are all snakes, they are all criminals, and a choice between
raspberry feces and vanilla feces is still an insane non-choice scenario
for the rest of us.
by a friend this afternoon to name a bank with "clean hands" I couldn't
name one major international bank that is less than pitch black
filthy. None.
Asked what I would do, I said
--- take them over, establish new management, establish new regulatory
agencies, and stand with both feet on their necks until the end of
we all grow up and get rid of the entire concept of money and
"representations of value" and adopt a sane worldwide currency based on
all commodities, all natural resources, and all labor assets, keeping
both feet on the banker's necks is the only answer.
moment you let up on one of them, he sets out to free all the rest of
them from competent regulation. They are like gang members. They have
the Big "B" tattoo on their chests.
bunch of silly Nellies are running around predicting chaos and
meltdowns and rioting in the streets if the Federal Reserve is taken
down. I got news for them. They bankrupted the "Federal Reserve System"
in 2009, so all that was protected by Mama Vatican and the Slime Balls
in the United States Bar Association, instead of being returned to the
lawful Priority Creditors ----us.
time for rioting and giving a damn about the "Federal Reserve" was ten
years ago or more. The time to liquidate the IMF and blast the
Rockefeller Mobsters off their French thrones is right about now.
those assets ---- all of them ---- belong to us. The "National Debt"
belongs to us. The Bid Bonds and labor contracts --- ours, ours, ours.
The indemnity bonds and guarantees and bottomry bonds and "Life Force
Value Annuities" ---- all ours. The CUSIP bonds --- ours, again. All
the Puerto Rican Foreign Grantor Trusts ---- ours, nobody else's. All
the IRS collections, all the Internal Revenue Service collections, and
all the property taxes and mortgages ---- all of it, is owed to us,
minus a relatively small fee for services we actually contracted for and
actually received under the stipulations of our Constitutions.
And these criminals, including the IMF, are trying to say that they are our Trustees and that they are collecting "for" us.
Have you heard enough of this chant and rant? We don't have any Trustees.
The Trustees who were supposed to be safeguarding our interests were worse than common thieves. So..... guess what?
are standing here on our own flat little feet demanding the return of
our rights, titles, and interests, our assets, our labor, our rents and
leases, our fees, our property in sum total. Now.
Karen Hudes, no Kim Goguen, no IMF, no middlemen "representing" us and
administrating our estates "for" us. They are nothing but Executors de
Son Tort --- a phrase that can only be answered for with Autrefois
Just dump it all into our bank and we will tend to our own business from now on.
will sort through the horrible mess that all these very competent and
important and highly educated people have made, and bring relief at
last, with decency and common sense that has been completely lacking for
the IMF be forewarned---- they aren't our Treasury and they aren't our
Trustees and as much as we despise and care nothing for the Federal
Reserve, in our view, the IMF is not a bit better.
will nail them both to the wall for fraud and mis-representation with
equal alacrity and we will demand their liquidation if they steal one
peso from any American and that means all the Americans who have been
mis-identified on purpose as British Territorial "Citizens", too.
Got that, Butch?
can't think of a single international commercial bank that deserves to
survive a liquidation challenge for criminal activity. Not one.
Urgent Message to Americans Age 80 and Over
By Anna Von Reitz
Urgent Message to Americans Age 80 and Over
claims are being made to the effect that we consented to being British
subjects, that we willingly consigned all our assets and land and homes
as chattel backing the debts of the British Crown Corporation and
voluntarily adopted a Commonwealth as our form of government, that we
gave up our constitutional guarantees, and that we agreed to be
considered "citizens" of the British Territorial United States,
purportedly in equitable exchange for welfare benefits that we financed
and paid for ourselves.
In fact, we were never told about any of these false claims.
Hogwash being promoted by the guilty parties needs to be rebutted and
rebuked by the eye-witnesses who were alive at the time and who have
first-hand knowledge of the facts and events.
have abundant evidence that on March 6, 1933, at a private meeting of
the Conference of Governors, the British Territorial Governors
"pledged" the assets of "their states and the citizenry thereof" to pay
off the debts of the "United States of America" Incorporated, a
religious non-profit corporation fronted by the Roman Catholic Church as
a Delaware Corporation in 1925 and bankrupted in 1933.
course, their "States of States" had nothing whatsoever to do with our
States and their "citizenry" had nothing to do with our State
as a result of this "pledge" of foreign assets, Americans were
deliberately mistaken-on-purpose as British Subjects, and kidnapped into
the foreign jurisdiction of the British Territorial United States,
there to be plundered and conscripted and divested of their rights,
property assets, and other guarantees in Gross Breach of Trust.
have abundant evidence that Franklin Delano Roosevelt lied through his
teeth to the American People and never disclosed the meaning, intent, or
result of his New Deal---- which was treason wrapped in a blanket, a
self-serving and odious plot to further undermine our national
sovereignty and rob us blind for the sake of foreign interests.
now they want to claim that we all knew what was going on and
willingly, voluntarily consented to all this abuse and damned lies and
false claims and foreign Inquisitors occupying our courtrooms to collect
debts we never owed.
can be no words competent to describe the infamy of the British
Territorial United States or the criminality of the Holy See for
allowing any of these practices against The United States of America and
the innocent American People.
to their deeds, Rome, Westminster, and London should all be turned to
sheets of glass, with Hong Kong and Washington, DC and Ontario, Canada,
to follow.
stood by these wretched bastards through two World Wars, and this is
the thanks we get for it. They have attempted to genocide us on paper
and leave us holding the bag for all their debts, all their
war-mongering, all their sins.
So now is the time for pay back and an end to all this self-serving drivel that we "consented" to any of this abuse and theft.
are calling upon those Americans who are 80 years of age and above to
come forward and given testimony based on their living recollection of
the events taking place in the 1930's and 40's. We are calling upon
their sons and daughters to help them do the paperwork and get their
testimony witnessed by a Public Notary and recorded at the local land
recording offices. We are asking that you all send a certified copy to:
The Living Law Firm, 1336 Staubbach Circle, Anchorage, Alaska 99508.
doing this, you will also create a Public Record in defense of your own
property and establish evidence to protect your whole family from these
vermin and their lies.
realize that this may be a bit difficult to organize, so we have
created and attached a basic template that can be used all over the
country. For those who have more specific information to bring forward
and who feel competent to do so, please add and adjust. For convenience
sake, we colored the specific information you need to change in the
template red.
discuss the situation with your Elders and those who understand the
situation, please encourage them to come forward and testify in behalf
of all Americans. And get it on the record, so we can shove it down
their throats.
Notice to All Wannabe Interlopers:
By Anna Von Reitz
is no way in Hell that Keith Edward Livingway bought "The United States of
America" or any special right related to it at a Naval Auction or via
any other action he has pretended to take. Our actual copyright to that
name is held in sovereign jurisdiction and is not transferable or for
sale to any commercial entity whatsoever. Livingway picked up on pieces
of the Scottish interloper that infringed on our copyrights in 1868:
The United States of America, Incorporated, not The United States of America [Unincorporated].
The Scottish corporation was bankrupted in 1907. The bankruptcy
settled in 1953. The Navy was selling off whatever scrap was left.
Keith totally misunderstood what he was buying and the provenance of it,
and therefore misinterpreted the meaning of it.
Our actual government is a government of, for, and by the people ----- not a government of, for, and by the persons.
is a fundamental understanding that must be accepted by everyone
concerned. And the Maxim of Law that applies, as I noted yesterday, is:
"Possession by pirates does not change ownership."
Scottish corporation deceitfully calling itself "The United States of
America" for purposes of pillaging and press-ganging, kidnapping our
people into foreign conscription, and seizing false title to our assets,
was a criminal operation intent on inland piracy. If the Navy had
been worth beans, it would have intercepted and prosecuted this
it succeeded in its fraud is of no concern to us at this point, as
there is no statute of limitation on the crime of fraud and there is no
cessation of probate related to any estate.
are here to collect our assets and we will prosecute any and all
foreign corporations infringing upon our copyrights, titles, and
interests or attempting to insinuate themselves as Successors to any
constitutional contract by a process of assumption.
hope that makes it all abundantly clear to everyone, including the
supporters of the French corporation attempting to do business as "The
Republic" and the Scottish doppleganger attempting to do business as
are all thoroughly sick of these deceits, this disservice, and this
dishonor. We want no more Pretenders of any kind or stripe. Moreover,
as of October 9, 2018, the Delegated Powers returned to us by Operation
of Law, as I have explained elsewhere.
this means is that there is no longer any "federal" government of the
kind we have been dealing with. The only actual government left
standing in international jurisdiction is our lawful Federation of
States formed September 9, 1776.
Go figure.
There aren't going to be any new interlopers picking up "governmental services contracts" by assumption here.
all the BS is at an end. All the Europeans can go home and read their
tea leaves from now on, and horribly confused people like Keith
Livingway can stand down.
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Dad's grief leads to quest to count deaths caused by illegal immigrant drivers
Arnie Rosner
On Oct 30, 2018, at 2:37 PM, robert bowen <> wrote:Dad's grief leads to quest to count deaths caused by illegal immigrant drivers
Mother of officer killed by illegal on immigration debate
Mary Ann Mendoza wrote letter to GOP candidates urging support for victims of illegal aliensIn the five years since an unlicensed illegal immigrant ran down his son, Don Rosenberg has turned his anger and grief into a mission to answer a seemingly simple question: How many people are killed each year by drivers who don’t belong in the U.S., much less behind a wheel?Drew Rosenberg, a 25-year-old student at Golden Gate University, was riding his motorcycle in San Francisco when Roberto Galo struck him on Nov. 16, 2010. In his frenzied effort to flee the scene, Galo ran over his victim twice. The elder Rosenberg got the news no parent should hear from San Francisco General Hospital that night, but what he would learn over the next few years only compounded his bitterness.As many as 7,500 Americans -- 20 per day -- are killed annually by unlicensed drivers, and Rosenberg calculates that more than half are the victims of illegal immigrants. Now, by testifying before lawmakers, speaking to parents who have been through the same ordeal and posting his research on his nonprofit’s website,, Rosenberg is shedding light on a frightening number not readily available from government sources.“Our archives are filled with stories of drunk-driving illegals killing U.S. citizens.”— William Gheen, Americans for Legal Immigration“I was stunned at what I found,” said Rosenberg, who at 63 is semi-retired from the entertainment and publishing industry. “Not only were unlicensed drivers killing people in numbers only exceeded by drunk drivers, but many times they were barely being punished and many times faced no charges at all.”Galo, a Honduran, who entered the country illegally but earned temporary protective status, had been cited five months earlier for driving without a license or insurance and heading the wrong way on a one-way street in San Francisco. His car was impounded for a day, he paid a fine for the moving violation and the other charges were dropped.Drew Rosenberg, (l.), was killed by a man his father Don, (r.), believes should not have been in the country. (Courtesy: Don Rosenberg)After he was convicted of manslaughter, Galo served six weeks in jail and was released. He was deported in 2013 after a years-long legal battle.Because state and federal highway safety officials do not classify deaths by the perpetrator’s immigration stats, tabulating the deadly toll of unlicensed, illegal immigrant drivers has been a painstaking effort. Rosenberg has pored through spreadsheets and studies, piecing together numbers that show his son’s death was neither necessary nor unique. Still, his estimate is just that, and it varies from the guesses of other groups.Brandon Mendoza, (l.), was killed by an unlicensed illegal immigrant, prompting his mother, Mary Ann Mendoza, (r.), to become an activist. (Courtesy: Mary Ann Mendoza)“I’ve learned over time that many jurisdictions do not cite license status or immigration status when reporting these statistics, so if anything, the numbers are understated,” he said. “For example, San Francisco doesn’t report either criteria, so Drew’s death defaults to having been killed by a licensed driver who was a citizen.”Such imprecise government bookkeeping masks a frightening and, critics say, preventable danger. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, which obtains state-by-state data from the federal government Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) database – found that 20 percent of fatal crashes involved an unlicensed driver. From 2010-2014, there was an average of 32,887 road deaths per year, which would mean 6,577 were caused by unlicensed drivers. Those drivers include citizens with suspended or revoked licenses, and those who never had licenses. But if half are illegal immigrants, it would be in line with Rosenberg’s estimates.“Our archives are filled with stories of drunk-driving illegals killing U.S. citizens,” William Gheen, of the Americans for Legal Immigration Political Action Committee, told “It is our official estimate that more than 3,000 U.S citizens lose their lives each year due to the insufficient enforcement of our existing border and immigration law.”Brandon Mendoza was a 32-year-old, Mesa, Ariz., policeman in 2014 when an unlicensed, illegal immigrant driver drove drunk the wrong way on a freeway and killed him. Raul Silva-Corona had been convicted of criminal conspiracy in Colorado 20 years earlier, but never deported.Mendoza’s mother believes the government could make the roads safer by at least deporting illegal immigrants who have been convicted of crimes.“I don't believe it's reality to be able to get all of the illegals out of the country, but I do believe we need to get the criminal element out of here and secure the border so that they cannot continue to keep coming back,” Mary Ann Mendoza said.Like Rosenberg, Mendoza has turned her grief into activism, starting a memorial foundation to continue her fallen son’s legacy and urging policymakers to take the issue more seriously.
The Great Silver Mystery…REVEALED!

Let me start off by saying that what I am going to postulate should not in any way be considered fact…because I am not in possession of proof. I am merely postulating on where all the mystery silver comes from to be sold on the physical silver market.
Since the early 2000’s almost every serious silver analyst has been pounding the table that there is no above ground silver available and it is the “buy of a lifetime”. But at the same time, silver prices never seem to live up to their expectation. Of course, anyone with an ounce of common sense can see that the COMEX and LME silver markets are rigged by a powerful cabal of bankers (and others) that seem to be above the law (or more likely, in collusion with the law), but at the end of the day physical silver must be delivered for industrial applications and investors taking possession. So where does it all come from? ….I think I may have stumbled upon the answer!
After a grueling day of watching another COMEX silver rigging operation in late December, I turned on the History Channel for some mindless entertainment. The program that was running was called “Lost Worlds – Secret Cities of the A-Bomb” (you can buy it here It was an investigative piece on the Manhattan Project focusing on the Top Secret city that was built in Oakridge, TN and a facility called Y-12. The program was interesting to me, but one part specifically made me jump up out of my seat and run to my computer to find out what it was all about...continue article here
Individuals Join Together to ‘Walk Away’ From Democratic Party: “We walked away alone, but now we march together.”


WASHINGTON—The mainstream media ignored it completely. President Donald Trump wrote about it on Twitter. And on a rainy weekend, the members of the Walk Away movement made a statement about recovering themselves and loving America.
The five-month-old Walk Away campaign—the joining of individuals who used Facebook to express their desire to leave the Democratic Party—became so much more than a hashtag, with a three-day festival marked by high spirits, fiery speeches, and a pretty good turnout, despite the cold rain.
On Twitter, progressive pedants posted photos from unflattering angles, seeking to prove that the crowd was smaller than the 5,500 claimed by organizers. Nevertheless, it was a triumph for the new, hybrid grassroots movement that, in some ways, has picked up where the Tea Party left off.
The motley movement that has confounded and enraged the left proved itself, first of all, to be human (not bots—digital creations used to manipulate social media—as some on the left had claimed), and humorous and determined, to boot.
On Oct. 27, with a short, 15-minute march in the rain from John Marshall Park to Freedom Plaza, Walk Away strode into the American populist, free-speech renaissance that’s exploding nationwide in the era of Trump. People descended from all across the country to attend the various events. One couple even came all the way from New Zealand... continue article here
How Vermont’s Catholic Church hid decades of child abuse

BURLINGTON — Before Vermont Catholic Bishop Christopher Coyne invited questions at a recent press conference pledging cooperation with a current local and state investigation of past church-related misconduct, he turned to reporters with his own inquiry.
“Want me to mike up?” he asked. “Any problem with the sound?”
Longtime observers of the statewide Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington couldn’t believe what they were hearing. They remember the church’s muzzling response regarding the late priest Michael Madden, who was charged with sexual improprieties during a 20-year career at five parishes and the local St. Joseph’s Orphanage — the latter the subject of a recent BuzzFeed story that sparked the new probe.
In the 1980s, a county state’s attorney tried to subpoena then-Bishop John Marshall, who served from 1972 to 1992, to testify in court. The diocese, citing the Bible and the U.S. Constitution, argued its leader was immune from such calls.
“In order for the church, its priests and bishops … to enjoy the constitutional right to freely exercise their ecclesiastical or religious functions,” one of its lawyers argued, “it is essential that they have independence from state authority.”
A judge went on to rule the diocese had to provide internal information. But the church didn’t comply with that demand either, prompting the state to drop multiple sexual assault charges against Madden in return for a no-contest plea on a single count of lewd and lascivious conduct.

The priest, spared prison with a deferred sentence, opted out of a state Corrections Department sex offender treatment program for a church-run alternative. There he told a therapist he had molested dozens of teenage boys — only to go on to violate his probation six times and, only because of that, serve two years in jail.
Vermont’s Catholic Church is making headlines this fall by agreeing to work with law enforcement, releasing past child abuse victims from nondisclosure agreements and forming a lay committee to review clergy misconduct files and publicly release the names of abusers — news in part because the state’s largest religious denomination has a decades-long history of defying court orders and outside review... continue article here
Yes, He Can and No, He Can't
By Anna Von Reitz
There is a big flap this morning because President Trump is trying to end the "Anchor Baby" provisions that immigrants and the INS have been abusing, by ending birthright citizenship claims related to "U.S. Citizenship".
people have reacted in alarm and thought that this means that he has
power to end their birthright claims of nationality and State
The real answer is: yes, he can, and no, he can't.
President of a corporation, already empowered by over 350 "emergency
powers" granted to his Office by the British Territorial United States
Congress back in the 1930's and continued by their Successors, Donald J.
Trump can do darn near anything in the wide world he wants to do with
respect to the day to day operations of that corporation, its
subsidiaries, its subcontractors, its employees, its policies, and its
statutory "laws".
was, after all, their policy to allow "Anchor Babies" to provide their
families with instant access to our country in the first place, and many
would argue an irresponsible policy, too. It is Mr. Trump's job as
President to alter corporate policies as necessary to deal with
emergencies. The "National Emergency" status as already been declared.
He is already in position to move. God bless him. Being born on
American soil makes the baby an American, but doesn't (necessarily) make
him a "U.S. Citizen".
I have been trying to get exactly this point across for many months.
said, as President of a foreign corporation, Donald J. Trump has no
ability or authorization to tamper with any aspect of American
nationality or American State Citizenship. As above, it is entirely
possible for a baby born on the soil of California to be a Californian,
but there is nothing that makes his Mother or Father a Californian,
too. They have already been born on the soil of Honduras or Mexico or
wherever else, which establishes their nationality and citizenship
obligations, if any.
idea that they could busload hundreds of women in late pregnancy to the
border, offload them like cattle, and then simply wait for them to give
birth on American soil and thereby get a free pass for everyone in the
family all the way back to the grandparents to become "U.S. citizens"
was always crackpot and a means to end run around the Public Law.
is also a cruelly deceptive means to entrap these people who are
seeking freedom in the corporate enslavement racket instead.
and Hondurans are not worth as much as slaves in the international
slave market, but when they cross our border they magically gain in
value astronomically, simply by having the label "U.S. citizen" attached
to them. This sets up a situation where both the corporations serving
"as" governments can profit by their migration.
the U.S. Government has to do is provide a cut of the resulting profit
to the Honduran or Mexican or other "government" corporation, and they
will be happy to send an unending supply of new "U.S. citizens" to our
borders. This is profitable for both corporations, because the value of
an average "U.S. citizen" is far and away above any welfare costs or
benefits the people ever receive, and the "U.S." Inc. can borrow against
the value of its "citizenry" in the world slave market, thus providing
extra income for the vermin in DC.
That is the dirty reason for all the dirty Democrats supporting mass immigration.
It's also the reason for all the forced immigration of Muslims -- quite apart from the wars in the Middle East -- into Europe.
German "citizen" is worth a lot more than a Yemen "citizen" and the
guilty governments are profiting themselves without regard for the
people they are supposed to serve.
I gave a
citation yesterday regarding "U.S. citizenship" and got back a response
that someone went online and couldn't find it.
be aware that if you want to read law you have to go to a Law Library
and read the hard copy, and if you want to know what really happened you
have to go into the case files. What appears online is often heavily
redacted, simplified, and annotated in various ways. Second, it has been
profitable to the knaves to hide key citations and they have done so,
just as they have burned books and suppressed treaties throughout their
history. Third, that's far, far from the only citation giving you the
same facts (and more) about the issue of "citizenship".
a few more to cut your teeth on, for all of you who aren't sure that
there is a difference between being an American and being a "U.S.
“We have in our political system a
government of the United States and a government of each of the several States.
Each one of these governments is distinct from the others, and each has
citizens of its own...” United
States v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542 (1875)
“...he was not a citizen of the United States, he was a citizen and voter of the State,...” “One may be a citizen of a State and yet not a citizen of the United States”. McDonel v. The State, 90 Ind. 320 (1883)
“That there is a citizenship of the United States and citizenship of a state,...” Tashiro v. Jordan, 201 Cal. 236 (1927)
"A citizen of the United States is a citizen of the federal government ..." Kitchens v. Steele, 112 F.Supp 383
"On the other hand, there is a significant historical fact in all of this. Clearly, one of the purposes of the 13th and 14th Amendments and of the 1866 act and of section 1982 was to give the Negro citizenship. Jones v. Alfred H. Mayer Co. (1967), 379 F.2d 33, 43.
"The object of the 14th Amendment, as is well known, was to confer upon the colored race the right of citizenship. " United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U. S. 649, 692.
“The governments of the United States and of each state of the several states are distinct from one another. The rights of a citizen under one may be quite different from those which he has under the other”. Colgate v. Harvey, 296 U.S. 404; 56 S.Ct. 252 (1935)
“There is a difference between privileges and immunities belonging to the citizens of the United States as such, and those belonging to the citizens of each state as such”.
Ruhstrat v. People, 57 N.E. 41 (1900)
“The rights and privileges, and immunities which the fourteenth constitutional amendment and Rev. St. section 1979 [U.S. Comp. St. 1901, p. 1262], for its enforcement, were designated to protect, are such as belonging to citizens of the United States as such, and not as citizens of a state”. Wadleigh v. Newhall 136 F. 941 (1905)
“...rights of national citizenship as distinct from the fundamental or natural rights inherent in state citizenship”. Madden v. Kentucky, 309 U.S. 83: 84 L.Ed. 590 (1940)
“...he was not a citizen of the United States, he was a citizen and voter of the State,...” “One may be a citizen of a State and yet not a citizen of the United States”. McDonel v. The State, 90 Ind. 320 (1883)
“That there is a citizenship of the United States and citizenship of a state,...” Tashiro v. Jordan, 201 Cal. 236 (1927)
"A citizen of the United States is a citizen of the federal government ..." Kitchens v. Steele, 112 F.Supp 383
"On the other hand, there is a significant historical fact in all of this. Clearly, one of the purposes of the 13th and 14th Amendments and of the 1866 act and of section 1982 was to give the Negro citizenship. Jones v. Alfred H. Mayer Co. (1967), 379 F.2d 33, 43.
"The object of the 14th Amendment, as is well known, was to confer upon the colored race the right of citizenship. " United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U. S. 649, 692.
“The governments of the United States and of each state of the several states are distinct from one another. The rights of a citizen under one may be quite different from those which he has under the other”. Colgate v. Harvey, 296 U.S. 404; 56 S.Ct. 252 (1935)
“There is a difference between privileges and immunities belonging to the citizens of the United States as such, and those belonging to the citizens of each state as such”.
Ruhstrat v. People, 57 N.E. 41 (1900)
“The rights and privileges, and immunities which the fourteenth constitutional amendment and Rev. St. section 1979 [U.S. Comp. St. 1901, p. 1262], for its enforcement, were designated to protect, are such as belonging to citizens of the United States as such, and not as citizens of a state”. Wadleigh v. Newhall 136 F. 941 (1905)
“...rights of national citizenship as distinct from the fundamental or natural rights inherent in state citizenship”. Madden v. Kentucky, 309 U.S. 83: 84 L.Ed. 590 (1940)
always note, that the so-called "Revised Statutes" were never actually
enrolled on the Federal Register, that is, never actually "Revised"
except for internal corporate use, because those making the revisions
never had the power or authority to make them apply generally.
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