Thursday, April 23, 2015

Bill Gates Admits "Vaccines Are Used for Human Depopulation"


Following are two short excerpts from a filmed TED presentation by none other than Bill "Microsoft" Gates.

At the heart of Gates' address lies the central Global Warming dogma, which dictates that Co2 emitted by human beings are the primary culprit for the unwanted heating of the globe. Since this artificial alleged human-induced heating effect allegedly stands to devastate the planet if left unabated, Global Warming dogma proponents (Al Gore being one of those) therefore argue that human Co2 emissions must be drastically reduced. As Gates casually addresses the issue, he goes on to state that one way to accomplish this goal is to reduce the global human population.

ERRATUM: To be completely fair and accurate, I should have stated that Gates seeks to reduce the anticipated growth of the human population rather than that he seeks to reduce the current population.

I admit that the latter slogan, that is contained in the video, is a bit misleading and I do not want to insinuate that Gates seeks to kill off currently living people. He rather seeks to lower the projected population growth.

He postulates the central equation, giving an estimation of the humanly emitted C02 load per year, to be:

Co2 = P times S times E times C

Where P stands for the population number, S the average number of services per person, E the average amount of energy units per service, and C the average Co2 emitted load per unit of service, per year; Co2 stands for the projected total humanly emitted carbon-dioxide load by the entire population per year.

In the first clip you will hear Gates state in plain language that he considers VACCINES to be desirable to bring down the future population number P and so reduce Co2. You will also casually hear Gates promoting HEALTH CARE and REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES to accomplish that same C02 reducing goal.
Here are Bill Gates' verbatim words [square parentheses additions for clarification purposes are mine though]:
"The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that [number of 9 billion] by perhaps 10 or 15 percent. But there we see an increase of about 1.3 [billion]."

Let's focus on the vaccines. Gates is stating that he considers vaccines to be useful in contributing to bring the projected population growth of 2.2 billion down to 1.3 billion, roughly one billion. What kind of properties can thus reasonably be deduced that vaccines are to have according to Gates? Well, basically all the properties that impede people to either have children or successfully rear them. In other words, Gates implicitly advocates the definition of his favorite kind of vaccine to be one that fosters infertility, sterility and (early onset) senility (autism) alike.

Note that Gates does not mention a word on the much touted purported intention of vaccines: to offer protection against relevant diseases and therefore, as such, precisely prolong life. Given the abundance of toxins in vaccines (see my blog for some links of simply Google "toxin ingredient vaccine"), the position that vaccines contribute to decrease mortality rates is kind of hard to maintain.

So Gates proves to be quite the humanitarian there, huh?

In the second excerpt you hear Gates explain what he considers to be the single most important thing that he would choose to see become a reality in the future time span of 50 years. He again confirms his "love" for the vaccine.

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Anonymous said...

LISTEN UP.... Here are Bill Gates' verbatim words [square parentheses additions for clarification purposes are mine though]:
"The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that [number of 9 billion] by perhaps 10 or 15 percent. But there we see an increase of about 1.3 [billion]."..IT IS OUR FIGURES THAT IF WE START WITH THIS EVIL MONSTER AND SHOOT HIM, HIS WIFE AND HIE MUNSTER KIDS WITH THERE VACCINES THE WORLD CAN POPULATE ALL IT WANTS...... NEXT TIME YOU FLY .....LOOK DOWN AT CITIES AND SEE IF YOU CAN EVEN SEE A HUMAN....GATES AND HIS ROTHSCHILD WIFE NEEDTO BE HUNG....

Anonymous said...

"I admit that the latter slogan, that is contained in the video, is a bit misleading and I do not want to insinuate that Gates seeks to kill off currently living people. He rather seeks to lower the projected population growth."

It does not matter what he seeks the already documented deaths and injuries from his fanatical views and ideas on vaccines alone not to mention the GMO food he produces creates unnecessary health problems. And now the big push to eliminate choice of vaccinations makes it even more clear the ultimate goal for these genocidal maniacs is MASSIVE DEPOPULATION. Forcing a needle in the innocent makes it TOO EASY for them. And if the masses allow forced vaccines the chip will also be included. It sure is clear as the driven snow humanity is faced with THEIR END GAME! It is good against evil. Evil wants 500 million people on planet earth to rule over. But GOOD PEOPLE truly want peace and tranquility. Oligarchs be damned! If there is a positive US military an American putsch is highly in order just like the state dept. did in Ukraine you are WELCOME to do the same here in the USA.

Anonymous said...

I am one on of those the inside if you will and I am terrified of a holocaust of retribution from the people I have betrayed. I see and feel the winds of change very clearly. This happened before when a small band of determined men of resolve rose up against the world's mightiest empire and won. The first American Revolution. I have my ear to the ground from many sources and I don't like being a target believe me, or my family either, so I guess I'm whistle-blowing a bit. Jade Helm is all about FEAR. Oh we want to scare you to be sure but the truth is we are far more scared of you than you are of us. How did Viet Nam and Afghanistan drive out the world two biggest military powers? Sustained Guerrilla warfare. What I have been finding out about is some of the tactics coming at us. Like the fact that there are 1000"s of fifty caliber rifles out there and one well placed bullet can down an Apache helicopter or stop an armored vehicle. Also Molotov cocktails launched by crude catapults into swarms of officers. Then the real scary is the poor man's silencer using a two liter soda bottle taped over the barrel. I have Intel that there are killer squads ready to start killing police and politicians. bankers etc. with stand down warnings or else they continue. Christ I wouldn't want to be a foreign troop in this kind of hornets’ nest, would you? The American Militia numbers around 25 million. There are two million hunters with powerful scoped sniper rifles ready to go to war for freedom. I know the truth of what we have done and our betrayal of public trust. I guess I'm posting this out of guilt and maybe a plea for mercy when the SHTF. I know I'm not alone too. The ivory tower is crumbling under our feet and judgment day is dawning. May God and the people have mercy upon us.

Anonymous said...

No need to worry Anonymous 2.....

We will be VERY Merciful.....

At Camp Graywater, we'll take you out back and shoot you right there......With the Vaccine!!!


All for population control purposes, of course.

Freewill said...

Depopulation? My idea would be to get rid of bankers, all employees of the corporate UNITED STATES that are guilty of oppressing the people, bar card holders and judges, doctors guilty of pushing poisonous big pharma drugs, lying news people, violent police, child pedofiles, all those involved in GMO foods, owners of companies that are in collusion with agenda21 including che trail pilots and employees, and of course they all have a chance to go in front of a Due Jure grand jury for trial on their conduct. The good world would benefit greatly by this reduction!

Anonymous said...

If they aren't already mortally wounded in the mass shooting, their final judgment will be in front of a military tribunal with the legally seated Grand Jury for immediate disbursement and hanging where required.

No other deal!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

One or both of Bill Gates' parents were involved in the founding or implementation of
'Planned Parenthood', maybe he inherited his ideological obsession.

He and Melinda have three (3) children I believe, shouldn't he have had a vasectomy after two?
After all, he should practice what he preaches.
The Chinese are certainly respecting his wishes by limiting only one child per family.

I wonder if he'll be hard to arrest, have you seen that luxury floating yacht he can hide away on?
It is the epitomy of ostentatious superiority.

Geniuses like him could never conceive of teaching something as basic and easy as
'natural family planning' through education.
Don't laugh, both sexes in all countries could learn to use something like an 'abacus'; (or a calendar),
you only have to know how to count to 28 (or 30). Make the sliding beads a different color for
'days of abstention' from intercourse. That only amounts to about six days, what's the big deal?

Or yet another idea using education as a teaching tool, give the female populations the simplest
designed possible 'basal body thermometers'. Teach them to take their own temperatures and again, temp rising within the 'zone', abstention from intercourse, what's the big deal?

Of course Bill should already have been gifting all of his target populations with unlimited supplies of condoms,
and training for usage.
* (Definitely DISREGARD the archaic interference from the Roman church; they have proven to be of no help with any real plight of the physical health and well being any third world nations have battled. Proof of that:
they never genuinely intended to put their resources behind 'Mother Theresa', and let her monitor an unchanging situation for years with no improvement).

Bill Gates has a viewpoint that makes something natural and easy, harder than it should be.

The only thing people really need help with is access to clean water.


The main things people need to be inoculated for, are the parasites in the unclean contaminated water supplies, probably with antibiotics.

Now that Bill has notably harmed some villages with things they never had before his 'miraculous' vaccines
arrived on location;
the next time someone sees him, please ask him to bend over for a complimentary
combo 'Gates Foundation' vaccine.
Tell him it will only hurt for a minute, and we're really not sure what the side effects will be.
But he can be assured of the best future medical care his money can buy.

All he needs to do is retract his need for big pharma profits and make the switch over to
global water purification systems.

Countries don't need his help with population control,
they've been regulating their reproductive lives for centuries without the
benevolence of the Gates Foundation.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...