MessageTo the Radical Left: “ Conservatives Have Only Begun to Fight ! “
The famous humorist Mark Twain has been oft-quoted for his remark that, “Everyone talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.“
Today millions of Constitutional Conservatives, Libertarians and Christians are talking about the wanton destruction of America being carried out by the radical left, but nobody is doing anything about it. Untold thousands of writers, broadcast journalists and pundits are talking about the steady march of statist tyranny, but there are few activist individuals or groups on the front lines actively doing anything to stop the advance of this evil.
This writer views this from a frustrating perspective, that we are on the defensive, when defeat of the Godless Left will only be possible by taking the OFFENSIVE.
The once-unimaginable events unfolding in America today cause one to wonder how long until liberal statists, gays and other leftist radicals begin using donated funds from statist-allied corporations to build Roman-style coliseums and import African Lions for our collective slaughter.
Given the obvious animosity and hatred these radical leftists are constantly directing toward Constitutional Conservatives and Christians, coupled with a reckless abandonment of the Rule of Law, will anyone dare to directly challenge the unbridled evil of the left when they begin selling tickets for stadium seats to watch lions attack and kill Conservatives and Christians as in the old Roman Empire?
It is the mindset and mantra of the Left that, if you are against their agenda, you are against them and must be silenced or eliminated. In the early 1960s, President John F. Kennedy remarked during a Civil Rights speech that America could not remain or be a nation with rights for everyone "except Negroes".
Today in America the radical left believes in and acts upon an agenda that with great bellicosity, insist no one even has a right to oppose, and must literally embrace. To paraphrase President Kennedy, the left believes in "Freedom of Speech" except for Conservatives. They believe in “Freedom of Religion“ except for Christians. They believe in “Freedom of Association“ except for Christians and Christian business owners. Indeed, the Left believes in a Bill of Rights, but only as applied to them.
Opposing the evil and immoral agenda of the radical left in America today means all too often that a high-level corporate manager will lose his job because of how he voted in a free democratic election several years earlier.
A private or public sector employee will be fired or suspended for sharing his or her Christian faith with a fellow co-worker.
A soldier in the military will be drummed out of the service for discussing the Holy Bible Scriptures with a fellow soldier.
A business owner will be subjected to a nationwide hate campaign and driven out of business simply for the free expression of their religious beliefs in honest answer to a reporter’s “ambush“ question.
Christians and Constitutional Conservatives have now replaced pre-Civil Rights era Negroes in the mindset of the radical Left. Radical leftists are now working feverishly to persuade our Courts and Legislatures to enact 21stCentury “Jim Crow“ style laws to marginalize and disenfranchise Conservatives, Christians and anyone who opposes their oppressive, tyrannical agenda.
We who believe in the Constitution, Bill of Rights, the Rule of Law and Judeo-Christian morality are the new “Second-Class Citizens" destined to be silenced and crushed by the left.
Seriously, America, as Conservatives and Christians are we going to talk nonstop about these atrocities, or are we going to take to the streets across America and come to our own defense?
What Conservatives must do immediately is to take the offensive with enormous passion and missionary zeal and turn the tables on the radical left. We must unite for action with numbers in the tens of millions and ignite a "Civil Rights" movement of our own.
Rather than allowing ourselves to be pushed around by these thuggish bullies on the left, losing our jobs, our businesses and, as mentioned prominently in the Declaration of Independence, “Our Sacred Honor", we must exercise the right to resist evil.
When threatened, attacked, sued, arrested or otherwise coerced by the thugs of the radical left, we MUST in turn counter those attacks for what they truly are - criminal conspiracies, criminal acts, organized crime and overt civil injury.
Long overdue is a hue and cry for massive protests, massive demonstrations, and massive acts of civil disobedience.
Long overdue is a nationwide response of action to fill our streets, the galleries of our legislatures and the halls of justice with massive protests, massive demonstrations, massive acts of civil disobedience, massive numbers of civil lawsuits and massive demands for the arrest and conviction of the criminals of the radical left who are committing crimes against human dignity and human rights all across America.
To paraphrase Thomas Jefferson, because our government has clearly become destructive of the ends of ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness' it becomes our right and our duty to alter or to abolish it!
The radical left is “taking no prisoners". They are clearly out for the blood of Christians, Conservatives and anyone who defends our Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They have clearly declared war on anyone who opposes statism, collectivism, and Judeo-Christian morality.
We MUST, in turn, declare all-out war against the left. Rhetoric is necessary, but it is all too clear that if America is to defeat the evil culture working ruthlessly to obliterate us, we must take action and engage this enemy in battle in every state, county and precinct in this nation.
This is not a war of words. It is total war being waged against Conservatives by the radical left and, if this total war is to be won and this enemy defeated, Constitutional Conservatives MUST take the offensive, and DO SO NOW.
Clearly the Courts are against us. The Administration despises us. The newly elected Republican Congress is doing little or nothing to keep its empty promises from November.
We must call upon the sleeping giants of America to awaken, arise and fight! Church pastors, you MUST shout from our Church pulpits and exhort our nation’s Christian citizens and congregations to fight and resist.
School Board Members, shout out to parents and taxpayers that they MUST fight and resist the evil propaganda and indoctrination that passes for an academic curriculum in our schools and universities.
County Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police, you MUST shout out against the rampant lawlessness of our nation and urge EVERY deputy and officer in your rank and file to RESIST and fight this oppression.
We are finished as a Republic by the end of next year unless millions of all-too complacent conservatives engage this enemy on the radical left, resist and take the fight directly to them. The radical leftists are the criminals engaging in organized crime, racketeering and organized criminal conspiracies on a massive scale.
To paraphrase the legendary Captain of the Revolutionary War Frigate Bonhomme Richard, Captain John Paul Jones, when the enemy British ship captain demanded his surrender, said “We have not yet begun to fight"!
I call upon every freedom and liberty loving conservative across America to loudly proclaim to the radical left that "WE HAVE ONLY BEGUN TO FIGHT!!!" THIS BATTLE FOR FREEDOM IS NOT WITH 'THE PEOPLE.' THE ENEMY'S BATTLE IS TRULY WITH THE LORD, AND NOTHING AND NO ONE CAN DEFEAT HIM!!! HE HAS ALREADY WON!!! I Chronicles 20:15
May the good Lord YAH bless, provide for and protect EVERY ONE OF US and give us VICTORY AS WE MAKE A STAND WITH HIM FOR TRUTH, JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUSNESS!!!!
1 comment:
Those calling themselves "conservatives" in our government today are NOT "fighting" anything except the American People that elected them to represent us (them). This is a despicable lot of treasonists and liars that need permanent residence in prison instead of CONgress. Looking toward ANY of our elected office holders will only frustrate and disillusion further. Apathy and ignorance are killing our once great, respected country and will only continue until the People "take it back"!!!
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