from SGT
Harley Schlanger, Historian and National Spokesman for LaRouchePAC joins us to decipher all the latest fascist tyranny in the “Land of the free”.
On the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: “Obama drew a line in the sand and said to our allies, “You must not join the AIIB.” And one by one our allies have turned their back on him.”
On the California Drought: “This IS a form of
population reduction. Jerry Brown stated last week the nature of
California can sustain only 300,000 – 500,000 people. Now you’ve got 39
million people in that state, what’s going to happen to the other 38.5
million? This is a genocide waiting to happen.”
On Jeb VS. Hillary 2016: “These two candidate
represent everything that is terrible about the last two decades in the
United States. And yet they’re being portrayed as inevitable.”
On American populace: “Americans are CLUELESS on these broader issues.”
Friday, April 17, 2015
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There is no proof this is not a natural occurrence. Nobody can control the weather to this degree Droughts are always occurring somewhere. Just a few years ago the southeast US was in a severe drought. Water reservoirs and lakes were almost completely drained. However the rains returned and slowly over several years the aquifers refilled.
However, it will most likely be a natural population reducer. Illegals have chosen to crowd into this state because they have overcrowded themselves out of Mexico. The same thing will happen to California that happened in Mexico because there is no population or resource control. Overcrowding will completely drain the resources of California and destroy the state all in the name of liberalism.
It is very sad that no matter how weird the sky with lines like a checker board across the whole sky and no sun or the sun has a veil or sheath of paste over it; and the weather is so scary and weird that it has never happened before that there is always a naysayer that says, "There is no proof this is not a natural occurrence. Nobody can control the weather to this degree Droughts are always occurring somewhere. Just a few years ago the southeast US was in a severe drought. Water reservoirs and lakes were almost completely drained. However the rains returned and slowly over several years the aquifers refilled."
Good Lord. Really? Wake up people!!! You are the problem and the reason that we are still being Geo engineered.
"I do not believe the Gog and Magog war has begun!"
You are all kidding yourselves if you don't believe the Gog Magog war has begun!
Gog and Magog, the herald of mystery Babylon is Ancient Egypt.
And it is they who are going to wipe out the nation of Israel all-together and usher in the new ruling Pharoah. Catholicism and Protestantism, two sides of the Pharoah's septur are going to disappear entirely.
Replacing them, will be the arrival of the religion called New Age Christianity. This will be a revival for a good number of institutions worldwide.
Right before this occurs, you will see the removal and punishment of all the Priests, Druids, Jesuits, Tabernacle etc all of whom were nothing but cutouts for the Pharoah ever since 1 B.C. It will seem like a grand awakening has occurred with this Moon-centric Christianity.
It will deceive plenty, though not half the world. Believe it or not many of you won't see anything wrong with it, after all why not spread Christianity across the whole world and wipe out Israel?
Yes, the truth is they can't really harm most of you physically except in small numbers....Not because of armor but spiritual protection. You who have exit the Babylonian system of money and whom exit Babylon, have a very high barrier.
But they will easily deceive you.....and because of the persecutions of many a spiritual master, this time will be cut short a lot less than 3 years. As "Moon Christianity" takes over, Egypt will destroy all of Israel entirely which the Annunaki will have fulfilled.
After this comes very swift judgment worldwide if the Nephilim do not escape in their ship...
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