Johnson & Johnson claims that "Splenda is made from
sugar, so it tastes like sugar". Johnson & Johnson wants
consumers to think that it is natural sugar without calories.
Splenda derives from a chlorocarbon chemical that contains three atoms of
chlorine in every one of its molecules. The manufacturer of this
chlorinated compound named it sucralose. The improper use of “ose” in
the name creates the illusion that
sucralose is natural like sucrose which is the precise name for table sugar.
The patent literature illustrates that sucralose can be chemically
manufactured from starting materials that do not require natural sugar.
In one patent, for example, the manufacturer constructs sucralose from
raffinose by substituting atoms of chlorine for
hydroxyl groups in raffinose.
In another patented process three atoms of chlorine are substituted for three
hydroxyl groups in sucrose. The end product of both of these
manufacturing processes is an entirely new chlorocarbon chemical
called sucralose.
Fiction: Once eaten, Splenda simply passes through the body.
Fact: This is what the manufacturer of Splenda claims, and consumers who
realize they are actually eating chlorine may
hope it is true, but the FDA determined that as much as 27% of sucralose can
be absorbed by the body. This is particularly alarming for a chemical
substance containing chlorine. Clearly the makers of Splenda are not being
entirely forthcoming about their product's influence in the body.
We're a global volunteer force warning all consumers off the
deadly neurotoxin, aspartame, marketed as NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful,
E951,Canderel, etc. This is the answer to the epidemic of diabetes.
So why is
aspartame/NutraSweet/Equal/Diet Coke/Diet Pepsi/etc on the market and in
thousands of foods? Can you say CORRUPTION? One FDA Commissioner and one
acting Commissioner have changed sides to work in the NutraSweet industry,
plus 6 underlings and two federal attorneys assigned to prosecute
NutraSweet for submitting fraudulent tests to get it approved. "It's
like a script for Abbott & Costello." lamented an honest FDA
scientist writing to Senator Metzenbaum. It works like this: "Approve
our poison, and when you stop being a bureaucrat we'll make you a
plutocrat! After its licensed we'll pay off the American Dietetics, the
American Diabetes Association, the AMA and anyone we need who's for
Jim Turner, Esq., consumer attorney recalls his meeting with
Rumsfeld, an goes a little into the strong arm tactics used by Donald
Rumsfeld, and that Ronald Reagan signed a Executive Order to prevent the
FDA from stopping the marketing of Aspartame / Equal.)
Bush has announced a $7.1 billion strategy to prepare for
the danger of a pandemic influenza outbreak, saying he wanted to stockpile
enough vaccine to protect 20 million Americans and spend $1 billion on more
anti-viral drugs. The World Bank is Also going to put up $1 Billion to
"Fight Bird Flu". Not to mention the scores of foreign
governments who are scrambling to stock up on vaccines.
So it comes as little surprise to discover that a whole host of globalists
and Administration front-runners are set to personally rake millions of
dollars in from the bird flu scare.
A year ago Tamiflu was known, if at all, as an obscure remedy for
influenza, which doctors typically treat with bed rest and chicken soup.
Today, with panic mounting over a potential bird flu pandemic, it's the
most sought-after drug in the world.
Among the beneficiaries of the run on Tamiflu is
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld,
who was chairman of Gilead from 1997 to 2001 and owns at least $5 million
of the stock, which has jumped from $35 in April to $47

Recall that it was Rumsfeld, as chairman of G.D. Searle, who
got the FDA to approve Aspartame.
The FDA relented for almost a decade but now Aspartame, an artificial
sweetener and known carcinogen that has 92 known side effects
Readers can be helpful, and one just wrote in to inform us
of a link that we had never imagined - Donald
Rumsfeld, until he resigned and joined the Bush Administration, was
the chairman of something called Gilead which just happened to make
something called Tamiflu.
Now anyone who hasn't been on Mars for the last month or two, knows that
there were only two things that were going to stop the human version of
bird flu. One was a bird flu vaccine (which probably would work better if
you were a bird) and the other was something called Tamiflu. Yes, that
Tamiflu. In such short supply that the hundreds of millions of orders that
have been pouring into Gilead probably won't be filled for another 12
months or so. But everyone has got to have it because somehow
or other it became established that Tamiflu really worked.
This was the party line, anyway, for about a week, until word began
trickling back in that maybe Tamiflu didn't work.
In fact, the word on Tamiflu has always been positive at first and then
eventually negative. It's a kind of pattern. We even find corroboration of
it here on the, in what appears to be either a chat room or
news roundup as follows, "Rummy was CEO of Gilead Sciences until named
to the Bush cabinet and, like Cheney, still has ties that bind to the 'old
company.' Now isn't it an 'amazing coincidence'
that the drug Tamiflu patented by Gilead Sciences is being
pushed by the National Institutes of Allergies and Infectious
Diseases as the NUMBER ONE choice for flu, which, wonder of wonders, is
sweeping through in one epidemic after another.
"You couldn't even construct a study that shows
thimerosal is safe," says Haley, who heads the chemistry department at
the University of Kentucky. It's just too darn toxic. If you inject
thimerosal into an animal, its brain will sicken.
The story of how government health agencies colluded with Big Pharma to
hide the risks of thimerosal from the public is a chilling case study of
institutional arrogance, power and greed.
Evidence suggests, our public-health authorities knowingly allowed the
pharmaceutical industry to poison an entire generation of American
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, who has received $873,000
in contributions from the pharmaceutical industry, has been working to
immunize vaccine makers from liability in 4,200 lawsuits - Frist slipped
another provision into an anti-terrorism bill that would deny compensation
to children suffering from vaccine-related brain disorders.
1 comment:
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